camp RINGLEADER // rta, bad hunt



'Don't beat yourself up over it, Mothpaw. There's always tomorrow.'

Is there?

Moth and her mentor find SkyClan's camp after a largely unsuccessful hunt. The young she-cat since her promotion to apprenticehood has been able to return home with at least a single piece of prey every time - even if it was a small mouse or half-born snake, always something. However today the pine forest provides her with no more than the plaguing stench of the sick and the tells of rogues at every corner. Moth has little issue with the rogues themselves - she's of their blood, though she's supposed to be ashamed of it. But they're stifling the already dying prey life.

"This is..." her words are predominantly for herself, as in the moons that've passed she's become quite the recluse, "Foxdung," she decides finally. What are they to do now - since patrols seem to bring less and less prey every day?​

"Tell me about it. You had bad luck too huh?" The Daylight warrior huffs as she plops down to sit near the apprentice, having just returned empty-pawed herself. She could go home to a nice meal and warm nest every night, but it was little solace when she knew she left behind a clan struggling to get by. Part of her debated trying to bring food to the camp, stolen two-leg food or some of her own kibble but lugging all of that here from twoleg place was just going to attract more of those rogues and she was only one cat. Besides, her two-leg might notice and then they'd all be in trouble if a person wandered out here wondering where it all went. She dismissed the stupd plan with a sigh and flick of her tail. What Hazelbeam needed to do was try harder with her hunting.
"...feels like there's nothing out there, like all the prey is scared away.." Between it getting colder and the rogues she wondered what was the main cause - leafbare wasn't THAT close yet. "I wanna head out one more time before I have to go..."
It got dark quick lately and she didn't want to wander home through the woods when it was pitchblack.

Silversmoke was not one of the clan's esteemed hunters. His luck had become a thing of mockery amidst the smaller patrols he'd attended and, had it not been the foreboding sense of doom that nagged at the Lead Warrior's senses, he may have felt somewhat vindicated that others now had similar bad experiences to the tabby. His fur slowly seemed to retreat toward his stomach and, as Silver moved closer to the pair, there was a sluggishness to his gait, as if his energy had been drained. He knew he was in no position to defend SkyClan as vehemently as he wanted to from the looming rogues, the law to feed the weak first was the right one, but it seemed to slowly bring him down to their level. "Or being eaten before we get the chance to see it," he added on after Hazel, a characteristic bitterness to his tone. Daylight Warriors were one point of contention, but when it was rogues causing the issues, it was easy to abate his discomfort and find unity against a common cause. Hazelbeam mentioned going out once more and the tom's eyes shot towards Mothpaw. "Don't." He didn't know who he was referring to more.

Abysspaw's capture under a Daylight Warrior's supervision still lingered in his head, but more than that, he imagined the Rogues to be like prowling night foxes, ready to attack any vulnerable cat under the gloom of a dusky red sky. Injuries would not help them earn food. He thought of Blazestar and his sickness, to the two other council members who had not gone on the journey, and let out a huff. He knew not what the correct course of action was, a snake without a head, but he could still point blindly to what he thought was right - someone had to. "Try the shiny trunks in the Twolegplace. I would scavenge from them in my youth... carrion or not, it's something."


Ugh, this whole thing sucks so bad. Hunger constantly nagging at her, the looming threat of rogues and sickness, and now the insinuation that they have to eat carrion? "But that's so gross," protests the little molly as she approaches, her tone drawling into a bit of a childish whine. "And what if it, like, makes us sick?" She wishes the journeying cats would get home with the yellowcough cure already. What's it like out there, wherever they are? They're probably having a lot more fun safely away from the strife of their homeland. What's it like traveling with so many cats from other clans? Is that taking away from the whole thing, or are they all getting to be friends? Pollenpaw can't imagine herself befriending a WindClanner... Wait, she's getting distracted. With the faintest shake of her head, her attention refocuses on the present moment.

