rhythms of water watch over me [intro]

ꕀꕀ The feeling of eyes on him causes his skin to prickle. His hackles raise without a conscious effort—he may be used to being watched, but he’s not used to being watched silently. The feeling continues through his hunt as he walks alongside the river, but he tries to ignore it… until he can’t. Tan ears swivel back at the sound of pawsteps behind him, but when the young tom whirls around to see who’s followed him, nothing. Only empty space hovers where he was certain a cat had been. He blinks once. Twice. Yellow eyes sweep around in a wide arc, but he sees nothing out of the ordinary. Whatever—or whoever—has been following him is gone for now, nowhere to be seen amidst the rocks and reeds that surround the riverbank. His hackles lower, posture relaxing into something looser. He should get back to fishing, then.

But when he looks into the water, there’s a second shadow cast upon the river. Just beside him, and distinctly cat-shaped, it hovers like a wraith. Normally he would assume that it’s his mentor checking in on his fishing skills, but he knows exactly where his mentor is a few fox-lengths downriver. "Are you stalking me or somethin’?" He shouts as he whips around to face… nothing. There is still no one there. No clanmate, no rogue—is his mind playing tricks on him? Is he being paranoid? The apprentice shakes his head fiercely, gritting his teeth as he attempts to settle his nerves.
  • Wow
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So close .. Just a mere second more-

And then a shout broke the silence of the air. the noise sent her into the air, scrambling after the mouse that darted. Her paws barely missed the grey body before it darted and dove underneath the roots of a tree. A curse hissed out of the lilac and cream warriors maw, lifting her head towards the direction of the shout with disappointment.

Sure, a mouse wouldn't have fed much, but it was better than nothing, and now she had nothing. This is why she didn't land hunt- she was easily spooked, easy to fall into her own paranoia and skittish nature.

A small sigh escaped her before paws led her to the apprentice was a curious expression. She couldn't be angry if someone was harassing the other- but no one was there. The fluffy warrior frowned before composing herself, and approaching with a soft gaze and nervous smile. "Are- you okay?" She asked hesitantly, looking around for any signs of someone that may sneak out of the bushes to try to prank Sandpaw. Was that what was going on?

Are you stalking me or somethin'?!

Claypaw's head whipped up from where she too had been stalking in the undergrowth, short as it was in Riverclan's greens. Her ears flattened, vision snapping up as she moved through the territory to where Sandpaw had shouted. Where as Lilacbird had been spooked, Claypaw had been ready to fight someone- especially since it sounded like another 'get pushed in the river' incident.

Her eyes narrowed. "What are you going on about?" Claypaw asked, her tail flicking in minor annoyance. Her nose lifted, trying to detect if there was anyone else around, falling short moments later. Claypaw's mentor was going to chew her out for abandoning her hunt, but she couldn't be bothered right at the moment, stepping towards Sandpaw.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.

I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — Beepaw had been doing some hunting of her own but it seems that Sandpaw was too busy being paranoid to actually catch anything and her ear flicks with slight annoyance deciding to keep silent since Claypaw had already asked what the tom was going on about. She decides to draw closer with snowy dipped paws as her mismatched gaze locks onto Sandpaw bearing a frown on her face. She simply raises a nonexistent eyebrow at him before settling near the water once more awaiting to see what Sandpaw's answer would be, she remembers this being the very same cat that her brother had a scuffle with during their kithood. It's hard to forget when Cicadapaw had circled the other like a saddened predator and movements animalistic scaring the once Sandkit away before getting reprimanded by Pikesplash.

A part of her wonders if her brother still holds that dislike for Sandpaw even now as apprentices and if she knew her brother well and Beepaw did then she can only assume, yes, it's still a thing. Although, she hopes that her younger sibling had matured to some extent even if she has no room to talk considering how snappy she has been with one of her denmates.


  • Untitled283_20231212190913.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    7 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Trailing after the crowd of paws' her black ears swivel forward as commotion strikes up just around the bend. Poking out from the undergrowth Bumblepaw's long fur glimmers in sunlight as she looks over. Hm? Spotting the back of her denmates she decides to join in. Filing in after Beepaw, her green eyes fall across the scene as Claypaw's voice sounds out the question she wanted to ask herself. Of course her tone would've been far friendlier but none the less it was all set in place. Their ebony pelt fluffed against the cold as she sat and tucked her rear end to the frigid ground. Head tilting quizzically at the rowdy crew waiting for answers to spring up.
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ꕀꕀ It doesn’t take long for someone to come running—Lilacbird comes into sight with a frown on her face and a nervous-looking glance cast around their surroundings. She asks whether he’s okay, probably concerned about rogues just like the rest of the clan. And of course, other RiverClanners appear as well; Claypaw, Bumblepaw, and Beepaw, the first of whom appears annoyed more than anything. "I’m—yeah, I’m fine. I just thought I saw somethin’." As he explains, he feels more and more ridiculous by the second. "I think the rogues’ve just got me on edge," he says at last, shaking his head. He’s just being jumpy, he reasons. If his own shadow crossed into his view, he’d probably flinch away from it too.

His expression turns sheepish, realizing that he’s probably caused them all some degree of panic, and possibly ruined their chances of a good hunt. "Sorry. Did I interrupt your huntin’?" As he speaks, the fur at the back of his neck prickles. He’s almost certain that it’s nothing of concern, especially when so many clanmates surround him now, but he can’t press down the anxiety that gnaws at his stomach. Still, the apprentice plasters on a forced smile, keeping his eyes focused solely on Lilacbird, who is the eldest warrior here.