camp right when you think that it's perfect // return p2

periwinklebreeze 19 moons demi-boy windclan lead warrior
" S-sunstar! " is the shout that leaves the boys lips the moment he passes through the gorse, chest heaving and eyes seeking out the leader in question. It's strange enough to see him be so loud, but even stranger still are the cats who he knows are following just a few moments behind - he'd raced to get here, but even that hardly meant much. " W-we foud s-something - someone while on p-patrol... s-sedgepounce r-returned... " he trails off, uncertain about the rest of the story. Tail flicks and gaze darts around - hoping to either spot cottonpaw or that foxglare comes swiftly. He knows... very little of the truth of what had happened, and its uncomfortable, this not knowing.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
@SUNSTAR @SEDGEPOUNCE @RATTLEHEART - not pafp, anyone else is ofc welcome to post as well but most important pings <3
The rising dead is a feat reserved for StarClan — for those blessed by them. It seems today they will add another name to their numbers. Periwinklebreeze does not even need to say his name. From the moment that the newly named member of his council spills a stuttering, frantic call for his attention, his gaze lifts from the fresh kill pile and scans the small crowd that follow. He meets Sedgepounce before Peri has said his name, and he stands quickly, shoots up with electricity along his spine. In the tally of their dead and their missing, this is one that had concerned him. Not among the rebels, nor was he one that had fled with Granitepelt. Questioning led him to Snakehiss, and Snakehiss to the river bank, and the mournful grave that they could not fill.

"You live," he rasps, composure split by surprise, confusion, relief. "We thought your body lost to the water."

  • OOC. mobile, pls forgive mistakes
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    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

There's a brief moment of dark and calm before the inevitable rush of light as Sedgepounce ducks through the gorse tunnel leading into camp. It's like a heather-woven cocoon, all prickly and familiar. Shrubby tendrils comb through his fur, unbloomed but still sweet smelling, but his ears scrape against the top of the threaded tunnel before he remembers that he's supposed to flatten them. Then he's stepping through the threshold and it's—home.

It's an unfamiliar sensation. While he feels home—a part of him is already at rest within the sandy hollow, a place he knows better than the back of his paw—it's not like returning from the long, perilous Journey. He's just as homesick and tired, but that had at least been a triumph. Now Sedgepounce drags himself toward the Tallrock a failure, limping, returned smelling not of Highstones and lungwort and clean mountain air, but of Twolegplace, all stinging and medicinal.

Peri's call is almost needlessly perfunctory; with one short glance, Sunstar has flown to his feet, and Sedgepounce draws to a stop before WindClan's new leader. He doesn't look very different, Sedge thinks. His coat is wild and reddish in the dying embers of dusk light, and there's the flaky remains of a scab nestled in the fur of his shoulder. Nothing to denote Sunstride from Sunstar, except for the way that members of the clan bow around him like patrons in a theater, observing the exchange in silence.

Every wayward stare needles into Sedgepounce's skin like ice, and Sunstar's presence does not warm so much as it burns. "Yeah," he says quietly, voice breaking on the syllable. A jolt goes through him. "I mean—no! I...I fell, and then I...," Looking at Sunstar brings as much pain as staring at his namesake. Sedgepounce's gaze drops to the floor, to the sandy plot of earth between their paws, explanations and platitudes clutched to the wall of his teeth. He can't say it. There's enough shame riddled into his very frame—admittance is the final nail for the coffin, digging into his throat.

Even his mother would be ashamed; Sedgepounce can't bring himself to search for her in the crowd. "I came back as soon as I could," he confesses, but he doesn't think that it helps.​
"Sedgepounce." His voice is a quiet warble and he treads lightly along behind Perwinklebreeze with blue eyes wide in surprise, from the depths out crawled a corpse, once dead and now alive. Bearpaw pads past the others to stand next to his father, nearing now shoulder height and his smaller mirror image without the bristling tenacity the leader held in favor of a softer, more willowy figure like Wolfsong. The spotted tabby tilts his head to the explaination, the gorge would have been a fatal drop for any cat. He wonders how it might feel to face the claws that once tried to make his grieved life one of more permenance. "Welcome back." The apprentice chirps, voice rising in a more friendly manner in the hopes it might still the shaking tension rising like low fog in a bright morning.
What other cats might creep back from their brief respite with the stars? What other bodies unburied would spring forth bursting with life with a tale untold? He remembers the blood stains on grass and thinks it might not be many really, that the few they had seen thus far were star kissed fortunates.


