camp right here — musings

to be reborn , you have to die first .
The ghostly tom sighed, picking at anything that stuck to the cleaned bone, brows furrowed in attentiveness. An odd hobby, collecting skulls of prey, but it gave him something to do that wasn’t mindlessly wandering the territory, watching the boars from afar, sitting in limbo. A boring life.

Nothing exciting, but Spider didn’t mind. It kept his heart guarded against others, sneering at anyone who threatened that delicate balance. Of course, Whitelion was never one to back down, weaving past Spider’s tight defenses. By some miracle, Spider considered White a close friend,

He huffed, staring into the empty sockets, head cocked. He wondered—No. Shaking his helm, Spider delicately placed the bird skull next to the others, humming thoughtfully, tail swishing idly.

Something to do. He would bury them eventually, but for now, Spider was content with staring at them wishfully, head resting in the divot of his paws.
thought speech
☽ .* :☆゚. ── | Skulls and bones were something that Leopardtongue didn't care for all too much. She knew they were naturally inside everything, enough prey had been caught to show they were within all the prey they ate, and enough cats injured to show they were within them as well, but she didn't really care for looking at them. Looking at them made her think about how those were inside her, in her legs and paws and even her face, and it didn't really sit well within her mind. She didn't know any cats that collected them either like Spiderlily seemed to do, so when she walked by the other and saw the bones, the warrior was caught by surprise.

Coming to a stop for a moment, she looked to the bones then back to Spiderlily, lost for words for but a moment before questions began to stir. "Spiderlily," The feline would begin slowly while sitting down, "If you don't mind my asking, why do you keep the bones? Or, well, these ones specifically." She meant no harm by the question, and it showed in her voice. It was of genuine curiosity.​
to be reborn , you have to die first .
At the mention of his name, Spiderlily glanced up at Leopardtonge’s call, gaze half-lidded. “Keep them?” He asked, head cocked. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” He mumbled, idly rolling one of the skulls beneath a forepaw. He liked the reminder, that one day, he too, will become like this, smothered in earth as roots encompass his brittle bones.

Death was unpredictable, just as his life had been before he joined. Now? It was mundane with no real flare, but isn’t that what he wanted? But a mundane life led to thinking and grief until it swallowed him whole, leaving nothing but the fur on his back as a reminder to all those who knew him. He sighed wistfully, tail skimming the surface, head cocked. “These particularly?” He stared at empty sockets, unafraid. “No reason.” He shrugged. “I just liked them.” That would suffice Leopardtongue, no? No one cares. Of course, Spiderlily knew he was wrong, but how could he when those he cared for will be lost to such unfathomable fates?
thought speech
If she were Leopardtongue, she probably would've asked somethin' like, 'whatcha' dreamin about', or 'do you lick them to claim them'? 'Can you wear them like little hats'? What she ends up asking is decidedly a safer question, 'specially to someone' like Spiderlily, who kinda seemed like a tool from what she knew. Wolfwind would come to stand beside the brown warrior, not goin' so far as to get herself comfy (See: kinda seems like a tool), but enough to cast a sorta - interested sorta - not gaze over to Spiderlily. She feels like her preconceptions are cleared and ready to go right away from the response, wouldn't you like to know? " Yuh - huh, that's why she's askin, dummy " Keeping her tone light, Wolfwind would match the cocking of his head with a lopsided smile of her own.

No reason. It's a boring answer, and about the one she expected. Hence, why one should simply learn to ask better questions, such as: How many can ya wear at a time? " Ya know ya like 'em before, or after ya clean 'em off? See, I don't really touch the heads all that much, " She muses to no one in particular, though would cast a glance to Leopardtongue as if askin' with her eyes, what about you? " Tell us, o' bone connoisseur, how does one assess a good skull? Do I got one of 'em? "
Duskpaw was decidedly not fond of Spiderlily. It's not that the other cat had done anything wrong, necessarily, but– well, could they be blamed for not wanting to be near one who makes most everything uncomfortable? The very air around the other feline seems to prickle with wrongness. He is creepy, and awkward, and Duskpaw would rather not talk to him at all. Were Wolfwind not nearby to act as a buffer, the apprentice most certainly would have kept on walking. "That's not really any way to hold a conversation," he offers with some hesitation. Though he doesn't intend for it to come off as rude, he's watchful for it anyway. Some warriors were touchy about being told they were wrong by an apprentice. It could have been so much ruder, like if you want people to like you, maybe try answering them sometimes! or if you don't want to talk to people, you can tell them to go away instead of being creepy.

Just his thoughts on the matter, really.

The apprentice settles beside Wolfwind, but cannot stop himself from giving her an equally odd look: "Do you touch other parts outside of eating?" If he finds out she holds a collection of animal spines or eyeballs...well, at least she can hold a conversation still.

  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. he / they.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of his father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"