REVELATORY | melusine


Jan 1, 2023

“Let every man in mankind's frailty consider his last day; and let none presume on his good fortune until he find Life, at his death, a memory without pain.”
- Sophocles, Oedipus Rex

TW. Religious trauma, self-deprecation, significant mental distress (at times), decriptions of blood and gore, etc. Interact at your own risk.
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  • pRQ6n6x.png
    A warrior name gifted to her after she joined Thunderclan, the clan of the brave. She requested it for herself, not only because it was an appropriate warrior's name but because it is the name of her religion's doomsday event. It serves as a constant reminder of who she is and where she came from, regardless of if anyone else knows its true implication.

    — Formerly known as Melusine (derived from the folkloric spirit of French mythology, who is depicted as a woman with a draconic body from the waist down).
    — Thunderclan Warrior / Formerly a Loner (Joined Thunderclan at 36 Moons)
    — Cisgender Female / She/Her / Bisexual (No Preference)
    — Created 1.1.23 at 36 Moons / Fluid Aging
    ↳ Penned by @tempest

  • A weathered woman of gilded and shielded past. A draconic warrioress crafted of cold steel and harrowed bone. / Reference

    Goldendawn is a smaller-than-average moggy, standing just below many of her peers. Ginger features stand almost angelic next to the typical feline, as though crafted from quilled feathers instead of rough-hewn bone, a porcelain doll to the torn plushes. However, her covert musculature and battle prowess make up for this disparity, as if silk veiling steel, blades behind their steady sheath. She has a lithe and sleek musculature, almost mustelid in nature, with long proportions and gaunt angles. The fruits of her training ripple through a glossy coat, like turbid water that rushes underneath the surface, murmurs beneath the sand and strands. Many scars from previous struggles hail down otherwise pristine fur, as rivers dried and wrung of their color, paved and staked upon her skin. She moves as the water does - graceful in dappled movement. Though, there always seems to be an air of enigma to her every movement, just barely concealing the teeth behind draped cowls. Still, her general stature remains unassuming and almost demure.

    She harbors a bony, oriental-styled face, like it were carefully crafted from some divine craftsman. Large, rounded eyes sit in plush sockets, as though an owlish display of twin moons, expressive yet mysterious all the while. Long, batlike ears rest atop her gilded crown, triangular and sensitive to the changes around her, for they always twitch and tremble. Her paws are light and rotund, as though worn from the abraded sand below, and yet a marble purity persists. Ebony claws loom just behind velvet hands, always poised and primed just behind the cape, like daggers held tight by bruise-and-bone fist. Her tail is reedlike and medium-sized, and it prudently stands besides her. Her coat feels like a rough barb, wire encasing hide, the very silt that she walks upon. She is a creature birthed of the earth, first and foremost. Despite the angles that make up her distinct frame, a gritted edge always seems to hang from her very being.

    Goldendawn bears a distinctive ticked tabby coat, inherited from both of her parents, as though she were their living copy. A warm russet splays upon her dorsal, as though the sun basked upon her back, not enough to burn but enough to singe. Bleeding into a lighter cougar color, her fur ranges from a dark red to a pallid tan. Off-white markings affix the tapers of her body, such as underneath her eyes, on her muzzle, and upon her chest. Her nose is a rusty-rose. She has bright olive eyes.
    ↳ Generation 1 / Carrying Abyssinian traits​
    Intelligence ●●●●●●●○○○
    Confidence ●●●●●●●●○○
    Charisma ●●●●○○○○○○
    Creativity ●●○○○○○○○○
    Empathy ●○○○○○○○○○
    Humor ○○○○○○○○○○

