Fallowpaw has an afternoon full of chores to complete, which leaves some time for one-on-one training with Stormywing's other 'apprentice' of sorts. They've had a few spars here and there, so she has quickly picked up that Thundergleam is not lacking in the fighting department. However, a warrior can never be too polished. And besides, she thinks it's time to teach the she-cat the clan's signature move. She stalks around the albino in a small clearing in the forest. This move isn't very fit for the Sandy Hollow, after all. "Today, you're gonna learn the Lightning Strike," She tells her, head and tail high with confidence as she circles the other. "It's how we use the undergrowth to our advantage. You have to be fast and silent, no rustling or tripping. The goal to is make the enemy think they're outnumbered, even when they're not. Now, stay here."

Giving the white she-cat a nod, she skitters into the brush and swiftly weaves through, only rustling the occasional leaf or twig with her shoulders. Hidden in the shadows, her eyes remain locked on her apprentice until she is behind her. Golden eyes narrow and her haunches wiggle, ready to pounce. When she finally pushes off, she aims to leap squarely on top of Thundergleam's shoulders in a surprise move.
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Thundergleam had begun to glean that Fallowpaw was not very fond of her... at least, for now. She was determined to swerve its opinion, but for now perhaps it was best to let her actions speak for her intentions! For- surely, when she proved a destined medicine to ThunderClan's pain, all would look upon her with fondness, at last. There would be no wariness, no red-glimmer hostility... there would be only understanding. Reverence, and- and belonging...

Attentive eyes of rose-blush watched Stormywing as she explained- her ears were angled to undeniable attention, swivelled and skyward. The Lightning Strike. Amazement streaked like comets across her gaze- she suppressed the urge to chirp outward her honour and excitement, but instead buckled down on her concentration, vowing internally to commit this new move to unshakeable memory. The goal is to make the enemy think they're outnumbered, even when they're not. This was not a specialty Father had taught her. "Interesting..." Thundergleam murmured, fascination bathing her tone.

She dutifully stayed put, wanting not to dare squandering this learning opportunity. Stormywing's sneaking in the undergrowth was impressive- once or twice, attuned ears flicked to the noise of a slightly-rustled leaf, but there was no braided-tabby pelt to be spotted.

When Stormywing leapt on her back, Thundergleam let out an unstoppable yelp of surprise, bursting forth from her like the streak of a firework. Instinctively, she burst into a struggle- it was difficult with a weight on her back, but the lithe she-cat attempted to swing her head sideways, hurling her weight surprisingly powerfully in an attempt to throw Stormywing off of her back.
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While Stormywing attempts to grip her opponent's back with sheathed paws (a very difficult task, if you ask her), she swings her forepaws forward to bat at Thundergleam's ears. "While you hold on, go for the ears! They bleed easier!" To draw any blood on the battlefield is a step closer to winning. Unfortunately, she can't hold on much longer without using her claws, and the ivory she-cat is able to throw her off with ease. She lands on agile paws, but instead of attacking again, the warrior disappears into the foliage like a bolt of lightning.

It is with great speed she maneuvers around the clearing, ferns rustling in her hurry but perhaps more stealthy warriors would be quieter. From a different spot, she leaps out again to repeat the same attack, pouncing on Thundergleam's shoulders with a battle cry. She waits for pink pads to meet soft fur, another challenge to try and hold on once more. She has to admit, her apprentice is good in a spar!

Stormywing's shouted command was almost lost on Thundergleam, past the rush of shock in her ears- go for the ears echoed above imagined din, and rosy eyes blinked through a whirl of excitement. They bleed easier. Drawing blood in battle seemed like a cruel thing if you were not killing- though she supposed ear-nicks did heal quickly. Father's ears had been damaged in some way, but he did not live a life of suffering. When she felt Stormywing's weight thrown off, Thundergleam whipped around... only to find no one there, her mentor having disappeared into the undergrowth.

"Ah, I see!" she declared, light shining through her mind. Red pupils grew maddened with understanding- yes, yes, an enemy would be helpless with this tactic... only attacked from behind, baffled by moving shadows and silent footsteps. A battle cry burst from Stormywing's lips, though- this was far from over, and she felt weight slam against her back.

If Stormywing was to be going for her ears... yes, this would be a good counter. Thundergleam jerked her head backward, attempting to bat Stormywing away with the smash of a skull.
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Thundergleam learns fast. Her head swings backward, skull connecting with Stormywing’s jaw. A grunt leaves her as she loses her grip and stumbles to the ground, landing on her flank while forelegs hold up her chest. “Ha! Nice one!” She praises, a paw rubbing at her open jaw to relieve some of the pain. It’s not too bad, but certainly a good move to pull in a real battle to get someone off her.

“Did ya see what I was doing? Now, imagine that with a couple cats on a larger patrol. It’ll overwhelm them so much they’ll run home with their tails tucked!” The tabby bicolor gets to her paws and gives her pelt a shake to rid it of the twigs that litter her fur now. “We can practice that later on some of the other warriors. You and me can take ‘em,” She trills with confidence, a smirk cast her charge’s way. After training the she-cat for several moons, she can confidently say that she wants the other’s fighting abilities on her side in any altercation. “I’m starving. Let’s go back and get some grub.” With that, she flicks her tail and begins to trot back to camp, lesson complete.

Rosy eyes warmed at the compliment. Nice, nice one. It was casual, laughed- easy, not like Father's distant praise. Good, he had always said. Good. Never anything more than good, and she had thought it was the most anyone could be if they were not perfect. Good. Nice. It felt so different, but perhaps it was just the boisterous voice that said it rather than the ghostly, star-distant voice of her Father, so ever-wise.

She hoped she had not hurt Stormywing too badly- her demeanour seemed not much offput by it. "It is an inspired move..." she swooned. Oh, it was- certainly a good strategy when it was not feasible to simply end a life. She supposed bloodshed was often avoided in skirmishes. And, a practice... "It would be an honour to fight alongside you! You shall have to try not to outdo me too horrendously." A joke, yes... Stormywing was indeed a better Thunderclanner than her, despite all of her training to be the glimmering image of a forest-born warrior.

When she followed the flick of her mentor's tail, Thundergleam's compliance was half-obedience and half, indeed, starvation.
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