revelation | cottonpaw

Life doesn't discriminate
Mismatched paws moved with purpose as he stalked through the dense grassland. Addervenom's ears are angled tight against his skull, practically glued as his head turns on a swivel. The search for his sister began the moment he left Weaselclaw's presence. Their father was in deplorable condition, just what kind of healer was Wolfsong if he couldn't stop a little bit of coughing. The ruff of his neck was prickling with unease the longer his thoughts lingered on the lead's withering form. "Cottonpaw," The tabby nearly hissed in a low tone, frustration building to a boiling point. A jerk of his thrashing serpentine tail beckoned her over. His anger did not lie with her, no. Addervenom didn't think he could ever bring himself to be upset with his littermate. But a situation he could not control? That had him seething.

Abruptly he turns his back, walking over to an area where the two could talk privately. "What in starclan's name is your hare-brained mentor doing out there?" He starts suddenly, shaking his head. "I just visited our father, why is he getting worse?" It wasn't her fault, Weasleclaw's condition would never be her fault. But the tabby looked as if he could barely lift his head from his paws when he announced his warrior name to him. Claws flex with each pacing step, glinting in the low moonlight. "Whatever he's doing, it's not enough." Addervenom adds, turning to face the young healer once more. (@cottonpaw)
Between the sinners and the saints
[ ignore how late this is weeeeeeeeeee ]

Cottonpaw pulls leaves from a stem when her brother calls her name. Her tail twitches with surprise, and admittedly some dread as she fears that Addervenom's garnered the illness. He beckons her away from her work and she nods, slipping away from the herbal scented den to follow him closer to the open. His frustration is palpable, though admittedly the grey she-cat couldn't tell if it was with her or -

He speaks, and though he settles her confusion, he only troubles her further. "I -" her tone stumbles as he talks - he's fair to be upset, but not with Wolfsong, and hopefully not with her. She swallows and flicks her tail to rest it gently against her brother's side, "It's okay to be angry, Adderpaw - venom. Addervenom," she tries to share a smile with him in spite of her mistake, "But - trust me, Wolfsong, he's doing all he can. I even tried bringing Weaselclaw something to eat and something to soothe his throat, but he..."

She trails off, her gaze falling from him to their paws. Her mouth goes dry and for a moment she debates telling her brother what Weaselclaw told her. She would've considered it a secret if not for Moorpaw being so close. "He says we're cursed," she breathes slowly. "At least - when I visited him, it's all he would say to me. He wouldn't take anything I gave him, and I'm sure it's no different for Wolfsong."