RETURN TO DUST [ wildheart ]


gotta get to rock bottom!
Jun 23, 2023
Family. Oh, that had been important, of course. Hawthornpaw had cherished- well, still does- her siblings and her parents with her whole heart. She'd give the world for them, and take just as much to keep them alive. Perhaps even her own life. Hawthornpaw had been sat up in camp, her head tilted and just barely avoiding the want to snooze in the sunlight. It was so easy for other cats to do, of course. However, the sound of other's moving around in camp kept her awake. Particularly, this time, it was Wildheart.

Now, he was the enigma of the family, she reckoned. Separated from the rest of them in age and skill, he had been around- but not as much as she wanted. Hawthornpaw had always looked up to him, from afar. Very afar. A sudden decision snapped into place inside of her. No more distance she decided. No more pussy footin' around. A grin broke on her muzzle, and she pushed to her paws, the black and white she-cat padded towards him, a proud look on her face and her ears perked. "Hey, Wildheart! Can we talk for a bit?" Hawthornpaw asked. He was her older brother, after all. That shouldn't have been an out of pocket request.

Wildheart wore one of his famous scowls as he meandered through the camp after freshly returning from the morning patrol. It wasn't like he had much to smile about these days, not with Patchpaw now gone from his life. No longer did he have a reason to come running back home with excitement in his step. With his love absent forever more he now only held one goal in life; to become leader. No more distractions, nothing could sway him from the path now.

The warrior had been heading for the freshkill pile when he heard his name being called by a familiar tone; Hawthornpaw. It prompted him to stop in his tracks and he slowly puffed out his fur as he held his head high. "Tch! Fine, but keep it quick. I'm a warrior with many duties to fulfil." His bond with his young siblings was rocky, to say the least. He had remained fairly distant, simply savouring the fact that they ate up his parent's time which gave him peace from their affections. The calico tom gestured towards the edge of the camp where it was quietest before heading over so he could settle himself down in the shade.

Oh, he didn't look happy. Her ears twitched, flattening for just a second- but she pushed forward with reckless abandon, her head held high with pride. Regardless of how he looked, she still asked, and was satisfied with his answer- not happy, but she could live with it. It wasn't a no anyways, and she could tolerate that, she decided! "A warrior with DUTIES? Hah. You said duty." The fresh apprentice snickered, but she followed him regardless, tail and head held high. Oh, wasn't she just an appearance?

She settled down next to him, stretching her paws out. It wasn't the sunlight, but it could do. As it was getting warmer, she figured that being in the cooler spots would feel better on her fur. Her head tilted up towards him, peering on before she finally spoke. And, of course, she started her statement unsuspecting at first. "How was your morning? Anything interesting on the morning patrol?" Small talk, Hawthornpaw reckoned, was the way to go to get information out of him. Yep, surely. ​
Wildheart truly had to fight back the desire to thump his sister's face right into the ground for such a lame joke. His claws idly flexed as the temptation lingered for a moment before it finally passed. "My morning was fine. Nothing to report from the patrol either, all the other clans are behaving and understand to keep out of ThunderClan's way. No boars on the route either, so I reckon the hunting patrol will head that way soon enough." He explained in a level tone and in the same vein he would address a lead warrior or deputy when providing a report. "And what of you? I assume you have a patrol later today, correct? Or do you plan on sneaking off and evading your work?"