RIPTIDE — Thunderclan dusk patrol

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Roeflame had made their exit out of camp swift, eager to begin her first patrol at the head of the group, a duo made of Thunderclan’s newest warriors- kind of.
While there was a flicker of anxiety in her chest, there was far more excitement, only shown in the way she held both her head and tail high as the small group weaved their way through the forest.
By the time the trio would break the tree-line, spilling out just beside their Sunningrocks, golden hour would be upon them.
Despite the feud with their fish-breathed neighbors, Roeflame would be lying if she said the scene before her was not breathtaking- when warm amber broke through the tree tops and spilled onto the waters surface in broken dapples. Roeflame inhales, and can scent the mixture of sap, oak, and damp moss. The glance towards the pine-laden border did not linger, her gaze now able to quickly break away and turn to the task at hand.
"You guys know what to do." The tabby chimed matter-of-factly, she had been on dozens of border patrols with both of them after all.
"I wonder who was crazy enough to be the first cat to swim for fun" she remarks after a moment, though her tone is free of malice as she gazed at the water with curiosity. She had taken an involuntary dive before, and it was safe to say she wouldn’t be taking a dip again any time soon.

// no need to wait for those tagged!
@Sparkwing @sandthorn


Ever since she had met that strange tom at the gathering, Dipperpaw had been endlessly fascinated with the ThunderClan border. She does not say anything out loud or act any differently than she normally does but when her patrol veers in that direction she finds her heart twisting in excitement and her mismatched sunburst eyes search across the way for a familiar face. There is a patrol but sadly, no Skypaw. She does not allow the disappointment to show on her face but she does blink and she does sigh as she turns away from the river to look at her mentor. Perhaps later she would ask what it had been like when Sunnningrocks was theirs.

Her ears flick as she listens to the other patrols conversation. She does not mean to eavesdrop but their voices carry across the river and it amuses her to no end that thunderclanners would talk about swimming in such a way. How could they not enjoy it? There was nothing more pleasing then taking a dip in the river on a hot green-leaf day. "Do other clans really NEVER swim?" the question is directed at her mentor but it is said loud enough that the cats across the river could hear too.

// @lichentail @brookpaw mentor and fellow apprentice tag!

sandthorn followed roeflame dutifully to the border, golden gaze slightly trained upwards as she took in the sight of the setting sun. it was pretty tonight, at least that would make up for the walk all the way to the river. better yet, it took her mind off of sunningrocks not far away. she didn't enjoy being there, memories of a shoulder torn still fresh. finally they had arrived, the young warrior moving to brush her sandy pelt against different clumps of growth to mark the border.

tufted ears flick to roeflame's comment, a huff of laughter released into the cool evening air. "right? nothing about that looks fun at all. must've been crazy," sandthorn notes, bobbed tail flicking in amusement. she could hardly fathom the idea, to hunt and to save your own life were one thing, for fun was entirely different. who wanted to go about their day with a sopping wet pelt? her ears tilt as a riverclanner across the water airs a question, one so blatant that her mouth was already moving by the time she realized the pale apprentice was speaking to her mentor. "not unless we're pushed," she comments with a lazy grin, turning back to the duty at hand.
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Walking along the border with ThunderClan was always a bit of a mixed experience for Lilybloom. She found the forest cats could either be quite rude or quite pleasant depending on who was present. Luckily encounters had been on the nicer side as of late, which seemed to track with tensions largely dying down for the moment over Sunningrocks. She follows close behind Dipperpaw, listening as one of the ThunderClan cats makes a comment about which cat had been the first to swim, earning a comment from Dipperpaw who asked her mentor about whether it was true none of the other clans could swim.

"Stars could you imagine if they did?" Lilybloom asked her clanmates with a chuckle of amusement. "That and fishing? The river would surely run dry within a moon." Her green eye then shifted back across the water to where one of the ThunderClan warriors responded that they only did if pushed. "I can tell you from experience that that is a terrible way to learn," Lilybloom responded, speaking with a humorous tone.
Sparkwing doesn't care much for this border. He doesn't like Riverclan. He thinks they're stupid. But he has to patrol this border, and he can only think of the times Riverclan has trespassed when he comes here. They haven't done it recently, but who knows when they'll start up again. He's gotta be READY.

"Got it!" He replies to Roeflame. He promptly rubs his face on a rock. He's thorough on border patrols. And today, no rock will be left unrubbed.

Roeflame wonders who decided to swim for fun. "Who knows... Maybe they wanted to be a fish instead!" He says. Fish don't have responsibilities. They just swim around. Amazing.

Riverclanners show up and he watches them for a moment before continuing his crusade. "Swimming is for fishes!" He says. "I will not trespass in their domain!!!" He calls out dramatically.

He's been curious to how they taste, though. Riverclan eats fish all the time, so they cant be too bad....​
  • Haha
Reactions: ROEFLAME .

Thunderclan was on her list of hatred, thieves she saw them in her mind. Irresponsible they were in her eyes as well from the news her lover had informed her about after the border skirmish. Petalnose did love to toy with them and ruffle their fur across the borders however. Mix-matched eyes scanned across each member of her clan with a snort of amusement at their comments, then settling it coldly upon their enemies. Depite her cold gaze, there was a light sneer that stretched her tar-black lips. "Only the smartest cat was the first to swim, how awful it is to allow another threat to seep into your list of worries." she hummed, glancing over her shoulder to her clanmates as if she were individually speaking to them. "At least our kind has an additional battle tactic, which is quite lethal to use on weak swimmers." Her chin rose proudly, wondering if the passing patrol had anything to throw in return. Sad life it was to be a drypaw, a dangerous life.


sandthorn lets out a huffed laugh at the mottled riverclanner, apparently a first hand source of getting shoved into rushing water. the warrior trusted her word when she stated it was an unpleasant learning experience. a white tipped tail waved softly as she neared a rock, ears twitching as sparkwing came to a conclusion of his own.

she couldn't help but chuckle, partly because who would really want to be a fish. always wet, contained to the river, just waiting for some riverclanner or other predator to make a meal out of their shiny scales. sandthorn decidedly, did not want to be a fish. perhaps that was why she was better suited for thunderclan, anyways.

another riverclanner spoke, but this one lacked the easy-going nature that the conversation seemed to have adopted. gaze cold and lips peeled in a sneer, sandthorn wasn't exactly sure what she was talking about. she flicked a golden gaze to her patrol casually as she brushed against the unmarked stone. "someone woke up on the wrong side of the nest," she commented quietly with a dismissive flick of her short tail. cats were in the mountains risking their lives for the clans, they all had much bigger things to worry about than engaging in arguments over the border.
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