oneshot revelation -lightflower one-shot

Jan 19, 2024
Lightflower padded out of camp with a heavy sigh. Just saying things had been rough lately was an understatement. Since Ravenstrike had reamed her in front of the whole clan, she was a different cat. The wolves, though a tragic and horrible mistake, were not to define her. Solitude over the past few weeks had given her perspective. Her guilt had lessened, though it would probably never lift fully from her shoulders. That simply was the burden StarClan had given her to bear. She padded along the edge of the ravine, having climbed it with ease for the thousandth time. Her mind, full and noisy, had distracted her from any particular destination within ThunderClan territory.

Her pawsteps faltered upon realizing her surroundings. The graveyard. She may not be defined by the wolves, but the still somewhat fresh grave of Sunfreckle made her heart heavy with guilt yet again. She stepped forward to be in front of the gravestone. "Thank you," she murmured out loud. As if there were enough words to convey such a feeling. Not only had he sacrificed himself for the clan, he'd sacrificed himself for Roeflame. Her prior mentor meant everything to her. Her parents weren't exactly around much, she was an only child, so Roeflame was the closest cat to her. Imagining a world without the silver molly was too much for her. "I'm so sorry it came to this," she added. The setting sun was almost a taunt to her words. The world moves on. Do you? It says. Lightflower thought of Badgerstripe, insulting her to come with on a useless expidition. Phloxdawn, following easily. And the one who hurt the most, Palefire. The other she-cat had wanted to stay firmly in her place protecting the clan. And she had been right for that. Lightflower had been weak, allowing a light taunt to goad her into following. She couldn't even place blame on the others. Naivete sprung from youth, as it always did. Palefire had merely tried to bring them home when the sound of the wolves howl sent ice through all of their veins.

She shuddered with the thought of hiding in the branches of a tree near camp, listening to the frightened screams of her clanmates. What were they to do then? Risk their lives? There hadn't been any good reason to at that point. The damage was done. All there was to do now was repent. Prove her loyalty and undying faith in ThunderClan, StarClan, and herself. Palefire had done nothing except be supportive, even through the worst of it. She needed to remember to thank her. Beg her forgiveness for her distance. Maybe even her other friends. She wasn't sure yet. Rising to her paws, she found a stray flower. She picked it as gently as she could muster, and left the gift on Sunfreckle's grave as a token of her gratitude. "I hope you can forgive me," she whispered.
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