camp RHYTHM AFTER SUMMER ⊹₊° nest-making

❀‿ Things were—for lack of a better word—bleak. Rogues had taken over Riverclan's camp, and it seemed like only a matter of time before the swarm would push into their side of the river.. Would Skyclan have to flee too? Where else was there to flee to, the twolegplace? Lupinepaw had not a clue what they were going to do come tomorrow... But, at least for today, she had plenty of apprentice duties to do.

She sat in the recently-crowded hollow of camp, quick paws working deftly at weaving brambles and soft greenery into nests for their clan-guests. She could not fight off swarms of angry rogues or give Riverclan back their home, but she could speak gently and offer her kindness to the Riverclanners while they were here. She was almost grateful that Blazestar had given her a task when Riverclan arrived.

She purred at the three adorable Riverclan apprentices closest to her. If gossip was to be believed, the river-cats were blessed with exceptionally shiny and well-maintained appearances—something in the water or whatnot. It was funny to see the truth in the root of rumors. How cuuute these three were! Lupinepaw was tempted to pat them on the head, but restrained herself.

"I like to weave in flowers into my nests, uhm, whenever I can," she chirped, pushing in a small grass daisy as she spoke, "But like, it's not as easy to find flowers anymore... I mean like not like it was in greenleaf. These will do though, I think! Do you decorate your nests in Riverclan too?"

  • OOC: @Ratpaw @robinpaw. @.Swanpaw please wait for one of them to reply first <3
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 6mo apprentice of skyclan
    — ??? ; single
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by saturnid, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy
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Robinpaw would agree that bleak was an appropriate word to use for this situation. Her home was overrun with rogues, prey and yellowcough already weakened her fellow RiverClanners (and other clan cats from the gossip she had overheard), and the clock could be ticking on whether or not SkyClan was safe from the rogues once they picked over all of RiverClan's resources. Not to mention Cicadastar's disappearance - or, well, lack of disappearance and more uncertainty of whether the rogues spared him any lives or took each and every one. The very thought sent a shiver down Robinpaw's spine as she quietly helped Lupinepaw weave extra nests for SkyClan's guests.

Had she known what the other apprentice was thinking in that moment, the shiver down her spine would have quickly become one of embarrassment rather than fear, paired with a burning rush of blood to her cheeks. Fortunately Robinpaw is spared of any type of telepathy and merely lifts citrine eyes to pay close attention to the words the SkyClan apprentice speaks. "Some RiverClanners decorate their nests. I haven't taken up that hobby myself, but I think spending a lot of my time refreshing the elder's nests makes me less excited to work on my own," she answers truthfully, shrugging lightly as Lupinepaw tucks a small grass daisy into the nest she was working on. "It looks nice though. And I'm sure it is enjoyable cycling through seasonal flowers and such."
And as folks walk by, you see with your eye​

Swanpaw really, really appreciated SkyClan's generosity. To take RicerClan in after everything—after sickness and famines and now the rogues—meant a lot to him. Too bad he could never fully enjoy their temporary sanctuary, too rocked by his fears to step back and relax. His paws shook with anxiety every time someone even mentioned the rogues, and his mouth would never fully wet no matter how many times he ran his tongue across his teeth and tried to imagine the attackers blood staining them.

He too sat in the hollow, hunched over an unfinished nest with a pained expression. His paws tremors slashed away any hope of making an actually good nest, but he pressed on regardless as he feared the consequences of not finishing one. Stars! What was he good at? Would SkyClan toss him across the river for failing to make a nest? He didn't think so, but he really didn't want to find out. Childish fears swirled in his head but were dispersed by a SkyClanner—Lupinepaw, if his memory served correct. The tom looked up and forced a smile, which was more akin to a grimace, and paused from his nest-making for a moment. He nods to Robinpaw's answer and sends a brief glance back down to his shoddy nest. Perhaps if he covered it in enough flowers, shells, and feathers, it would make up for the poor craftsmanship.

"My mum used to put s-swan-" He shivered at even the name of the foul bird. "-feathers in my nest; maybe you could swap out flowers for feathers?"

"Hold me" is repeatedly given​
  • ooc -
  • info -
    Swanpw riverclan apprentice he/him bisexual npc x npc sibling of bubblepaw penned by catburger
Ratpaw had found herself hesitant to move around too much, whether it was due to her injury from the rogues that had attacked their camp or simply the fear of the unknown that lay outside of SkyClan's camp she didn't know - nor did she care to. There wasn't much to do in the camp however, and thus the white apprentice found herself watching and listening, whether it be cats arguing over the RiverClanners themselves or in the case of Lupinepaw it was watching others make nests. The soft smell of flowers had caught Rat's attention, and when she had looked over she couldn't help but stare at the older apprentice's paws as she worked, weaving nests together quicker than Rat thought was possible, only pausing to carefully grab a flower and shove it into the sides of the nests. It was when the SkyClanner spoke that Ratpaw's attention was caught, and she found herself looking up to the other's face as soon as words were spoken.

Quietly her head nod as Ratpaw searched for her own words, listening to the ones spoken from her fellow RiverClanners before continuing in on her own. "I put flowers in my nest at home." She'd offer to the conversation, soft frown reaching her face as she thought of her flower-filled nest at home and the luck that they had brought her in her life. She could only hope that they would be fine when they got back, though the more she thought about it the more she knew she'd want to change out the flowers, their energy tainted by the rude rogues that had slithered into their camp. "There's some flowers you can find in leaffall and leafbare I think, but there's not that many." She'd offer once more, trying to remember the names and what they could be used for, her mind drawing a blank.
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki