pafp Rip up the garden ƚƚ Gathering flowers


Lowering your expectations
May 26, 2024

Houndpaw noticed with distaste that her nest was looking awfully drab. She blamed Stagpaw for it, that barbarian seemed to take great joy in trampling over it wherever it be morning or night. It was negligence on their part too they supposed, forgetting their upkeep of it after said trampling. There was resolve to fix this issue today, moss was easy enough to come by but it didn't help the ugliness of her nests overall state which was the core issue for her.

It needed something, though they couldn't exactly place what. They rolled their broad shoulders as they stared daggers at it, like an inanimate object could communicate with her. As they stared they noticed the stem of an old flower, long wilted and on the route of decay. Ah, that was it. She needed new flowers to decorate it with, that would bring some life to such a dreary looking nest.

Houndpaw didn't want to be seen putting in the effort to go out of their way to look for flowers. She may be asked to assist on a hunting patrol if she asks her mentor to wander out of camp for her efforts. She vaguely recalls seeing Littlekit around camp while she lounged, anytime saw her they'd notice a stray flower or twig.

Sticking her head outside of the apprentice den she scanned the camp around them for the small chimera. Once she was able to see her they walked in long strides to intercept the kitten. “Littlekit, I hear that you're one of the best flower collectors in camp” they meow daintily. A polite smile as she looks down at the child. “I'm looking for new flowers for my nest, could you help me look for them?” The request seemed simple enough, for their sake they hoped this was one of the friendlier nursery denizens.

{ Please wait for @LITTLEKIT <3 }​



༻ ♥༺ Littlekit had a natural eye for treasures, or at least that’s what mama has always told her, and mama loved her so it couldn’t be a lie. The smokey kitten was good at something, and it felt good to know that- but to be recognized for it? Approached? That added a whole new kind of pressure, because then the kitten had to be good at it.
Today’s hunt for trinkets is going swimmingly, stray feathers blown into camp were only slightly damp and hardly muddy, and the small blooms she had to get up extra early to harvest before Meadowkit came around were abundant. Littlekit keeps her head low to the soil, if for the sake of avoiding eye contact with anyone while on her mission, but the sudden sight of earth-toned paws striding across the ground and right towards her make the feather-furred kitten freeze, her gaze only raises a mouse-length when the paws stop right in front of her.
It’s Houndpaw that speaks to her, Littlekit’s eyes round with a sudden sense of wonder and apprehension as the other calls her one of the best flower collectors in the whole camp. “Y-you heard that…?” The chimera child reconfirms, shuffling her forepaws awkwardly in the mud. The task Houndpaw asks of her is simple enough, and Littlekit finally tips her chin upwards to look in at least the apprentices general direction. “M’yeah, I-I think.” Littlekit’s agreement is meek and unsure, and her body turns with her head as she scans the outskirts of camp. “M’by the n-nursery. There’s lot’sa fl-flowers. Sometimes.” The last part is whispered, and Littlekit begins shuffling in the direction of the place, hoping not to disappoint someone like an apprentice.

  • LITTLEKIT she/her, kit of thunderclan, 4 moons.
    Amber-eyed, dense-furred chocolate smoked she-kit with black ribboning stretching across her face, foreleg, and tail.
    daughter of Roeflame && Burnstorm ࿏ sister to Beetlekit && Dovekit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Meadowkit loves loves LOVES her cousins. Littlekit was more timid than the others but that was okay because Meadowkit could have a BIG presence (or so she had been told) and she could be loud enough for the both of them! As much as she adores her family though, she cannot help the spark of jealousy that causes her pelt to twitch upon hearing someone declare that Littlekit is the best flower picker. Not her. Well, fine there were better things to be known for then picking flowers anyways. Littlekit could keep that title if she really wanted it.

Still, Meadowkit finds herself bounding over despite her annoyance at the dusty-coated apprentice. "What kinda flowers are you looking for Houndpaw?" the molly didn't quite strike her as the decorating type, but she supposes that everyone is just full of surprises sometimes. "Littlekit and I can get you sorted in no time at all!" And with that she has invited herself to help Littlekit out. How great of a cousin was she?

