revelation | thistleback


sometimes I lose my way
Sep 7, 2022
Angry at all the things I can't change
He'd seen it again earlier that day, that distant look in the bristle backed urchin's eyes. The same look given after orders were given to cover all evidence of Kuiper's felled form. Thistleback appeared haunted by his own actions, robotic and different a far cry from the man Coyotepaw knew. But could he blame him? The flaxen tom had undergone a similar transformation during his time spent on the moors. A border skirmish that left him feeling like more of a monster than a cat. The detachment he felt within himself was something he still struggled with most days. Worry guides his paws as he seeks the lead warrior. A twinge of annoyance is stifled, picking up the sound of a guard looming ever close. His attention flickers to the hovering individual and they stop, deciding to leave him be long enough to speak with Thistleback.

Distance is closed between the pair, head low as he lopes to his father's side. Tucking his chin to his chest Coyotepaw gently butts his skull against the man's shoulder. A wordless sign of comfort and support as he moves into a seated position beside him, fur brushing during the fluid movement. He allows silence to remain between them as he stares at his paws. That silence is finally shattered as miny hues steal a glance up at gunmetal. "You're not alone in this, dad. I think you did the right thing." He whispers softly, lips pursing into a thin line momentarily. He looks away, gaze travelling back down to his paws. "You've always looked out for me...let me be there for you." He murmurs, looking back up at him. (@ThistleBack)
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
Thistleback didn’t have a defeated bone in his body, he didn’t process giving up not turning his back on anything. What he could feel though, is the static and the ache in his shoulders. The path he had laid out, and the ones he loved to bear witness to it all. His jaws rotate on the axis of bone, and with a paw to his temple he simply stares into the treeline with a harsh intensity but his sights were beyond figures, absorbing merely the cloudy grey of the sky that promised a light shower.

He’s ripped from his thoughts by the brush of fur on his shoulder, the sense of grounding warmth he felt when his children were near. Coyotepaw, the familiar hue of tan in his sights brought a hoarse purr rattling like a rattlesnake’s tail. His tone is filled with the urge to comfort, a need for his warring mind to understand. A guard loomed from afar for the boy, something that tickled Thistleback with annoyance now.

let me be there for you, the words earn a jagged smile, like cracks on a white rock surface. " If I recall correctly my boy- you were there for my first. A certain little warrior with his chest puffed out- ready to take down twolegs when I stumbled into camp " he recollects the day Coyotekit had decided Thistleback was family, whether he knew it or not.

" It’s not whether it was right, that worries me so. My son " he admits, welcoming his child closer with a shift of weight and he’d drop his paw from his temple. " I’ve done worse, and it feels like I’ve done it again. Like what I did when I was your age now- it’s all surfacing like worms in the rain. " he talks as he certainly was, haunted by the ghosts of his past.

" I’ve always had certain things to keep my head out of that old dirt… Deersong, you, your sisters when they were born… now everyone’s grown up and I’ve returned to- " he stops himself, snaps his jaws shut.

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    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
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Angry at all the things I can't change
A time is recalled when a bullet hole needed to be mended, when crimson sullied the alabaster of Thistleback's face. Angry he had been yes. But what good does it serve if he could not uphold his promise? A declaration to rend the twoleg that caused the bicolored tom such pain had gone unfulfilled. Something he never forgot but taught him to never make promises he could not keep. A confession, a worry is uttered, falling from licorice black lips and Coyotepaw's brows pinch as his father prattles on. Glazing over the skeletons slipping from his closet.

"Don't..." He intercepts, shaking his head lightly as the man beside him snaps jaws closed. He couldn't allow those words to leave the lead warrior's maw, refusing to let him condemn himself. "The title of monster is reserved for those who refuse to change their ways. Who actively seek the destruction of everything they manage to touch." His shoulder leans into the weight pressed against him, a physical nudge to keep the bristle backed male tethered to the present rather than slipping back into the past. "When I look at you, that's not what I see. That's not you." The gentle patter of rainfall begins to soak the ground as he looks ahead.

While the clouds remain gray, giving water causes the fauna around to appear more vibrant in spite of. "Despite what you think of yourself at the moment, I've only ever seen you do more good than harm. You're like that rain giving to those dying of thirst. If not for you, I'm sure I would have dried out a long time ago." His tail wraps along the cream of his paws as mint colored hues find sterling silver. "But even rain has its moments where lightning strikes." Cutting down things that no longer serve a purpose to make way for something new. A dance born of necessity to keep order and balance.
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith