camp Right where you left me | left behind


Snakeblink crawls back into camp after a hunting patrol — his second today, a perhaps unnecessary overcompensation for the absence of six able hunters — and stops before he reaches the freshkill pile, thrown off by some intangible wrongness in the air. It takes him a second to pinpoint what exactly has his spine crawling, another to remember the cause of it.


In the wake of their envoys’ departure and with the sick confined inside the medicine den, the camp nearly seems to stand empty. There’s an uneasy peacefulness to the quiet, idle chatter stopping abruptly at every rustle of a returning patrol, eyes constantly drawn to the horizon. Life as usual trying to go on in the midst of a terrible waiting.

”So few of them gone, and yet...” he muses to a nearby clanmate, ”It sounds so quiet, does it not?” Then, mostly to himself: ”I wonder what they are doing right now. I hope they are safe.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


The camp did indeed feel empty. It was quiet like the birds among the sky when danger was present. At peace it did make her, silence was accepted. At the same time, she did internally point it was eerie. It was lonely. It was almost wrong and felt off-putting. The addition of her mate being confided to the medicine den, it didn't help. She felt lonely despite being a loner at heart and the silence seemed to have made it worse. It was almost relief when Snakeblink spoke to her as she sat, guarding camp. Eyelashes gently fluttered before she responded, "I agree. Maybe they are finding a place to settle for the night. How silent it'll be when they return." She meowed in flat sarcasm, watching the tunnel closely as if she were keeping count of her clanmates.

Petalnose was sure Snakeblink looked forward to this chatter, more than she would. She did want to hear word about the journey, the trials and tribulations they each personally been through. She had mixed feelings about the silence, it meant to an extent things weren't going well. Grief. Worry. Atleast, she didn't have to zone out the hustle bustle of the clan but it did sadden her. It did make her worry.

In every situation you give me peace
Although it was true that only a few departed for the journey it felt as if more had left than that. She found herself constantly glancing with quiet expectation at the entrance, only to remind herself that their journey had only just begun. Her gaze drifts back to the gleam of scales settled between her paws. "It is rather quiet..." Leaning down she takes a bite of her meal, chewing thoughtfully before swallowing her mouthful. "I cannot begin to imagine how they feel traveling with all the other clans." Windclan especially. The moorlanders would hardly pass by on a border patrol without spitting insults.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Eyes drifted from cloud to aimless cloud... the silence of the evening sinking past indifferent stares down into their core, shaking them for the way it echoes back her own thoughts. They'll die out there. They'll never come home. Would it be worse if only a few of them came back, leaving them dwindling but only partially? Could they handle losing each other....? It is a haunting melody singing of the destruction of their friends... their clan-mates, ones they'd seen grow from the size of newborns.

It is the slithering voice of Snakeblink that breaks that quietness, releasing them from the tumultuous storm of their anxieties. Would they have felt better if they'd been one of the ones to leave?

Probably not...

Their lips move without consideration, "They'll be fine." It is said with so much conviction... like she were demanding it to be true, threatening the stars themselves it had to be true. "Do you think.... StarClan can still see them.... where they're going?" Would threatening the fates work if even they could not reach that far?​
Who knew sending such little cats would make the camp feel like a place so uninviting, a ghost camp? She returns today with Ratpaw by her side, a solo patrol for both of them so Ratpaw may get better acquainted with the territory. She's sure her apprentice knows each crevice by heart by now, yet... She suppresses the inkling of doubt that rears its ugly head again, a heavy sigh parting her lips. It's so quiet, now, something that Salmon used to mentally beg for, something that will now drive her mad... You never know how much you miss something until its gone, after all.

It is up to Ratpaw if she joins in to the conversation, but Salmon moves to sit besides Snakeblink as he muses. She appreciates him as good company; again, a little doubt begins to creep in, maybe i'm not suited for friends, she stomps it out as she draws a feathery tail around her paws. "Surely Starclan could, otherwise they would not have said something." Salmon speaks in response to Lichentails question. Isn't it what happened? Is she getting Cicadastars words mixed up...? Dread builds in her stomach as she thinks of the journey cats perishing without being under their ancestors watchful eyes. She tries so hard not to think about it anymore and clamps her mouth shut.

  • @Ratpaw
  • salmonfunny.png
    -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 30 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    -> "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    -> chibi by pin
It feels intrusive to approach the slow growing group of RiverClanners, though Robinpaw does so with a small amount of hesitation. She has checked over each elder for ticks twice, finding none, so it only seems fair for her to take a short break before finding something else to busy her paws with. The tortoiseshell apprentice seats herself on the outskirts of the clowder, mindful of the scent of mouse bile still clinging to her pelt - it would be rude to sit too close to those enjoying a meal after all. "StarClan resides up in the sky, right? It is a vast area, so much bigger than our clans... I think wherever this journey takes our clanmates and the others, they will still be under the same sky, under the watchful eye of StarClan," Robinpaw ponders as she lifts her gaze upwards for a moment. She is young and naïve, but she hopes she is right.