//Prompt: a leaf in the shape of a star.

The taste of newleaf was growing thick in the air as the trees of the forest unfurled their young leaves. Where the sun would glow harshly down upon the forest floor it was now interrupted by the growing shield that offered a cooling shade to the residents below. Wildpaw found increasingly that the dappled light blended well with his pelt and made for better hunting. He was in his element now and his growing collection of kills was proving that. Needless to say but he ended up strolling back into camp with an air of confidence about him. Eagerly he added the prey to the pile before heading to settle below Highrock for a much needed moment of relaxation in a cosy sunspot.

However, prey hadn't been the only thing he had brought back to the camp. Unbeknownst to him there sat a leaf atop his head. It had five points to it and resembled that of a star. Bathed in light, he laid on his belly and looked oddly regal with the strange adornment.

"What an unusual leaf!" Flycatcher comments, as he padded past Wildpaw. He hadn't meant to stop and stare at the apprentice but the leaf on Wildpaw's head was so unusual he couldn't help but look at it. With its five points it gave it an appearance akin to a star. He wondered if Wildpaw had even realised the leaf was there? With his relaxed pose and the light shining upon him, he looked as though he had been blessed by the stars themselves "It looks like you are wearing a star," He mused.
Reclining in a spot of warm spring sun, Dewfang raised his head at the entrance of the infamous Wildpaw. He chuckled, rolling over on his side before getting to his paws and moving closer to Wildpaw's chosen sunspot. There, he dipped his head to the deputy before setting his haunches back down on the earth.

"Why, it's a message from StarClan themselves." Dewfang joked good-naturedly, holding up a paw to the strange leaf on Wildpaw's head. "Perhaps a Wildstar is in the making." He snorted. StarClan bless them if Wildpaw, boisterous and reckless as he was, were to become ThunderClan's leader. "What do you say?"



Leaf? Huh? The bafflement was clear as day in the apprentice's eyes as he gawked at the pair of warriors in confusion. A shake of his head dislodged the thing from its perch and it slowly floated down to land in front of him. Using a claw he then pinned the leaf down to avoid it blowing away. Well, he couldn't deny its resemblance to that of a star. "Heh! Of course there's a Wildstar in the making! Glad to know that StarClan approves of me already." He remarked with an air of cockiness as he smirked at Dewfang in particular.