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    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of WindClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Chocolate Rosette Tabby w/blue eyes.

AS HE RAISED HIS FIST BEFORE HE SPOKE — Though he was only a few steps behind Periwinklebreeze, Rattleheart found that he kept slowing down to keep pace with Sedgepounce, not wanting to leave the seemingly newly revived moor runner in the dust as they grew closer to camp. Although he knew that his occasional checking over of Sedgepounce was abundantly obvious, he just couldn't help it. Regardless of how well the twolegs had managed to patch him up, he had still been cast into unforgiving waters. He could still have wounds hiding just out of sight, and the tunneler wanted to make sure he didn't need to dart off and grab Wolfsong alongside his mate. At least Sedgepounce himself didn't seem too bothered by it, clearly more distracted by the prospect of returning to the home he had been forcibly dragged away from.

Rattleheart was intimately familiar with the feeling, considering he had been experiencing it only a short while ago.

A small mercy came in the form of Sunstar not being far when they arrived, the leader prompting a short nod from the lead warrior as he pressed lightly against Sedgepounce's side. A comforting motion meant to help him stay upright, rather than a sharper one that might aggravate his wounds. "He was just standing there at the border when we found him, clearly waiting for anyone to come along. I hadn't heard about... everything. It was a relief to see him again." The extra context was very intentional, meant to show their newly crowned leader that Sedgepounce hadn't just been trespassing over the border without a care in the world. Such clarification felt important after the tom's long absence, and the ambiguous nature of him not following along with the rest of them to the barn.

That was actually what caused his heart to thunder along now, wondering whether the surprise and confusion on Sunstar's face was a blessing or a curse. Rattleheart didn't want to see Sedgepounce expelled from their borders, not when he had already been through so much. "I thought it was best to bring him back to see you, all things considered. Snakehiss had also popped up at the border, but... well, I'm not sure if he followed." He hadn't bothered looking back once they had started the trek back towards camp. He could only remember the image of Snakehiss crumbling to the ground in a heap, practically sobbing in relief to Starclan that Sedgepounce wasn't dead. Hopefully he actually would be present before too long, if only to grant more clarity on the situation as a whole.

  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    longhaired black and white tom with pale green eyes
    48 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    afab; uses he/she/they pronouns
    homosexual homoromantic; mated to venomstrike
    sibling to scorchstreak, lizardbounce, and rabbitclaw
    currently mentoring downypaw
    somewhat difficult to befriend; wary but kind
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic
It would do nothing but cheapen this moment, if he were to pretend closeness now. Sedgepounce had been a nebulous figure in his mind, much the same as the cats that he had named just before. He did not know him, but... he had trusted him in the way that clanmates trusted, and mourned in a way that comes welling back when he hears Scorchstreak's story. He will not act as if they were long friends, or had shared the closeness of mentor and apprentice. That does not stop him from sweeping forward to bump his forehead roughly into the young warrior's form. His injuries are great but seem healed well enough, at least enough that he doesn't worry for the particular place he had jostled into. It is an unequivocal welcome to all that look upon them now. Sedgepounce is back.

"Did Snakehiss' guard follow?" he asks Rattleheart, concern knitting his brow. Though he has quickly found himself at ease with those that had changed the course of their destinies at the final moment, his rules still stand. And he could not allow them to be bent, particularly when his council is so preoccupied with the cat before them. He does not linger there, secure in the knowledge that another will handle it, if he could not be trusted. With a tilting gesture of his head, Sunstar gestures towards the fresh kill pile.

