right below the horizon | territory tour

Howlfire really hadn't been without an apprentice long before Orangestar had appointed her as Ghostpaw's mentor. Despite an earlier moment between them when Ghostpaw was still a kit. Howlfire was pleased that the awkwardness had not carried on to their new relationship as mentor and apprentice. Ideally, Howlfire would have shown Ghostpaw the whole territory in one day, but they had been summoned for a morning border patrol close to the twolegplace. Whilst the rest of the patrol milled about nearby, Howlfire took the time to pull Ghostpaw aside, encouraging her to draw a deep breath and try to focus on the scents in the air. "The twolegplace is not far now," Howlfire mewed, watching as her apprentice did as she had requested. "Can you smell how strong it is now?"

The first time Howlfire had came along this border had been an overwhelming experience, to say the least. Not all the smells were unfamiliar to her, thanks to the presence of the daylight warriors in camp, but it had still been a shock to the system to travel to this place having been used to the natural, wooded, borders of the clans she called home. "You will stick close to me when we pass along the border," Howlfire instructed, her tone firm but not unkind. Ghostpaw was still young and Howlfire did not want the younger apprentice getting spooked by all the new surroundings, smells, and noises.

/ please wait for @Ghostpaw! , anyone is free to post after that! takes place the day after the meeting!