private REWRITE HISTORY ♡ troutsnout

RiverClan was the last place Slateheart could imagine himself being. He remembered the tensions between RiverClan and WindClan under Sootstar's reign; the looks they received at the border never really stopped, even now. Receiving aid from RiverClan would have been unthinkable back then. Now, it was a step in the right direction, he hoped.

Slateheart hadn't had a meaningful conversation with a RiverClanner in many, many moons - and that was the last time he saw his sister, Ashpaw, across the border. Since then, every patrol was full of distaste and sharp tongues. Spats were common, especially before Sunstar came to reign. It was always hard to see the good in RiverClan, and hope was hard to regain; just as their trust in WindClan was hard to form.

But, there was a little ray of sunshine through RiverClan's cloudy guard. A young warrior in their midst who had shown exceptional kindness towards the refugees, whereas some other RiverClan warriors shared looks of disapproval. Slateheart took note of her patience and compassion with the kittens she brought in, and her willingness to keep working; she frequented the copse more often than others, though she was not an unwelcome presence by any means.

Once she has a free moment and happens to glance his way, Slateheart beckons her over with a flick of his tail. "Doctor's orders are to stay off my paws, but I could use a stretch," the dark-furred warrior requests with a strained purr to his voice. A workaholic himself, stagnancy was almost as painful as the wounds that confined him so. He's sure he'd get an earful from Wolfsong later, but for now.. "Could you help me towards the river's edge?" It wasn't a far walk, he'd gather, and he's been aching to dip his burnt paws into the cool water, soothed by the current it brings. Plus, it'd give him a chance to inquire more about this strange warrior. She was so.. different from all the other RiverClanner's he's met.

  • slate-page-doll-low-res.png
    slate slatepaw slatetooth SLATEHEART
    ━━ 23 MOONS,, ages every 6th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
  • 78016217_relDzXG2vj7CiMr.png

  • speech is #bbbb88

Helping others was her passion and she sincerely enjoyed it as she knew she was helping ail others suffering and being supportive during a critical time for them. She didn't share the same harsh sentiments are many others of her peers, namely Lichentail and Petalnose who were Smokedstar's council. When Scorchstreak came to their borders disheveled and willing to beg for help, she had been one of the two warriors who went to get dark leader's attention as soon as possible. The flames raging could be seen at certain angles on their territory and the thought of helpless kits, elders and the injured pulled a sympathetic string from Smokestar to aid his clan's enemy.

Her chambray gaze shifted across the settled refugees in the Beech Copse and she makes eye contact with an older male, a tail flicking which beckons her over. "It is always good to go for a stretch," she would respond with a soft laugh at his statement of the 'doctor's orders'. Troutsnout was similar to Slateheart as she was an workaholic as well, and she would always but everyone else in first place before she ever considered herself. "You can lean on me, if it helps." She would coo softly as she would assist in helping the older tom-cat to his paws and guide him to the water's edge.

The smile on Slateheart's maw is nervous, but genuine. It felt good to make cats chuckle, and it felt even nicer just to get along. "I would appreciate it," he mewed in reply. With that, he pushed himself up on his paws, bracing himself for the pain - his sprained forearm was still not yet ready to hold his weight, and his paw pads were in worse shape yet, but having a cat to lean on definitely took some of the pressure off of them.

As he expected, the walk to the nearest water was short and mildly painful, but the opportunity to stretch his legs was well worth it. On the way, he figured he'd continue to strike up conversation. He was always curious about RiverClan, ever since he met his sister across their border, and was even more curious to see a kind soul in their midst. "I can't help but notice your commitment to help around here. It's kind of you," Slateheart mused. "It's.. strange, to see. RiverClan and WindClan have always had a sour history." 'Sour' was putting it lightly, but he felt no need to delve into the details. Every cat knew of the terror Sootstar reigned against other Clans, and the distaste they felt for her. Slateheart would never fault them for that.

"What's your name?" He asks, as the pair reach the water's edge. Slateheart settles down and dips his front paws into the water. It's cool and soothing to the touch, and the current gently massages his paws - meanwhile, he gestures an invitation to sit with him, if she'd like. Of course, he wouldn't take offense if she happened to just walk off.
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  • slate-page-doll-low-res.png
    slate slatepaw slatetooth SLATEHEART
    ━━ 22 MOONS,, ages every 6th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

Slateheart accepts her gesture as he leans against her, her chambray gaze serious as she keeps a slow but steady pace to prevent as much pain from ailing the tom-cat. It's not long until they reach the river's edge and he continues the conversation as he remarks the history of Windclan and Riverclan, but also thanking her for her work around here. "I like helping others," She would respond after a moment of pondering, her plumed tail twitching. How does she respond to Riverclan and Windclan's sour history comment? A mismatched russet and white paw shuffles as she simply states, "Anyone with a good heart would help despite the history of our clans."

Her words are warm with a refinement of her gentle nature, watching as he settles down and starts to dip his paws in the water. "It's Troutsnout... what is your name?" She wasn't used to others typically being interested in her as she ran her life on autopilot, relations and emotions a foreign matter to her. Her best friend, Robinheart was someone she used to be close with but since the death of her parents and her taking care of her siblings: her life was constantly to work. She would work to the bone if it made her friends happy, to keep them healthy and thriving━ ironically, she would lay down her life.