"It sounds like there's more to your story than a fall," he coaxes as he steps back, "Take your choice of prey and tell me all of what happened. Wolfsong will check your wounds later." For a moment it feels as if nothing had changed. His body, this clan. Though there are fresh scars on both of their forms, he is not Sunstar, not deputy — just a lead warrior from many moons ago, eager for a grand story and urging young apprentices to tell it well. Not everyone would share his heart, he knows. This is likely a pain that Sedgepounce will carry for the rest of his life. But perhaps his teachings will lessen the weight in time. History is a tale. Your future is a story unfolding. Even if you cannot change it, you can thrive within the pages.

  • OOC.
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    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

Soon enough, a small bubble forms around Sedgepounce. The weeks that led him here have felt hopeless. He's imagined a cold and barren WindClan, or a forest razed to the ground by Sootstar's limitless hate; a life spent forever trapped, alone, and endless. What surrounds him now is Bearpaw's soft greeting, Rattleheart pressed to his side, and Sunstar, whose headbutting jostles him nearly down to his paws. They're his clanmates. He's missed them.

"Oh. Okay," Sedge murmurs, blinking away tears. He shuffles forward to grab the first thing he sees off the freshkill pile; a mouse, its neck matted from the teeth which once pierced it. It's dropped to his feet when he turns back toward Sunstar, his limbs all folded beneath him as he sits and tries to put thoughts into words.

"It was a few days after you were all chased from camp," he starts, hazarding a glance up to Rattleheart, then to Sunstar. "I was...well. Um. I'd asked Yarrowfang what happened, but...Nobody was really willing to talk about why you'd left, or where you'd gone." Yarrowfang has a scar across her neck from fighting off a badger, but to her youngest son she's only ever been kind. She cuffed his ears when he'd tried to sneak from camp as a kitten, and he's seen her yell at his siblings for likewise misgivings. The way she'd looked at him when he asked about WindClan's traitors was like nothing he can describe.

Claws in his shoulder. Lips peeled back over curled teeth; eyes piercing, haunted. A fox stole his mother's face and stretched it over its own bloodied maw and hissed at him: "Drop it."

So he had. And the only other cat Sedge had even whispered a treasonous thought to was Cottonpaw.

Now he thinks he should have listened to his mother.

"I was out by the RiverClan border," he continues, voice brittle. Snakehiss is this dark, roiling thing stuck to his brain like a storm cloud. He's made himself scarce since his impromptu prayer at the border, but that doesn't mean he's not lingering somewhere just out of sight. Besides, that sniveling, snotty Snakehiss at the border is not the one that haunts him. "Snakehiss attacked me. For not being loyal enough. I—" he sucks in a breath through his teeth. "We fought, and then I fell."

The mouse at his paws is cold and crumpled; its glassy eye stares up at nothing. "I was taken by Twolegs," Sedge says. He prods at the mouse with a claw. Its throat has already been pierced right through. "I was in was like a den, small enough just to fit me, but the walls were all...flat, and shiny, and cold." He talks about how he couldn't move his foreleg because it was covered in this strange, rock-like material. How they would prod at him, sometimes, with needles threaded through the gaps in one of the walls. How his head was covered by some sort of film around his neck, though he refuses to confess that with it he couldn't bathe.

"Eventually they brought me back outside, and...and I realized that one of the walls was loose, so. I escaped." The Twolegplace was big, and loud, and smelly, and Sedge doesn't remember how he found the river in the first place, but. It brought him back to WindClan.

Sedge's appetite, minuscule as it was before, has not survived this conversation. He pushes the mouse with a paw. "...Sunstar," he hedges. He couldn't ask this of Sootstar, in all of her staunch resolutions and followers that would strike down cats for far lesser crimes, but Sunstar...maybe Sunstar cares. No promises. "I'll do anything to stay. I know this was bad, but I...I can't leave WindClan, I...," Snakehiss would call his begging pitiful. It's a thought which won't leave his mind.​