camp righteous hand of god ⚘ awake

When he opens his eyes he is surprised to not see the visions of a starry field laid before him but instead an unfamiliar den filled with the familiar tang of herb scent and grenery. Dandelionwish lifts his head slowly, bits of the nesting under him stick to the side of his face but he pays it no mind; his unfocused gaze roams around him curiously before the ordeal comes rushing back in full. He barely remembered the slow walk to SkyClan's camp, everything a blur and his body practically dragged, propped up between two much bigger cats than he; instinctively he looks for Daisypaw and frets over where she had been taken, no immediate fear she was left abandoned. No, if he was allowed here then the kit was most assuredly somewhere close by as well. Blazestar had never crossed him as so cruel, cautious, but understandably so. This was obviously Dawnglare's den but he did not see the velvet and curled fur of the healer anywhere but he must not be far, there was a good chance he was just outside given his distrust and the chocolate tom could not blame him for it at all. He couldn't blame any of them really. He'd been prepared to go to StarClan without hate or regret in his heart, knowing he did what he could and fled only when he was forced to. His His ex-clanmates had been so quick to condemn him over lies and indoctrination. His chest ached, but more apparent was that his paw still hurt terrible in whatever binding it had been set in. The ex-healer sniffed hesitantly at the plaster of herbs over him, trying to sort out recognition but found it similar to things he would have done himself. This den was a mess really, now that his focus was coming back he could view the piles of herbs and dissarray with amusement. Dawnglare needed an apprentice, someone to clean up his messes.
While the urge to get up and look around outside was there, he did not want to cause a fuss by moving about nor did he think himself ready. Unlike his more stubborn patients back on the moors, he had the good sense to be cleared before bothering so he shifted in his temporary nest to sit upright proper and peer out from beneath the shroud of the bush hanging over the den's mouth.

[Ooc: Letting this take place a few days after THIS thread.]
// tw for temporary violent thoughts

Busying himself with moving around herbs, bendy leaves allowing him to bundle up specific ones into correct piles. He wasn't informed on what they were- but scent was scent, and he was damn good at smelling things. The sound of a nest shifting catches his attention first, Fireflypaw turning his head to peer towards the.. Ex-WindClanner? He was the medicine cat that Dawnglare spoke of, wasn't he? The one that didn't appear at the last medicine cat gathering? "Welcome back to the land of living." Fireflypaw meows monotonously, lacking the usual pep in his tone. He couldn't work up the empathy for this tom, after all. WindClan attacked his home because of this fool. With all the patience of a saint, Fireflypaw sat beside the medicine cat to look at his wrapped paw in thought. "No green. No infection. Good." He mutters simply, standing up to pad to the back of the den. He picks up a ball of frozen, dripping moss and drops it at Dandy's paws.

"Drink." He grumbles, ears tilting back against his head as he peers down at the smaller cat. Oh, how he could have been a splat on the ground by now.. Blood pooled around his paws, just like it had moons ago. Such a beautiful, deadly color. A soft hymn slips from the tom's lips, comforting himself in the face of an enemy. He wanted to strangle him, to rid the world of another parasite to Mother's health. Though, his expression never shifted from the empty apathy he shows the ex-medicine cat. The silence eats away at him, though the next to arrive would notice his twitching tail as a sign of discomfort.

Come back already, Dawnglare..

Grapejuice was glad to be in camp and out of that stuffy clinic his twolegs ran. It sure was nice not being surrounded by animals who were sick injured and dying! It was a literal breath of fresh air, walking into the pine forest.

He considered becoming a full time warrior, but he couldn't just leave his twolegs. They were what held him back. He loved them, and they loved him.

Such musings were cut short when he heard shuffling from the medicine den. It appeared Dandelionwish had awoken! Excellent, a victim.

He bounded over to the den to make his greeting.

"Hello, former Windclanner! Sure are a lot of you, lately!" He greeted. "You know, you're lucky. The last Windclanner I ran into was in my twolegs medicine den. They're cutters." He continued, finishing with a mischievous chuckle.

"So. I'm curious." He started again. " You feel any thirst for revenge after...." He gestured a paw at Dandy's wounds. "All that?"


Greenpaw, cursed with his namesake, has begun to catch on to the way Dawnglare looks at him if he steps too close to the medicine den. Though the High Priest looks at him weird all the time, it's especially weird, the closer he gets to the stocks of leaves and flowers and... whatever else is strewn about in there.

