pafp rich boys in nightgowns .. meet n' greet

Discovering a secret family wasn't something that happened very frequently, and Lilacfur had even less reason to believe it would happen to her family. The history he had with Porcupine was entirely unknown to the spotted molly and she felt a mix of both confusion and understanding for why Skunktail never spoke of her before. A love lost to the whims of the wind, their lifestyle was not for her and the Clans were still so young. He probably thought she would never appear again, never come up in even a whisper.

But now her brother had given her three nephews to dote on. Even if their arrival was at the tragic news that Piney was gone, she's glad that it allowed them all to meet.

"My brother never told me he had a sweetheart before." Lilacfur went on to say as they passed around a thrush to share. "What was she like? Was she very protective, or was it the other way around?" Amber sights flicker between the eyes of each tom, fluffy tail twitching in exciting anticipation.

// pls wait for either @pipit !! , @SNIPE or @Hawk to post first before replying ^^
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]

Getting a chance to actually properly interact with his family was a new and exciting undertaking... it was a welcome change for one who'd only ever known the embrace of a doting mother, two rough-pawed brothers with sharp tongues. 'Pipsqueak' was a nickname he'd never live down but.. they were lucky the chimera was so forgiving and assumed only the best of their intentions.

Lilacfur's start is a difficult one, as far as he's concerned.. it is odd to call them 'sweethearts' when they hardly were willing to talk about each other outside of death beds and obituary. He is more than happy to entertain it though, at the price of a bite of a delicious bird... He leans down while she yammers her questions, taking a mouthful before shoving it aside for his brothers to partake in.

He chews as if he has much to think about, really just buying time to be 'polite' and finish what's in his mouth before speaking. "A mysterious dame apparently! She didn't talk much about her past before us but I just assumed that was because we were her whole world. She was very doting, encouraging.. all the things I think a mother probably should be, right?" He tilts his head, as if uncertain those descriptors are accurate after his abysmal experience with ShadowClan's current queen...

"We've always looked out for each other, we're all we've got. Don't let Snipe fool you, he does actually love chatting with me most of the time," he gloats with a teasing glare to the stalwart brown tom. "Aren't you and father close too? What about Starlingheart, she had a sweetheart of her own didn't she, we've got cousins!"

Basilpaw had just happened to overhear the two conversations. It was not like he had eavesdropped or anything!. Nope, nah-ah, not him. He would never do such a thing!. Basilpaw had thought Pipit was going to tell Lilacfur about his fun and dangerous adventures out there in the world which was why he had eavesdropped to begin with but instead the topic was about family. A topic that meant at least something to the young apprentice. Basilpaw just stared from a distance when Pipit claimed how a mother was suppose to be to her lil ones. Doting and encouraging. For the kits to be the center of her whole wide world. Silent he remained until Pipit mentioned one of his brothers. Oh, that was something he could relate too!.

" Yeah, yeah!, exactly! me and Lividpaw are just the same!. We're like the closest siblings ever i beat even closer then you guys are. And i know my brother will always have my back!. My brother is also the coolest you know!. One day for sure he is gonna become this clans leader!. And when that day arrive i'm gonna cheer his name the looooudest!. " he suddenly bursted out as he rushed over to the two so he could join the conversation. He wanted to talk about how cool his brother was too!. How special their bond was even if Lividpaw was super busy with his apprentice duties now. But that was fine!. He would still support them from the sidelines.

But then Pipit wanted to know about Starlingheart and her previous exiled mate. Lilacfur might have wanted to explain that herself but that was not something Basilpaw considered thinking about as he decided to break the awful truth to his apprentice!. " He also killed her brother who was our leader at the time." he spilled out not having meet Pitchstar himself because he hadn't even been born yet. But he had heard the stories. " He did so many bad things to the clan Big Fry. I even heard he eats kits for breakfast! so i would be very careful if i were you. " Basilpaw twitched his nose, glad he was no longer a kit so that meant he was safe from Granitepelts evil stomach!. " But don't be afried! if he comes back i'm gonna protect you all!. He is no match to me!." he puffed out his chest in bravery. He had defeated Granitestick the other day so how hard could it be to defeat the real thing?. He obivously stood no chance against Basilgranitekiller!.

