camp rise | fishing attempt


Oct 4, 2023

Murky water colored eye and deep brown watch the tepid waters as they sluggishly make their way around the camp. His paws pressed against the softened edge as he stares down into what appears to be the abyss for him. His gaze is hooded, his presence quiet and his body still. He wants to try for the first time his short life to get fish of his own. Yet he is also hesitant as he doesn't wish to he dragged down into those depths which he can not see. A frown pulls at his maw as he slowly waddled into shallows that brush against belly fur and make him feel almost chilled. Maybe tepid is not the right word for this river. Still he stays where he is and watches the churning water. He is hungry and he can try to catch his own food. With a slow breath in he tries to look for decent food. Fish the main source of their meals since he could no longer have milk. His muzzle curls as if preparing when something startles him, a sudden wave of water off to his side crashes into him. The sound of something larger making his fur stand on end. He stumbles back out of the water a sodden mess, teeth clamped down on his fright. It had been a fish, one much larger than he had planned on catching. It struggles against the shore and the young kit stares.

Did it make a wrong turn? Does it know? It flops and flicks, throwing water on him again and he gasps. Turning his head away he stumbles back and away from it with uncertainty now. Do they all do that? Flop around on land and looking like they are gasping for their last breath. With muzzle scrunched up he shakes his head sharply. " shouldn't have come up. It's's bad for you. Now you have to be food here." Sodden and bedraggled he still just stares at the fish not really knowing what to do. Does he just pounce on it? Is that all too it? With a huff he crouches and then wiggles a little. Tiny claws scratch up dirt as he jumps onto the flopping beast only to go for a ride and be thrown off onto the ground. Ouch.

  • ooc : — ​

  • bristlekit - tom / 2 moons old / riverclan kit / aspiring warrior


playing in the reeds, a loud splash had carawaykit's attention drawn elsewhere. not far down the bank sat bristlekit, head craned to talk to... a fish? immediately overwhelmed with intrigue, the tabby makes her way over, feathered tail raised high in in greeting. almost there, she watches as the pale kitten lands a pounce on the fish, only to be promptly reared off by it's flopping. "bristlekit?" she hums quiet concern, dark brows furrowed as she drew closer.

"are you okay? did you catch that, like all by yourself?" her expression was nothing short of bewilderment. the fish was bigger than him, how did he pluck it from the river! a small wave of jealousy rolled through her spine, manifesting in the slight twitch of her ears. she wanted to catch a fish, and not one of the little minnows. a big fish like bristlekit had done!

  • IMG_0077.png
  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, three moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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It was a brainless creature... most of them were. They survived on bare instinct to avoid shadows and looming figures, not unalike most other kinds of prey. To so willingly throw yourself into the mouth of your predator's weakest and just... die.... that was a different kind of stupid. But a kind that made the corners of her mouth wet with drool, already thinking about how good it would feel to take a nice, big bite-

Blinking through the hungry haze of thoughts that urged her to move, to sneak up and make the killing blow, devour it so quickly the kit could hardly be sure it even existed... Swallowing thickly, the point licked at the corners of their lips before wandering over with a lingering stare towards the flopping fish. Carawaykit was asking as to what had happened, clearly hopeful that this was a skill all kittens had to just pluck dinner out of the river. Lichentail glances towards Bristlekit with an impatient grumbling in her belly.

"Can't let it flop away, one good bite is all it takes..." She wanted so badly to just reach down and do it herself, maybe sneak off a little nibble to ease some of the pain in her stomach from too-many skipped meals... Kits eat first.... kits eat first. A mantra numbly repeated to keep her eager teeth at bay, struggling in her self-restraint.

"Try again..."

I won't let it get away...

oddpaw & 08 moons & agender & it/its/they/them & riverclan apprentice

Stilts draw the toddling creature forwards, wide eyes blinking as it stares. The crash of waves has brought something big to shore - flopping about uselessly. "What a big fishy - careful to bite it before it bites you," of course, whimsical advice comes a bit late, having missed the kerfuffle that was the younger child being flung from his 'catch' - but honesty, oddpaw would've still said the same even if they had. Head tips to the side, as though a new angle will make this spectacle make more sense, and it hums. "Splish splish, no water left for the fish," it mocks, watching the prey flop. it makes no attempt to help though - it's simply nature.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a striking rosetted tom with a pelt the color of fire and ice and wide round golden eyes. it's gait is awkward and strange, legs moving stiffly as it toddles about, but it seems to swim gracefully within the water. it often speaks in the third person, puzzling others with it's strange riddles and whimsical words.

    physically easy && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ffdb58]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


bio ₊˚✧ ゚. if you were to ask bitekit, being a kit sucked. he was terribly tired of the confines of camp, eager to make his own fun, or even ditch the thing altogether, impatient to see all there is to see. he has spent the morning clinging to the legs of warriors coming in and out of the camp, up to the exit that was. approaching the group, an ear is pinned against his head. a thill goes through him at the sight of the flopping fish, something about being able to do something that older cats do pricks his ears and cranes his neck. noting the requests for biting he cocks his head.

"you're not very good at that." he complains, not that he himself has any knowledge of hunting, but appearances are what matters to him. he draws in further towards the river, pressing his soft belly low to the ground. his eyes have that tired droop of a young kitten but they are eyes round with curiosity, a rare sight of the kitten not using them to signal his irritation. "do you..?" know what to do? well. he better not ask, it really would be silly of him to do something like ask a question. "you have to kill it. i think."