camp Right-hand man ☄ Complaining


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 Singepaw couldn't deny it - he thought he'd get to go to the gathering, too.

When Pipitclaw's name was announced, Sin had surged to his feet! As though he'd been struck suddenly by a great hammer of lightning, energy coursed through so powerfully he felt as though he could run to highstones and back in a single breath! But when the apprentice had stepped up after the rest of the apprentices joined their mentors...well...

"Starclan! This is SO unfair!" the boy cried, kicking up a cloud of dirt with his lashing tail as he glared unforgivingly at the camp's entrance. The patrol had long since left and he'd stood right here, glowering until the last cat's tail disappeared into the brambles. The rule was that apprentices got to join their mentors, so if Pipitclaw got to go, why couldn't Sin? "It's not like there's any danger in a gathering! So fucking dumb!" he continued to rage, pacing back and forth, uncaring of any of the attention he got. Let them see his anger! They all ought to see how cruel they were treating their youth! Why couldn't they grandfather in the next generation properly instead of this stupid half-ass excuse that made them more akin to prisoners with cleaning duty than actual members of shadowclan?

"I hope Siltcloud greets them at the border" Singepaw would hiss under his breath, plopping himself back down with a mope. Even the moody apprentice couldn't help but cringe slightly at his comment, as wishing for the demon woman to appear was akin to wishing death upon someone. But he was far too angry to bring himself to take it back, so he only flattened his ears and looked down at his paws.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: faint scars on flanks from an owl attack


With Chilledstar out of commission, Applepaw does not find herself at the gathering, this moon. It's not time that she wastes worrying, either. Chilledstar had plenty lives left. Applepaw would be better off putting her energy towards something productive — like recalling the scent of Granitepelt and his scorned kin, like mobilizing for an attack on the rogues insistent on being a burr in ShadowClan's already - scarred side. Of course, no such attack has been announced... but Applepaw believes that it ought to be soon. Perhaps while Chilledstar was recovering, Smogmaw would have the authority to carry it through...

Evidently, Singepaw is much more bothered about not attending the gathering than she is. Lucky her, that she gets to hear all his ranting and raving as she grooms herself. If there was one thing consistent about Singepaw, it was that he is loud. Even his mutterings come through to Applepaw's keen ears, and she — well, she had been find to ignore him, until then.

She turns on him, fur prickling in rare show of anger. " Haven't we lost enough? " she snaps. She thinks of Comfreypaw, who died just to become a piece of a threat for kittens to spit at others. She had not understood the rule at first, but perhaps now she did. It was a diservice to her, to share a rank with someone still throwing tantrums in the middle of camp. " If you can't speak responsibly, do not speak at all. Words like that prove you're nothing more than a kit. Be glad anyone lets you out of the nursery. " She lingers with a stare like ice, keen to see Singepaw take his licks the way he should.

  • B4eJFa4.png

  • SHE / HER
    ELDEST SISTER TO SWANPAW, ASHENPAW, AND GARLICPAW ( halfpaw, thornpaw, laurelpaw )
    currently 10 moons old as of 2.12.24. ages every 17th.
    ic opinions! she's mean <3

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Sneezepaw could handle staying home from the gathering - he was disappointed, sure, but he understood. Watching Singepaw stomp around in all his anger made it less bearable. With a worried frown, his doubtful eyes followed his brother every which way as he paced and cursed to the stars and back.

"Singepaw," the tabby warned, but his words fell on deaf ears. "Now, let's.."

He was abruptly cut off with the final statement, a wish for Siltcloud to meet their clanmates. Sneezepaw's eyes grew round with fear at that moment. He understood his brother's rage as much as he understood the rules, but hadn't he gone too far now? "Singe, that's.." another interruption, by none other than Applepaw. He wasn't quite fond of this apprentice, but she had a point, saying the words he was thinking - albeit in a less nicer way than he would have. With a disappointed frown aimed at his brother, Sneezepaw finally falls silent.

  • SNEEZEPAW he/him, apprentice of shadowclan, 4 moons.
    a long-furred chocolate tabby with low white and yellow eyes.
    brother to SINGEPAW and SWALLOWPAW // mentored by SHARPSHADOW
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Screechpaw isn’t happy either. He’s not happy that he’s unable to wander off as much as he used to be able to, that Chilledstar is injured and he can’t go to the gathering, that Nettlepaw is dead. Usually, he’d be loud about it too, wouldn’t he? He’d make a point of his name, would complain and try to wander off anyway, but he doesn’t feel up for it right now. Maybe when a blood-tinged smile is etched into his mind.

Singepaw seems to have taken over in his role anyway. Stomping and whining — stars above, what a baby! " Are you sure you’re an apprentice? “ Screechpaw asks, a crooked-toothed grimace placed on his maw. This is the same kid that claimed he was a bad apprentice? Maybe the clans were right in pushing back the apprentice age — maybe Singepaw should’ve remained Singekit.