This whole situation had been a bit... overwhelming, to say the least. He hadn't been the most keen on joining Shadowclan and leaving behind everything they'd ever known. But really, what else did they have now? If nothing else, he was grateful for this new, big family he'd gotten out of it. Having Snipe and Pipit was more than enough for the scarred ebony tom, but this... having so many more shoulders to lean on now, it was something else entirely. It was... nice. And he wanted to keep it. He didn't want to mess this up.

He sat quietly beside his brothers and his newly found aunt, fluffy tail curled casually around his paws while the rest of them talked. Pipit passed him the bird carcass that Lilacfur had given him while asking her questions, but in truth, Hawk wasn't very hungry. This conversation, while important, made his stomach churn a bit. He still hadn't allowed himself to really feel the grief of his mother's death, and talking about her was making it difficult to keep pushing those feelings back down. He offered a soft smile to his chimera sibling but pushed the morsel to Snipe with a paw, returning his gaze to Lilacfur while Pipit answered her questions in his usual energetic manner.

Hawk nodded along in agreement with his brother's description of their mother, his soft smile lightening somewhat at the memories of her. Porcupine had been a present and loving mother to them, and he missed her. "It really was a little bit of both," he murmured in reply to her first question, waiting until Pip was done with his own answer before speaking up. "We were protective over her, of course, but she was pretty fierce in her own right." She had to be, in order to raise three boisterous young tom cats all on her own in the loner lands. She didn't have a clan around to help her. Would things have been different if they'd been raised here..?

He chuckled softly as Basilpaw bounded towards them, practically radiating youthful energy. Hawk listened attentively as the apprentice detailed his own close relationship with his brother, an amused grin twitching the corner of his mouth upwards. "Oh, I believe you. I bet you and Lividpaw are as close as brothers can be; just like us." He cast the young grey feline a sly wink. "When he becomes leader, we'll cheer for him too."

His ears perked up a bit when Pipit asked about Lilac's relationship with their father, and he found himself leaning in a bit. He wanted to know more about their family dynamics, and what he had to look forward to here. Were they close? Did they rely on each other like the three brothers always had? Could they rely on each other now? He was going to tack on to the question but in his usual style, Pipit kept talking. Hawk winced slightly at the mention of Starlingheart and her supposed 'lover'; they hadn't been here long, but even he had picked up on the fact that something terrible had happened there.

He thought to interrupt and steer the conversation to something less grim, but before he had a chance, Basilpaw was practically buzzing with enthusiasm as he relayed to them, in very blunt terms, exactly what had happened with Starlingheart's former mate. A sigh pushed past his lips and he forced a strained smile to his face, nudging the young apprentice with his paw good-naturedly. "I'm sure you could protect all of us, if you ever needed to. Luckily, I don't think the need will arise any time soon." The black and white tomcat cleared his throat awkwardly, turning back to Lilacfur in a hopefully successful attempt to change the subject. "Ah, well, Pipit said we have cousins. What can you tell us about them?"
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Never one for half measures, Betonyfrost realizes in an instant that she hates them all.

Kin—they sit near enough to pass a meager thrush between themselves and gossip about what the real ShadowClanners would already know. Betonyfrost doesn't make the choice to approach, it's her paws that stiffly carry her closer, it's her fur bristles down her back. She never makes a choice in these matters. It's Lilacfur—the strawberry-runners of her family line, from her to Skunktail, to the gaggle of newcomers.

"Nettlepaw, Ghostpaw, and Flintpaw are their names," Betonyfrost answers for Lilacfur—her skin feels flushed and feverish. She speaks with her teeth and sounds almost conversational, "Can you guess which of them turned traitor?"​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 27 moons | tags

O stars, serenade his troubled soul. The exchange about family finds its way to Smogmaw's waiting ears, and a disdainful twist graces his lips when the realisation sets in—many seasons from now, when his progeny stand as adults, Briar's genetic legacy is poised to infiltrate his own bloodline. Everyone in this hole-in-the-ground will be related to one another in one way or other, and the recent addition to ShadowClan only strengthens the likelihood of this happening. How droll. How disgustingly unsophisticated. It's some serious food for thought, and it leaves one hell of a nasty aftertaste.

When he stands upon Clanrock with -star tacked onto his name, Smogmaw will be left with no choice but to open the borders and permit outsiders in. At this rate, at least. Envisioning the clan as one sprawling family tree is downright revolting, and his whiskers twitch, unsettled at the mere notion.