  • POLLENPAW she/her, apprentice of skyclan, five moons
    little cream tabby with folded ears, low white, and big green eyes
    friendly, silly, playful, adventurous, tactless, oblivious, forgetful
    mottledove x stormy; sister of aspenpaw and pipitpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by mercurial@mercuriial on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The rogue presence was a threat, but not to which Thistleback offered his fear. In the monopoly of fear, he was bankrupt- no, this was a threat to his family and the foundation in which kept Skyclan strong. With hungry bellies and a dark horizon, prayer and hope held lantern in quivering hand through this blizzard of injustice, peril, and plague.

He had not eaten, chewed on bones and the marrow pf prey sits in shreds on his stomach. Enough fuel to keep his cogs churning, though rusted over his time spent surviving in the concrete jungle of the twolegplace- nevertheless unstoppable and stubborn. While most feel fatigue in their hunger, he felt merely agitated and purged the forest with his presence and camp with his absence. His children were grown and his mate estranged, this marionette had loose strings. His silvery stare combed the fallen brown nettles of camp, in this seldom moment which he spent to survey his clanmates and await any orders.

He catches ear of an apprentice’s misfortune, a common song as of late in the melody of circumstance. Hazelbeam chimes in with ease, settling into chatter suggesting another try, Silversmoke instructs against her suggestion. A younger with folded ears like a pup, pipes up next in an innocent childish tone- one that made the warrior think back to his children at their age. " true hunger has no perception of ‘gross’ little lass " His raspy voice climbs from his throat in the way stones roll over gravel.

" however, It can't rain all the time " he offers his truth metaphorically, a simple this too shall pass. " I pray a safe return to your twolegs, Hazelbeam. And- better luck in your next hunt, Mothpaw. " he offers with hoarse politeness, and a nod of his marred skull to the dual-eyed Lead warrior.

  • — in n out!

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring none formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


Clanborn kittens were favoured compared to those born away from the safety of the pine forest. It was an idea the Lead Warrior thought he could agree with, for the ability to teach selflessness and unity was far greater than any rogue lesson, but Pollenpaw's immediate protest caused Silversmoke's eyes to narrow. As with Chrysaliswing, security also had to potential to make cats very, very entitled. He drew a sharp breath in to calm himself, only exhaling in relief when Thistleback intervened. He rolled his head on his shoulders so his nose could face the piebald cat, offering a firm nod in greeting. Absence could make the heart grow fonder, if numbness to past wrongs was a form of platonic love, then the Lead Warrior supposed he too had fallen victim to the old saying. There was unity, however temporary, between the pair; two cats who knew that during hard times, the most unpleasant things needed to be done. Life was a war that would always be lost, but they could keep their battles going longer if they were smart - in a weird way, it was almost a relief that Pollenpaw hadn't learned that yet.

"Sickness and hunger. One might kill you, one will kill you," he pointed out to the apprentice with a lash of his feathery tail. Pragmatically, he would choose sickness every time - should death wish to take him, at least it would come faster than if he succumbed to hunger. "You may have to do battle with the Twolegplace scavengers, but they're not an unknown. Whoever is stealing our prey is." Was it a large gang, or just a few troublemakers? Were they from the Twolegplace themselves, or were they bigger, stronger, more likely to kill? Were they just targeting SkyClan, or were they brazen enough to challenge ThunderClan as well? Nothing could be answered yet and that frustrated the spotted tom, who often favoured action to waiting.

"The big guy is right," Storm pipes up as he lazily ambles over to the group, vibrant emerald eyes watching Thistleback take his leave before glancing back to Silversmoke and flashing the lead warrior a smile. "The shiny trunks can harbor some good stuff. I used to dig through them often before coming here to SkyClan... think I only got sick once, maybeee twice? Had to toughen up my stomach is all. Now I could eat just about anything," the apprentice brags, though in all actuality is it really bragging to admit carrion wouldn't make him ill? Storm doesn't think too deeply on it and instead glances at Pollenpaw and Mothpaw. "Perhaps tomorrow at dawn we can go with our mentors to locate some shiny trunks before the big loud monsters come and empty them? I might be able to remember some good spots where the scraps are more palatable than others?"