He still doesn't really know, in all fairness.

But, Dawnglare, Greenpaw has a feeling that the medicine cat really does believe that there are good greens. Those that heal, catmint for instance. He's well aware that Dawnglare doesn't see him as a good green though. Perhaps he just doesn't want him near the good shades, doesn't want him tainting them with his venom.

So, he tries his best now, to watch how close he's getting to the medicine den. Which is so hard, when Fireflypaw's a medicine apprentice, on the verge of learning the difference between good and bad greens. And is even harder now, that there's someone else inhabiting the den.

A WindClanner.

Greenpaw doesn't really think he's ever spoken to a WindClanner before. Coyotepaw doesn't count. But this, the former medicine cat of the moors, he had some grand story for his arrival. One that tied into Greenpaw's trek to RiverClan, to the attack on SkyClan. He thinks he even heard that it was the new patient's fault.

It's his fault Greenpaw got stuck in RiverClan's camp. It's his fault Blazestar lost a life. It's his fault Fireflypaw and Figpaw almost died in the place he now lies.

So... would that make the newcomer worse than Greenpaw, then, in Dawnglare's eyes? The apprentice doesn't know, but, he thinks he doesn't like this guy.

What he does know, however, is that he's getting bored. And that the High Priest is off somewhere else. Meaning...

The orange tom steps closer to the medicine den than what would typically be allowed of him. Closer and closer, until he's sticking his head into the den, bright eyes peering in for a glimpse of the newcomer. Maybe Dawnglare won't mind, this time, if his curse washed over this patient.

"No green. No infection," he hears. Fireflypaw.

"Yes green," he announces himself without a second thought, stepping into the den. He watches his paws closely, careful not to step on any herbs, to avoid turning good greens into bad greens. "Is he awake? Is he mean?"

And oh, of course he is awake. And he's... kind of scary looking. Greenpaw isn't sure what he expected, when he'd heard of an injured WindClanner. Maybe something... less... scary? Greenpaw doesn't know much about healing and medicine outside of basic knowledge and his mother's own remedies - maybe the scariness of all those patched-up wounds was part of the process.

"Oh," he speaks, viridian gaze wide as he looks at the fallen medic. "Hello. Welcome to... Welcome to SkyClan, I guess?" It's not much of a welcome party, but Greenpaw doesn't think he deserves it, with everything that happened.
————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱————————————

Daisypaw just wanted to be with Dandelionwish. She just wanted him to wake up and be okay again. She wanted him to tell her everything would be okay. She didn't want to be with the SkyClanners. She didn't like the looks they gave her.

SkyClan's medicine cat was scary. He also didn't like her. She didn't like him either. Any time she tried to see Dandelionwish she was shortly kicked out again, depending on how quickly he spotted her. At one point she hadn't even reached the den before she was being turned away, ears to her skull.

Only once Daisypaw felt a sufficient amount of time had passed between her last attempt did she try again, head low as she crept closer and closer. She finally peeked into the den, just behind an apprentice whose name she didn't know. Her eyes immediately went to the sepia point, eyes widening upon the realization that he was awake and even sitting up.

She nearly shoved past the SkyClanners, just shy of flinging herself at him and tears already welling. "Dandy!" she cried, shoving her face into his fur. The apprentice drew herself close, shoulders hunched and tail coiled tightly.

————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱————————————

More Windclanners- have we opened the floodgates? was the first thing he'd thought, shocked they'd found precedent to let them in. But- eavesdropping wasn't too difficult when there was something scandalous going on. Like letting in Windclanners- pretty scandalous. Harsh whispers frisked the air, skittering voices that often flipped in judgement, between approval and disapproval and everything in between. They'd been injured... that justified letting them in, he supposed. So injured they might die otherwise. Or maybe it was just one of them that was going to die... tangle of words, mess of it all, like snakes twisting around each other- rumours grew like roots.

He'd get a look for himself, he decided. Just a peek. But when he made his wobbling way over to the medicine den, it seemed as if everyone else in the Clan had the same idea.