A guttural clearing of the throat expels the thought in a phlegmy wad. "Your bond as siblings is truly heartening," meows the deputy, though his intonation carries a certain flatness. Not so long after Betonyfrost's emergence does he close the gap between him and the clanmate cluster. Lips carry a displeased huff's weight. Eyes, slanted towards the nub-earred molly. Timing matters, and he feels she ought to broach this topic later rather than sooner.

"I believe all'a my littermates have bid farewell to this world by now," he carries on, gaze reaffixed on the siblings before him. Particularly, his sightline rests upon Hawk's noir and blanc visage. "One didn't make it past their earliest moons, and I haven't seen the other two since the Great Battle. What happened to 'em is a total mystery. Never really was in the mood to investigate." It's all delivered in an even, matter-of-factly cadence. The love he bore for his littermates is something that lived solely in the colony days, and it fizzled out well before conflict became the forest's norm. "How attached are you to your ShadowClan brethren, hmm? How does it feel to know that, all this time, you had barbaric clan kin?"


Pipit answered with the amount of enthusiasm she would expect, the chatty character of her nephew never ceasing to amuse. He painted a picture of what she imagined the typical good mother to be. Loving, smart, all good things a child would wish for. She had lived into their adulthood, had formed them each into the toms they were today. She wondered if she would be any different if Briarstar was still alive. Would she be more entitled, having a mother and big brother as their leadership? Would she be a lead warrior? Would Bonejaw...

She quickly cleared her head of any intruding thoughts. This was their time, she wanted to know something real.

But then he asked about her and Skunktail, and Starlingheart's kin and she can feel the struggle of keeping her fur flat by sheer habit. Just thinking about Granitepelt, his ill-blooded sister. To think of all the lies she might have been fed, to say she loved her. Lilacfur tried to prepare her answer but Basilpaw beat her to it in a much more unsavory delivery.

Paw, meet muzzle, as she pushed her pad against the bridge of her nose and sighed. Betonyfrost was no better, implying her little niece was a defective traitor when she could have very well been kidnapped by the mongrels.

"Basilpaw put it rather plainly but, yes. He was a hidden stain on our Clan, but he betrayed our-" Because Starlingheart and Pitchstar were as much of these boys' kin as they were hers. "-family in the worst ways... But his true intentions were revealed before he could continue his rampage. As for Ghostpaw, Betonyfrost speaks only pure speculation. No one's sure what came of her, but it's suspected she may have been taken. She was my apprentice, if it's anyones fault for her disappearance it's mine..." Dark amber sights glared at the older woman, as if willing for her to disappear into the mist of the marshes. Unfortunately she remained.

Smogmaw is no better company as his strange seething toward her kin continued on despite Pitchstar's passing and seasons beyond Bonejaw's abandonment. At this point the she-cat spent more moons as a RiverClanner than ShadowClan, excommunicated from her entire family, was there really any need for lingering animosity? Perhaps it's something she wouldn't understand, always ready to defend her blood.

She realized their intrusions distracted her from answering Pipit's original question. "Skunktail has always been a great big brother to me. It's hard to get him worked up about anything and he never got annoyed with me even though he was pretty much a full fledged warrior by the time I was born. We lost our mother when Starlingheart and I were kittens, still. Even if he didn't make the perfect mom I don't think I'd be half of who I am if we didn't stay so close." Lilacfur doesn't bother to go into detail about how her littermate had pulled away over time, they were getting better.

"You got real lucky having him for a dad, I think. He's never been angry with me, he's got a real big heart for his family."
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]

Hawk had gone and done it now!, to succeedfully becoming one of Basilpaw's favorites in this clan!. All because of how fondly he spoke about his brother and their relationship. It was just extra bonus points that they entertained the fourth month old kit in their heroic play as well. Basilpaw grinned widely up at them, totally seeing what Big Fry was seeing in their brother!. He really had been blessed to get himself a such cool brother like that one. Basilpaw was all up in his own admiration and did not paid attention to the better explanation coming from Lilacfur when it come to the situation with Starlingheart. However, what had been a fun conversation and hang out if asking Basilpaw about it turned quickly into something else with Betonyfrost and Smowmaw's arrival.

