camp RISE ABOVE THE REST | Reinforcing the camp

Howling Wind had tasked her with being in charge of reinforcing the camp while she was gone, and that is exactly what she was going to do. Sunfreckle had offered to help her, and she was thankful to have another few paws. After Howling Wind left, the fiery Molly padded towards the center of the camp, and rose her tail to grab the attention of anyone who would be helping them. "Sunfreckle, I would like you to take your group and begin working on the clan's walls. The walls aren't in too bad of shape, but I want to make sure every weak spot is reinforced. I also want you to gather thorns to put in the entrance tunnel. Make an opening wide enough for cats to pass through, but I want enough to detour any unwanted creatures from coming in. I will help once my group finishes reinforcing the nursery and elder's dens." The nursery den wouldn't need much, it had already been fixed recently after a windy night. As tempting as lining the outside of the nursery with thorns was, that was just asking for one of the kits to get injured.

After she was done addressing the others, she spotted Little Wolf near the nursery. She would trot over to her, and dip her head in greeting. "I hate to ask, but could you watch the little ones for a little while?" Normally she would have tried to watch them, but she would have to help gather materials, which meant going a little outside the camp.

anyone is welcome to help!
tagging @Sunfreckle and @LITTLE WOLF since they were mentioned :)

"Flamewhisker, can I help?" Shiningpaw queried as he bounded over to the fiery pelted she-cat. The apprentice was eager to help out in any way that he could, even more so now that his mentor seemed more keen to hide away. That wouldn't stop him though, he understood how badly the work needed done before any threats could find their home. There were enough bitter reminders of the dogs going about to keep the foreboding firm over their heads. Though he couldn't help but wonder as to why there didn't seem to be any reinforcement efforts being extended to that of the medicine den and leader's den. They just seemed more secure in terms of defence thanks to both having the protection of stone or the boulder. If things went wrong then surely hiding the kits and elders in either den would be better. Though he supposed it wasn't his position to say so he remained quiet on the matter.

Hobbling limbs carried him over to the lead warrior queen giving out instructions, listening in to her orders and mentally making a note to try and remember where he'd seen that bramble thicket outside of camp they could tear apart for materials.
He was still feeling out of sorts about how he was once again stuck in camp, while the idea of fighting dogs was not exactly one he looked forward to he felt like he could have been of use enough to help tilt the scales in their favor more. Sunfreckle didn't let it bother him, his paws still hurt but he could put pressure back on it now and that was good enough for menial camp work so he took it all in stride. The red tabby smiled at the orders, sitting back on his haunches so he could give Flamewhisker a salute with his lone forepaw raised up to his head; a gesture that might not be fully understood by his clanmates but one he'd seen often enough back in the shelter-it was a sort of 'okay' to authority figures from what he'd garnered.
"Yes ma'am!" He pipped up, rocking back down to stand and pausing to glance over at Shiningpaw with a grin, "Want to be on team Sunfreckle? We can call it...Team Shining Sun! Expert wall reinforcers!" He wasn't as familiar with the golden apprentice as he was with most, they were not often caught up in mischief like the others he kept tabs on more closely which was genuinely a good thing, but it did mean he knew a little less about the young tom. There was something about the quiet and polite way the lad held himself that made him tilt his head to the side in silent contemplation before laughing. "Something else on your mind?" Worried? Fretful? Something else entirely? Dogs in the territory were scary as it were but they had a recent ShadowClan run-in too to top it all off. It seemed everything wanted a bite out of ThunderClan lately...


He's watching over the camp officially, but it doesn't stop Flycatcher from wandering over to see how Flamewhisker's attempts at fortifying the nursery are going. He thinks it was wise to put his mate on the task, knowing that if she had her way, Flamewhisker would have it impenetrable from even the fiercest of predators. "I can't stay too long," Flycatcher mewed, padding close to his mate's side as he spoke. "Is there anything I can do to help at all? Any materials I could try and find for you?"

Shiningpaw turned his attention towards Sunfreckle and upon hearing his team name suggestion he cannot help but erupt into a bout of laughter. "Shining Sun! Ha! I love it!" He beamed a bright smile towards the warrior up until he was quizzed about whether something was on his mind. Yes, there was. Once again the temptation to hold his thoughts to himself lingered, but he abruptly sucked in a breath and puffed himself up as his steeled his nerves. "Er... well, yes, actually." He began before giving a cough to clear his throat before speaking again. "I was just thinking, but if somehow the dogs do reach the camp I was just wondering whether it would be worth our time reinforcing the medicine den or leader den. Because of the rocks they might be harder for the dogs to break into, especially if we have thorn barriers woven over their entrances. The medicine den also carries with it a strong smell of herbs, perhaps strong enough to conceal the scent of kits." Shiningpaw explained whilst perching on his haunches so he could use his forepaws to gesticulate as he elaborated on his idea. "I just feel like we should have a backup plan if things went wrong."
The tricolor kitten watched her mother fix the outer walls of the camp alongside some of the other warriors—Sunfreckle and Shiningpaw to be exact. Her ears perked up and she lowered herself to the ground, rump raised in the air. Flamewhisker was approaching the nursery now, and Flycatcher was not far behind. They would not even see what was coming for them. She waited for Flamewhisker and Little Wolf to speak and then ...

"Mrrow!" Stormkit squeaked, jumping up from the shadows of the nursery, attempting to swat at the underside of Flamewhisker's chin. She would then flip around and try the same attack against her father, a delightful giggle bursting from her tiny lungs. "Got you! Got you!"