  • oZHYGDl.jpeg

  • 79402766_SDCTSiSnicLgq5m.png
    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training

stags are known to be solitary creatures. it's not that hard to see one off in the distance by itself, minding it's own business. grazing and getting upset with anyone that goes near it enough. maybe that's why stagpaw is the way that they are. maybe they're simply living up to their namesake by being off putting and rude. overly defensive, with invisible horns driving off anyone that comes too close. or maybe, stagpaw just didn't want to get close to others for fear of what they might truly think about them. maybe they buck and charge to keep others away so that they do not see the look of disappointment in their eyes. maybe.

she isn't nearly as mean to kits tho. they don't know better, she realizes, and for that they cannot be punished. she was a kit once and she knows more about how easy it is to get swept into the naivety of kit life. she wishes she would have had more time and that is why she tries hard enough to be nice to kits.

"flowers, huh? color me curious. why don't you show us the best places to find them here, littlekit and meadowkit?"

this was the best they could do. if they were crazed enough, they might have asked houndpaw specifically to get them a flower, but logic outweighs delusion. she may care about them, but not that much. even if somewhere in the festers of their darkened mind, they wished she did.


The little difference he thought were always the most funny from the way his peers slept to the bedding they laid on, Tornadopaw himself slept in a mess of feathery down and moss it was all about maximum comfort for him he'd never thought once of weaving pretty little flowers into it. Houndpaw did though, he catches the request she meows to Littlekit - he hadn't gotten the chance to know her partially because as brave as he wanted to say he was he shied away from the bigger apprentices whenever he could while he thought of ways to impress them. Some he just avoided all together if he could, there were mean ones in every pack and long as they didn't start nothing with him or his buddies he'd skirt round' them. Houndpaw wasn't one of those types, but he's not sure what type she is but seeing the way she sees Littlekit's talents and kindly asks for help gives him a good vibe!

A part of him misses being in the nursery even if he wouldn't admit it to anyone but maybe his former nursery-mates themselves - he misses the closeness of it he misses the queens and playing all day. Being an apprentice was great too, it was just different and the workload kept him pretty busy but whenever he could he tried to find time for some fun and games or just spending good time with his friends. He'd approach them, dipping his head towards both Stagpaw and Houndpaw respectfully though he gives a particularly wide smile Houndpaw's way "You've chosen the two best flower finders in the clan" he purrs he wouldn't leave out Meadowkit both kits needed a bit of praise every now and again just like he did! His tail would affectionately rub against Littlekit's side as he sits besides her and Meadowkit.

"Mind if I join you? I'm thinking about seeing how flowers look in my pelt, I just need to find some of the right color. Well if Houndpaw doesn't mind me snagging some anyway" he chuckles "I think I'd look pretty with some petals in my pelt, don't you think?" he's half-joking, but hey maybe he would!


She nods her head curtly in response to reaffirm the fact that Littlekit was one of the best flower collectors in camp. “Thank you so much Littlekit I'm happy to know I'm in capable company” she gestures with a paw for the kit to take the lead. It only made sense for her to lead the way since she was the one who knew the location.

Houndpaw smiles out of formality at the second kit who comes bounding up to her, Meadowkit. They’d seen her around the young chimera sometimes, she was fairly sure that she also had a record for collecting flowers. The more help the merrier they supposed, the question of what kind of flower she was looking for had brought them pause.

“White ones would be fine, if you know where to find any cool colours like blue or purple I’ll be very thankful. I'm sure that'll be no problem for two experienced flower collectors like yourselves” the apprentice didn’t have a distinct vision for the flowers she wanted. They figured that keeping the children entertained through giving them harder flowers to find would be the best idea.

Her tail swayed as she walked alongside the kittens, keeping a lethargic grace to her. Stagpaw’s voice brought them pause, still she was in a good mood today despite the fact that they were the reason that she was having to find something to decorate her nest with anyways. “Hm, if any of you have a favourite flower I could use those too, if you could share” she glanced between the three apart from herself and Littlekit who have seemed to join her on this misadventure. A questioning glance is given to Tornadopaw but her good mood isn't trampled so her pleasant grin remains.

“I guess I can share, I don't mind your company Tornadopaw. What colour are you trying to find? I'm sure we could all keep an eye out for it.” While her tone was friendly and welcoming to the latest addition to her venture they didn't understand why he would ask if they minded if he joined. She understood it was probably just to be formal, despite what his name may suggest the apprentice seemed to be rather cordial. There was an appreciation for it, she bobs her head in respect back towards the younger apprentice. “I think you'd look pretty with petals, if you want any help with placing any flowers we find in your pelt I could help, unless Littlekit and Meadowkit would rather do it?” There's a pause and that grin grows a beyond something polite into something teasing as she turns to address Stagpaw “or Stagpaw could do it if they wanted to.”