pafp REVOLUTIONS | priv for now

Chrysaliswing had come back from an arduous hunting session, and he quickly separated from the other patrol-goers, a rogue speck departing from the flock. He didn't want to be near those cats for more than he had to be, not when he could help it. He often hated how close the other cats would get to him, especially those from the shelter. Their pelts had surely been infested by plagues of fleas and mites, as if the phantoms of such dogged bugs would nest into his own wispy wiles, burrowing into the gaps of twine skin. The very thought made his hackles refuse to lie low. It was greenleaf now, and many-a new face had turned up to Skyclan's good graces. They were lucky that his clan was so merciful, he mused.

He plopped a plump vole into the fresh-kill pile that only grew larger as the days grew longer, which was one upside of the season's reckoning. The peckish vernal breeze grasped at feather-cut fur, like hands of jejune raking along flaxen fields, palms outstretched but never venturesome. He was about to head out when another body callously bumped into his, and he reeled back as though the impact had almost sent him flying, though it was truly his frayed nerves that electrified his erratic motions. "Watch it, you dumbass! You almost knocked me over!" He spun around to face the molly who looked so much like him, daggers-for-eyes practically searing into Butterflytuft.

( @butterflytuft + If you saw this interaction before no you didnt <3 )
// shhhh ignore that I lost this thread until today....and ignore that I'm reusing her previous post with small tweaks cuz I loved it LOL

She had not been placed on a patrol today, and no one had asked her to join their hunting patrol. She's become used to it; she's no one's first pick for a reason. She's a pitiful warrior, she can't hunt, and she grows nervous meeting new cats at the borders. It doesn't bother her; she's much more useful around camp! Like today, she gets to babysit the clan's kits. She's padding backwards through camp, for after a long day of play it's time to get them back to the nursery for a nap-time. "This way, little ones!" She trills in her sing-song voice, smile on her face but she's not looking where she's going. Her rump backs into a clanmate's side and she flinches in surprise, whirling to see her denmate. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I-"

Watch it, you dumbass! You almost knocked me over!

The words sting like a thousand brambles for the overly sensitive she-cat. She recoils and crouches to be smaller, ears pinned flat against her skull. Tears already prick at her eyes; it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who knows her. She's always been incredibly emotional, more-so than any average cat. "I...I..." She stammers, but words won't come as she begins to tremble with tears.