Craning his neck above the crowd to get a better look, he grew unsteady on his feet and stumbled closer than he had intended. Scrambling to avoid face planting, wild eyes so wide they looked as if they might come flying out of his head. And oh- oh, he was staring. Staring now, and he didn't stop even though he was aware of it- could barely blink in his panic. Idiot, he was, staring! They'd think he was in awe of some Windclanners, or wary of them- think he was looking at them like they were aliens because he hated them! Not the case, not the case- a smile trembled cross his face, some attempt at friendliness through the terror and shame painted upon his face.
penned by pin ✧

He had not noticed the other cat there but now that he had he offered a smile despite the obvious disinterest in being chatty with him, he took no offense but did note with some amusement they seemed to be knowledgeable in medicine and perhaps this was Dawnglare's apprentice? He must have gotten one between the last time they spoke and now. Dandelionwish lifted his paw to make it easier to inspect before tucking it back against himself the moment it was let go. Mismatched eyes watched the other move to drop moss for him and he showed his teeth finally in a more proper smile, "Ye must be his apprentice? Thank ye, nice to meet ya. Yer a quick learner I see~" It had taken him a far bit longer to figure things out himself, but then again he really only had one moon of his mentor before she was cast out. Maybe he would've picked things up quicker. Another apprentice walks in, makes idle commentary and asks 'is he mean' before turning to notice him proper and a light laugh bubbles up from his chest he can't refrain from making.
They awkwardly try to change the topic and he lets it go with a wink, "Aye, thank ye. I think?"

The white and black blur that darted in was met with a relieved sigh, he had not thought SkyClan would be so cruel but he was pleased to see his suspicions were correct and she'd only been kept out of the den to not be underfoot, a paw raised to give the small apprentice a gentle tug forward as she set to crying; pushing his nose to the top of her head soothingly.
"Now now, none o'that-everything's fine now! Ye ain't been causing problems have ye? Stayin' outta trouble?" He imagined she wasn't too fond of not being allowed to stay in here as she'd gotten used to just living in his den back in WindClan but it wasn't her place anymore and it certainly wasn't his. The tom felt a prickle of unease run along his spine as he thought about the future he was now able to even consider. No. He didn't think he'd want anything to do with medicine cat work ever again, but he'd happily pass his limited knowledge onto the two here to do with as they felt fit.

Revenge. The blue tom asked the question as casually as he brought up the weather and the chocolate ex-healer could only grimace in response before smiling sadly, "No. No point in revenge, what would it accomplish? I pity'em all really...but I picked my side when I left." His former clanmates meant nothing to him now as much as he wished otherwise and he sighed. He would not pursue revenge, but he would also not allow them to do as they pleased if he had anything to say about it going forward. Lifting his gaze up from his paws and the lump of kitten fluff shaking into his chest he spots the wide-eyes of yet another apprentice peering in and he offers a hesitant smile. Yeah, he supposed this was an unusual and curious incident that warranted such poking about. He'd probably have done the same.

The cats gathering around Dawnglare's den alerts Blazestar. He makes his way over, lifting his tail in greeting to the cats peering in at the mangled cat within. Dandelionwish is awake, coherent despite his wounds, talking to the other SkyClanners despite the tension running between them all.

The Ragdoll dips his head to the former WindClan medicine cat. "I'm glad to see you're awake." His gaze falls to Daisypaw, tiny and trembling and pressed into her Clanmate's chocolate-tinted fur. His expression softens. She seems too young to be training as a warrior, he thinks. Perhaps she isn't as young as she looks -- perhaps she's just small-framed and hungry. WindClanners are smaller, anyway.

He brings his gaze back to Dandelionwish's mismatched one. "Now that you're awake and have your wounds patched up, I'd like to speak to you more in-depth about what's going on." He had gotten a choppy, abbreviated version of Dandelionwish's story before, and he still feels like he's missing so much. He has brought these cats into his camp, but he still has decisions to make regarding their future. "I'll come back once you've had a chance to rest more, though." He moves his way out of the den's entrance, passing by his Clanmates as he exits the group.

// out

Angry at all the things I can't change
Cautiously he finds the courage to bring himself along the very outskirts of the medicine den. Far enough to not impede upon Blazestar's wishes to stay away, but close enough so that he would not need to yell in order to communicate. Standing at the awkward distance made it difficult to see the former healer, minty eyes only catching brief glimpses here and there due to the growing crowd. He remembered being shocked when he first saw the sepia tom being brought in, appearance ragged and practically shred to ribbon a open wounds wept red. He certainly did not put it past windclan to do such a thing but he hated that it happened to him. "Dandelion!" The boy calls, hoping to gather the ex-windclanner's attention. "I'm glad you're awake, and more importantly that you made it out." He remembered vividly the day Dandelionwish was made prisoner despite all he's done for them. Coyotepaw is acutely aware of the eyes that must be resting upon them now and while he feels the heavy weight of discomfort he presses on. His concern over the tom that tried to look out for him outweighed his droning anxieties. "How are you feeling?"
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