    She is a devotee to self-improvement, believing that she must always be at her best. She exhibits much of a "hero complex," believing that she is destined for greatness and the only one who has a destiny. She hates feeling powerless and does everything in her power to maintain control over herself and anything that she can grasp. A stoic and quiet feline who never allows unwonted emotions to brood. She gives off the impression of a no-nonsense, regal warrior.
    ↳ Habits: She tends to pace around whenever nervous, worried or bored. Menial physical stimulation, in general, makes her feel at ease.
    ↳ Religion: She fully worships and acts in the name of her goddess Fortuna.
    ↳ Fighting Style: She has a graceful yet, undeniably, brutal fighting style. Characterized with a slight over-reliance of her claws, she aims to draw blood rather than to prove herself. It is an elegant and precise dance, a swanlike blade. Despite this rather unorthodox style, she does not usually fight 'dirty' - for example, she does not usually aim for the eyes. Her main targets usually involve the flank, chest, or face.
    ↳ Dialect: She speaks formally and regally, often contrasting with most of her clanmates. It is yet another reminder of the alienation she feels. However, this is merely a charade, and one that is so easily broken. Normally, she speaks without any manufactured nobility.
  • Leviathan [NPC] x Behemoth [NPC]
    Only Child | Mentored by none
    Mate to [none] | Parent to [none]
    — Admires
    — Close friends with
    — Friends with
    — Likes
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes
  • strength ●●●●●●●○○○
    stamina ●●○○○○○○○○
    agility ●●●●●●●●○○
    hunting ●●●●●●●●○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●○○○○○○
    grace ●●●●●●●●○○
    Single / Bisexual / Crushing on N/A
    — Physical Health [ 80% ] | Mental Health [ 100% ]
    — Will sometimes start fights | Will usually not flee
    Excels at agility, hunting, fighting, and running.
    Poor at endurance, swimming, and digging.
    Sounds like Cherami Leigh (as Lady Rhea from Fire Emblem: Three Houses). Her voice is a rough yet feminine one. It is not peppy nor bubbly, but rather husky with exhaustion seeping through the tongue.
    Smells like the bloom of flourishing wild-blossoms, though with the faintest hint of metallic blood and cold steel.
    — Healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
  • poop
  • Backstory
    Goldendawn was born as an only child to parents Leviathan and Behemoth. She came about after many stillborn children, and thus, she was seen as an auspicious sign by the cats that raised her.

    important threads
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    Thread Name brief description.
    Thread Name brief description.

  • text here

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* Please note that this group is currently not on-site and is merely for backstory purposes. TW for mentions of cult-like mannerisms, religious trauma, stillborn birth, and blood.

The adherents of eternal life, the architects of blessed paradise, and the idolaters of the golden goddess. The Diviners were a small, tight-knit group of cats that lived far from the clans. Upon the rocky stead of the mountain paths, they flitted between the shade of rocks and low-lying trees. Believing they were the only cats to survive the upcoming deliverance that they called the "Golden Dawn," they kept to themselves and rarely interacted outside their group, if at all. It was headed by a pair of mates, Leviathan and Behemoth. The two, in turn, birthed Melusine and raised her as the "deliverer" of the apocalypse.

The group worshipped a goddess named Fortuna. To them, She took the form of a pallid-golden leopard, whose spots were the clusters of stars upon the night sky. Her eyes hold no hue. She has a demure, frail disposition. Despite this, She is a warmongering deity who calls for bloody offerings in Her name. Only after those who do not worship Her are purged will the Golden Dawn be ushered in. To the Diviners, Her miracle does not come without price, and thus, sacrifices in Her name were required. Melusine is one of the only believers left.

The Diviners placed an emphasis on the concept of blood - namely, the shedding of it and a universal trait shared amongst all felines. Diviners fought to draw blood and did not shy away from the gorier aspects of war. They did not battle for cleanliness nor honor; they battled for glory and conquest. Scars were held in great reverence - the more scars one had, the more reputable they seemed to be. After all, to bleed is to live.

The Golden Dawn is the Diviners' concept of apocalypse. It is a rebirth of the world, characterized by an ephemerally-bright light sent by Fortuna Herself, like the mirthful morning. Begetting this event is the destruction of life itself, as societies crumble and power fades. The Diviners believed that they would be the only ones to survive the Golden Dawn by virtue of being Fortuna's favored children. The harbinger who would set the Golden Dawn into motion was called the Chosen Lamb.

The Chosen Lamb is a cat born into the world with the explicit purpose of bringing about the Golden Dawn. The Chosen Lamb was believed to be an incarnation of Fortuna Herself, a being cut from the very fabric and wire of the heavenly goddess. They would be heralded by the union of two beasts of ruin - in this case, prophesized to be the felines named Leviathan and Behemoth. After many stillborn kittens, Melusine was born as an only child. The Diviners took this as a sacred sign.

After a flash flood wiped out almost all of the Diviners, Melusine found herself as the only (known) surviving member. For now, their story was erased from the world, aside from their Chosen Lamb. Her destiny lies in her hands.

Bile-kin - Any other species of animal, regardless of what kind.
Blood-kin - Any feline, regardless of whether they are related to her or not.
Chosen Lamb - A cat born into the world with the explicit purpose of bringing about the Golden Dawn. (see above)
Dew-kin - Any plant or herb, regardless of what kind (NOTE: This also includes other sessile organisms such as mushrooms, lichens, and others that are not necessarily considered plants).
Divine-kin - Any cat that is/was part of the Diviners of Fortune.
Fortuna - The goddess of the Diviners. (see above)
Golden Dawn - The Diviners' concept of apocalypse. (see above)
Great Night - The events and time preceding the Golden Dawn.
Rot-kin - Any corpse or dead body, regardless of species (NOTE: This does not apply to prey or things meant to be ingested. However, it could be used to describe rotten prey).
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