Basilpaw's attention drifted to them as he titled his head, staring wide-eyed at them like he was trying to puzzle something up together. He had no clue what had gotten into these two but they for sure were rude!, to Big Fry and his whole family. Basilpaw just couldn't understand why anyone would be mean to his apprentice for. Had they woken up at the wrong side of their nest this morning?. Oh, but they did that everyday then didn't they?. Basilpaw twitched his whiskers as he desperately tried to make a sense of this. If he acted like this two did around his clanmates his father would have been so mad!. Had no one taught them?. " Did your mother never tell you if you don't have anything nice to say to not say anything at all?." his head was still titled, staring with his owl-looking eyes as he suddenly spoke up once more out of the blue. It was something he had heard one of the elders say once and it had sticked with him.

Basilpaw tried really hard to understand until something in his head just clicked. " Oh!, maybe that's why your siblings left you!." he blurted out to Smogmaw and the situation with his siblings. It made sense for them to leave them behind if they acted like this towards them too!. Didn't it?.Basilpaw believed himself to be so smart to have figured that out all on his own!. His eyes started to spark with pride and excitedly he started to look between the adults at the scene like he was expecting them all to praise him for having solved the mystery to why Smogmaw had been left behind by his family. It was all because they couldn't stand him!.


Grinning with a face-splitting smile towards his brother, Pipit leaned into Hawk's side with an annoying amount of his weight as he flicked his tail delightedly behind him. "Awwww, Hawk... you do love me still," he hums in sing-song tones, reminded of just how many elbows jabbed into his sides for tactless talk he's experienced from the bi-color tom. He can still feel the cuff of paws over his ears, the flick of tails at his back in 'hey, shut you mouth' moments. But even with his lack of social forethought, his siblings at the very least knew it wasn't from a place of maliciousness. Turning bright eyes towards Basilpaw, Pipit couldn't help but be amused by his admiration for his own sibling... though the notion they'd see leadership anywhere in his lifetime was far from expected. Chilledstar didn't seem to be that ancient that they might be halfway out the box so to speak... And stars have mercy on them when Smogmaw ate a banquet of stars so filling it shook his very identity into changing.

The... revelation... of his former and soon-to-be-dead (if Pipit had anything to do with it) uncle was less than appealing and when confronted with the same lack of careful word choice that he had, the chimera could begin to understand if only for a moment why his litter-mates might constantly be hounding him to keep his mouth quiet in less-than-cheerful circumstances. His smile drops to a sudden frown, glancing up towards Lilacfur with a silently bottled fury.

Betonyfrost's voice is as scathing in tone as it is in message and while he has no idea who the hell Ghostpaw is, it doesn't change that the kid is family and that whatever she's getting at is bothering Lilacfur. The guilt that sat on her conscious didn't need to be dug up and inserted into a conversation she hadn't even been invited to. "That's odd... I don't remember asking for your telling of my family history..." Despite the sharpness implied by blunt wording, his voice remains loud, unbothered, joyous even in a frustratingly untouchable way.

"Smogmaw, do I detect a hint of jealousy in this story of yours? I think I'd be just as prone to frowning and slinking around if I didn't have kin to rely on either... though I suppose the whole point of the clans in general is to make family and friends where there otherwise wouldn't be any." He curls his tail in a boyish act of innocence, lifting himself from the way he'd lounged across his brother as if expecting to be babied (he was the smallest of them after all). "Ah ah ah, that's a bad deputy... Don't go projecting your feelings on the clans at me young tom," he quips with a feigned frown, ever the dramatic. "I never once called your lot barbaric... And unfortunately I don't care enough to stroke your ego to even pretend I ever did! Why on your star's green earth would we have traveled here with that sour-breathed thought on our tongues? Tsk..."

He smiles adoringly to his aunt then, removing his gaze from the sour pusses that would seek to ruin their little family time and presses his nose stubbornly to her cheek, "He just doesn't get it yet, eh? But I don't think I'd like to reward this bad behavior with my shining presence any further," he summarizes sweetly before turning to his tiny champion. "Right you are, small fry! We keep our impolite thoughts to ourselves because it is proper manners." Manners, he thought, that shouldn't need to be taught to grown adults.

He opts not to comment on the suggestion Smogmaw's siblings are dead or disappeared because of his bad attitude... even that implication is a little too harsh for his taste.​