private RIGHT THROUGH ME // sunshinekit

Oct 24, 2023

Maplepatch's legs grow stiff, she wants nothing more than to stretch them out but... Sunshinekit's nest was settled right beside her. The kit could hardly be called that anymore, they were plenty old enough to be an apprentice, plenty big enough too she can't help but note. Of course, it was no fault of theirs that they remained in the nursery. Getting sick had been nasty buisness and now that they were better... well... look at them all! They were stuck in ShadowClan's camp, certainly no place to turn ThunderClan kits into ThunderClan apprentices.

"Sunshinekit... could you be a dear and um... scoot your nest over a little that ways?" Maplepelt acknowledges there isn't much room in this crowded den, but she needed more space for her limbs. It was uncomfortable the way it was with her belly being so round and swollen, let alone if she was fated to cramped legs.
  • >> @sunshinekit .
  • » Maplepatch
    » ThunderClan Queen
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