Especially with what he says next. Split-green eyes shift to look at the pacing kit, anger rising. “ What a stupid thing to say, “ he snaps, his tail lashing behind him in his frustration toward the younger. His words are no where near as eloquent as Applepaw’s, kit-like in their own accord, perhaps. It doesn’t matter, he’s old enough to be an apprentice, at least. He’s earned his right to his nest; he’s able to hunt and fight. “ I hope Siltcloud eats you. “ ​
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    ── Apprentice of ShadowClan

    ── Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A black/red tabby chimera with mismatched green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Chilledstar
    ── "Speech"; Attack

It felt unfair to the kitten that she was forced to remain in camp all because some apprentices in another clan hadn't been able to take care of themselves. She and Singepaw had mulled over the experience together, cursed out every weakling that came before them and, mostly, Bloodpaw had calmed down. Her denmate, on the other paw, still burned with the passion of his namesake, ranting to anyone and anything that would pay attention to him; the cinnamon tabby found herself drawn in again. She strutted over, sky-pointing tail swinging left and right to the angry drum of her heart. "Damn right!" What followed was a sharp nod of her head, and orange eyes shooting towards the other apprentices. They were older, bigger, angrier. Words came from them like shards of ice that sought to pierce every insecurity her friend had; that they were too young to be anything other than children. Insults to Singekit were insults to her, she wouldn't have been stuck here if it wasn't for some dumb rules! "Ignore 'em, Singey," she nudged his side, huffing and sticking her tongue out towards Screechpaw and Applepaw. Dummies, give her three moons and she'd make them eat their words.

"Siltcloud can't eat you, your fur is too fuzzy. She'll get so many hairballs!" Not that that rogue would ever get past her anyways - she'd promise a bitten-off nose for anyone who dared lay a paw on her or her friends, ShadowClanners included. If Singepaw wanted to escalate the confrontation, she'd be at his side.

*+:。.。 Singepaw bristled when the first to greet him after his chilling words was Applepaw. The grouchiest apprentice alive was always the worst to deal with especially when she...was right. Screechpaw joins in the judgment but he's nothing compared to Sneezepaw's disappointed look. His brother's sad expression is almost enough to make Sin take back his words - almost enough to apologize then and there...almost.

Until Bloodpaw speaks up. Singepaw whirls around to stare at his denmate, mouth a gape. He'd known she agreed with him about the unfairness of it all, but to have someone openly side with him And it immediately filled him with a whole new fire! He grinned smugly at Applepaw and Screechpaw, as though Bloodpaw's support completely diminished their (very correct) points. Although he couldn't bring himself to look at Sneezepaw, Singepaw would stand up with a renewed sense of confidence, "Fuck yeah! How can I 'act like an apprentice' when I'm not treated like one?! Lick each other's rears if you're gonna be butthurt about it, you guys got to have the full experience while we're forced to do YOUR chores!" It felt good to shout his feelings of envy at his older den mates. They had no idea what it was like to be insulted with a name change and chores but get none of the fresh air they were promised! And surely they knew it too 'cus all they could focus on was the siltcloud comment, like that invalidated Singepaw - and Bloodpaw's - mistreatment!

Yeah! Singepaw was always right in the end!
Although he balked for a minute at the idea of Siltcloud eating him - his mind flashing to his run-in with the owl, though in his mind's eye it was suddenly Siltcloud in its place - he was quickly calmed by Bloodpaw's joke. Snicking away his nerves, the boy responds with a snort, "and she'd probably break her jaw if she ever tried to eat your big head"

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: faint scars on flanks from an owl attack


She is right. She does not need the clamoring of other apprentices to know that this is true... but she doesn't dislike it either. Sneezepaw's protest is hardly anything at all. Screechpaw is louder – of course. She thinks it's a special type of embarassing, to be proven wrong by someone like Screechpaw, who apparently has skipped out on training at least once. Possibly more. What a stupid thing to say. Juvenile, but true. I hope Siltcloud eats you. And... barely less stupid than Singepaw himself. Applepaw briefly glares his way.

It is all straight and narrow until the equally as kittish Bloodpaw comes to Singepaw's defense... if you could even call it that. Applepaw personally wouldn't, but it's enough to embolden Singepaw, sending the kit previously staring at his paws into an idiotic rant at once. Applepaw does not waver. " The way you are treated is earned, Singepaw. Not given, " she glowers. And oh, she was butthurt. Butthurt about her friend being killed! How could she? It's simple for him, when his friend was right here to tell him he's right when he needed her. It's simple for him, with peers he would not find slumped over at the border with eyes glazed. A growl rumbles in her throat, and its more than she should ever afford for the likes of Singepaw and his frog - brained friend.

She should not afford him this. She could not afford any feeling that was not productive. And isn't this what she wants? A future for ShadowClan that wasn't full of death; full of strife? Where kits could be this stupid and it didn't matter at all?

That didn't change the fact that if she were leader, she would strip Singepaw and Bloodpaw both of their new ranks in an instant. she lashes her tail, a final sign to herself to go do something better with her time. " You don't know how lucky you are, Singekit, " tinged in a hiss, before she is walking past the two kits, quelling the rippling of her fur

  • ooc: out; ragequit <3
  • SHE / HER
    ELDEST SISTER TO SWANPAW, ASHENPAW, AND GARLICPAW ( halfpaw, thornpaw, laurelpaw )
    currently 10 moons old as of 2.12.24. ages every 17th.
    ic opinions! she's mean <3