His father passes by like wind, but his words were ones that catches his attention. So he was really going through with this, letting these WindClanner's stay here? Fireflypaw feels his lip twitch in disgust, only the sound of Greenpaw's arrival calming him down. "Minty," He sings the nickname out, though Greenpaw's question makes him frown again. "He's alive." He replies unhelpfully, shrugging his shoulders. He wishes so intensely that he could leave the suffocating den, but Dawnglare wasn't back yet and Mother's prisoners mustn't be left alone. His head leans forward, gently resting on Greenpaw's shoulder. He listens as Greenpaw greets the befallen ex-medic, tossed from Mother's favor- unlike the high priest. Mother favors him.

Ye must be his apprentice? Thank ye, nice to meet ya. Yer a quick learner I see~ Dandelionwish speaks again, and it takes everything in his power to remain in control of the bubbling urge to groan in complaint. His voice was grating, his accent absolutely horrendous to listen to. Who even gave him permission to speak? "Of course I learn quick. I was Chosen, after all. I'm the Chosen One. StarClan's Gifted One, and Her Acolyte. 'Best that you remember that, y'know." He huffs arrogantly, tail flicking against the ground as he finally lifts his head from Greenpaw's shoulder. Despite the tone used, nothing could prepare him for the onslaught of white and black fur rushing past him. Her voice shrieks, screeching out for the WindClanner (he's going to betray us!-) in a sense of merriment and worry. She was excited to see him, which meant she was the other WindClan cat the rumors have babbled on about. He aches to glare at the kit, but he reminds himself that it's not nice to do such. That wasn't like him at all.
// ic opinions, as always!
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————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱————————————

Dandelionwish drew her close, and she felt him touch the top of her head. Daisypaw melted into the touch, nuzzling and letting out a broken purr. The tears were quickly drying, soaking up his words and craning her neck to look up into his eyes.

The bicolor apprentice's jaw jut out in a half-hearted pout of indignation. "No, m'not causin' any kinds'a trouble!" came her swift denial. She was just relieved in that moment, Dandelionwish already sounding far less sad than he had for the past moon. Maybe it was the herbs making him feel better.

Cats were crowding in all around, and Daisypaw made no attempt to peel herself from his side, instead twisting about to stare as they all uttered their own thoughts, a few making her nose crinkle in something unreadable. Mean? He wasn't mean.

Finally came the massive cat she had seen before, his blue eyes far more intense now that they weren't drowned in the darkness of night. Blazestar, leader of SkyClan. Her ears tilted back when he looked at her, but that serious look on his face faded into something kinder, and she hesitantly straightened up to look back at Dandelionwish when he was addressed. He didn't stay long.

Any further conversation flitted in one ear and out the other, the young apprentice letting out a small breath through her nose as she resumed pressing her face into the sepia tom's shoulder, more than content to tune out the world as she bathed in his comfort once more.

————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱————————————

A polite smile and nod are offered to Blazestar who arrives as quickly as he appears and the tension is quite present in that brief moment. He feels terrible for having caused such issue by coming here, he can only imagine the chaos it has caused in the clan but finds that it is nothing compared to the outright madness fulfilled violence that WindClan would be in similarly. Were the roles reversed he would have been killed on the border already.

"Coyotepaw!" His surprise is blatant, he had his suspicions the other might have returned but nothing solid to go by; he had hoped so though, hoped he was here and not a body on the thunderpath or lost in loner lands somewhere he might not return from. That the pale apprentice was well was warming in its own way and he offered a smile to the question, "Like death." He purrs, tone light but he does not dwell on it for the most part. He wanted to live and he was alive, what more could a cat ask for in these circumstances. He kept a paw looped gently around Daisypaw, looking up in bemused surprise to Fireflypaw's response to his niceties, "Oh yer definitely his apprentice..." He utters with a wide grin, a regular little miniature of the pompous and loud SkyClan medicine cat for certain. Either molded to such or picked for that reason; it was terribly funny in a way he could not laugh at just yet due to the tension and uncertainty of his future here but he made a note to pick on the velvet tom for it in the future.
"I'll be sure to remember it, promise, but ye might need to remind me-we ain't all chosen ones or nuthin." Dandelionwish smiles, lays his head back down on the nest content for the moment.

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