Troutsnout notes his invitation and a part of her feels uncomfortable, not for the fact that he was a Windclanner but she didn't know how to stop. Her chambray gaze flicks for a moment at Slateheart as if reading, 'You really want me to sit next to you?'. The spotted warrior puts her moral dilemma aside as she slowly settles down to him, slowly taking in a loaf form as she tucks her paws underneath her chest as she watches the gentle ripples of the river. "I don't... remember the last time I sat like this..."

The molly's tail twitches, and her paw shuffles. Slateheart's keen eye notices, and for a moment he wonders if, for once, this encounter was more awkward for his conversation partner than it was for him. It'd amuse him greatly to find some cat worse at socializing than him; but Troutsnout keeps speaking, thankfully, and overall doesn't appear bothered by his comments. Slateheart dips his head, agreeing with her statement.

He wonders, if the situation were flipped, how well RiverClan would fare in WindClan. Would they seek aid at all, proud as they were? If RiverClan's deputy appeared on their border, worn and seeking shelter, would Sunstar let him in? Slateheart hopes that they would; if not out of the goodness of their hearts, to strengthen relations. At the very least, he's certain that he would have offered his own paws to help the sick, injured, and young. Just as Troutsnout was doing for them.

"Slateheart," the warrior replies. Troutsnout - it has a funny ring to it, a rhyme that makes his lips curl in a smile. A name that says 'RiverClan' through and through. "It's good to meet you."

Beneath the river's surface shimmers the scaled pelt of minnows, winding between his paws and otherwise resting stagnant near the water's edge. Slateheart always felt that RiverClan's life-style was strange, un-cat-like; their skills in swimming, particularly. He could never imagine going any further into the water's depth than he was now, with his sore paws dipped just beneath - of course, unlike RiverClan, his fur was not built for it.

To hear that Troutsnout hadn't enjoyed the water like this in quite some time raises one of Slateheart's brows. It would be like if he had been invited for a jog, and declared that he hasn't run through the grass and heather in moons past. "Really? All this water, and you haven't just.. relaxed with it?" he echoes. His voice carries a note of amusement, but is otherwise concerned and perplexed.

He remembers his apprenticeship - the tireless work he endured, that never quite ended as he earned his warrior name. Even now, without Sootstar, without his father and mentor, Slateheart's goal is to always keep busy. To keep distracted is to keep himself happy, he thinks, without the burden of his traumas and sorrow. So, day after day, his routine remains the same: wake, feed himself, hunt for his Clan, gather necessities, and sleep. Now, with one of the barncats-turned-WindClanners to shadow him, he finds himself busier than ever, to his joy. It is only debilitating injury that seems to bring him to rest, to enjoy the smaller moments in life. His only distraction then, now, is conversation.

So, perhaps he understands Troutsnout more than he thought. "You must keep yourself busy," Slateheart says - an inquiry masked as a comment. "I do much of the same. When I'm not working, I'm running solo. It's a nice change of pace to just.. enjoy the moment." A sigh follows. WindClan's strongest warrior are back home, clearing the tunnels and camp, fighting the fires - and he's lazing about, helpless, making small talk with RiverClanners. "I only wish.. it was under better circumstances. I hope I can still be of use by the time my wounds heal."
  • slate-page-doll-low-res.png
    slate slatepaw slatetooth SLATEHEART
    ━━ 23 MOONS,, ages every 6th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
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  • speech is #bbbb88

He has an interesting name, there isn't many names that the suffix of heart that she can think of in Riverclan. She assumes that his parents named him Slate after his dark coat with occasional spots of white, and vibrant green eyes that contrast against his black coat. "It's nice to make your acquittance, Slateheart." She was aware of the fact that her parents named her after the trouts that could be occasional found in the rivers due to the spots on their scales and yellow-brown color they had to them. A sheathed claw touches the water with light tapping, watching the rippling effects do small circles with minnows dancing in the waters.

"I don't like... relaxing." Troutsnout would murmur at his statement with seemed surprised yet amused in a manner, and she rests her chin of a forelimb as she glances at the tom-cat to study him for a moment while they sat there in peace. It was a foreign concept for her, and she was used to working herself in a self-destructive manner that it got to a point where she would barely sleep or eat some days, as she rather work and take care of her friends and Riverclan before herself. Her tail sweeps beside her as a faint yawn parts her jaws, ears flexing backwards before returning to normal after her yawn.

In her apprenticeship, she had been more relaxed and focused on living as she enjoyed every moment balancing training, work and family life. Her parents passing unexpectedly had left her little siblings alone in the nursery with the other queens, and it never felt right to her so she always tried to fill to gap as their parental or guardian figure. She shoved everything personal and meaningful for her to the side to never look at again, and delved into a black hole of work, being the elder sister, training and doing everything she could to be the best that she could be for her siblings and friends. "Always," she would state towards him mentioning her keeping herself busy.

Trout didn't know many others like her and when he mentioned he did the same as her, a chambray gaze settled on him as she smiles. "I enjoy... working. I like making others happy even if I feel tired or miss a meal..." She states as she removes her gaze and glances to the waters once more, slightly batting as a minnow who'd came too close to the shores. A moment is taken by her to imagine being in his same position and she invertedly cringes at the thought, she felt useless when she couldn't do anything to make others happy or do something to brighten their day. "I'm sure you'll be just as useful when it's healed." Her words were soft but encouraging, even Figfeather who had an injured leg and was reduced to unable to properly move around in Skyclan still contributed her best despite her injures.