camp RISE UP \ gathering party 5.15.23

Dusk has blown in over the forest, and there's electricity in the air as silver begins to peer over the horizon. It's a full moon tonight, and Blazestar is both physically and mentally preparing himself for the Gathering. He is relieved to be able to have good news to report for SkyClan, and although many are not official yet, his ranks have swelled considerably. His daylight warriors, scorned by the other Clans, have proven their courage and skill. His daughter is alive. SkyClan is rising like the phoenix from ashes.

Blazestar gives his pale fur a quick but careful grooming, ensuring he looks presentable. He will not show up to Fourtrees this eve with a pelt full of snarls and dull eyes. He will represent his Clan proudly, as they deserve.

He leaps and steadies himself on the Highbranch, his call loud and confident. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!" He waits for a few shapes to present themselves, and then he begins.

"As you all know, the Gathering is tonight. Those going will be Thistleback, Silversmoke, Talon, Flowercloud, Smokefang, Auburnflame, Twitchbolt, Figfeather, Greeneyes, Violetnose, Bananasplash, and Cloudberrythorn. Those of you with apprentices can let them know if they are going or not." He looks at the crowd again, spotting his daughter's patched pelt, and amends, "Howlpaw, you may come as well." She's been believed dead for almost two moons -- she should get the chance to show her face to the other Clans, and to see her ThunderClan kin.

Blazestar pauses. "I know typically daylight warriors do not attend Gatherings, but Johnny, Shrimpy Boy, if you won't be terribly missed at home, I would like you to attend." His blue eyes flash with meaning. "The other Clans will honor you tonight."

He glances toward the elders' den. "Ivy, Mouser, and Hadesrumble, you are all welcome to come as well, if you wish." With a flick of his golden ears, Blazestar descends from the Highbranch, leaving the Clan to chat among themselves.

// outside of the HP team, those going are:
@Talon @flowercloud. @SMOKEFANG @Auburnflame @TWITCHBOLT @FIGFEATHER @GREENEYES @VIOLETPAW @Bananasplash @CLOUDBERRYTHORN @sparrowpaw @Snowpaw @CHRYSALISPAW @eveningpaw @Howlpaw @ivy @Johnny @SHRIMPY BOY

the other elders may join if they wish, as Blazestar has said. :)

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The lowlight of dust swells over the sky and trickles through the pine canopies prettily, and with a dusty coat the lead warrior would settle under the thorn tree. This gathering, he hoped for the least amount of threatrics from the other clan but since when had that been a thing? Thistleback wasn’t surprised as his name is called, for he would need to sit among the deputies in Orangeblossom’s stead while the clans would assume she was taken by twolegs no doubt. He should be in the deputy’s place on the thorny meeting tree now but he once more finds himself content on the ground out of respect for her. He had plenty of time to deal with Orangeblossom’s duties tonight. To sit where it should be her, it made his skin twitch.

Starclan shouldn’t see him where he doesn’t belong, perhaps that’s what it was. He nods quietly with each name, eyes seeking out Johnny to offer him a tired smile. Knowing this would be his first time to see the swarming masses. As the leader lands on the ground, Thistleback would make his way to Snowpaw with a quick prowl.

" you can come, Snowpaw. Just keep away from Windclanners. I’ll have to be in Orangeblossom’s place- so stay out of mischief. Eve, you too " he would find his blotched grey and white coated apprentice to deliver his decision along with his daughter.

  • @Snowpaw @eveningpaw

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

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Flowercloud had been basking, daydreaming of good days ahead and filled bellies. her duties completed, and her ears flicked as Blazestar called upon the clan to retrieve members for the gathering. She rarely left to do such a thing, the anxiety of so many cats almost overwhelming. But as her name was called a smile of pride rose on her face, before dipping her head in respect.

She did not have an apprentice, so she would say nothing but make sure that she would thank blazestar for allowing her to come to the gathering as they walked.

It was a beautiful night, the colours twisting and swirling in the sky above them. The full moon glowed, and stars were beginning to twinkle.

She was enthused Nana was joining her this evening. She could enjoy the long night ahead with her friend after feeling like missing so much time together. So, in thought she would pull her large frame to rub against the females pelt and give her a purr in greeting.

@Bananasplash - interacting//
  • Love
Reactions: wolfie
.people say that ———


——— i am heartless.
———————— ————————
HE HUFFED, EARS TWITCHING AS HIS NAME WAS MENTIONED, GRINNING wickedly at his brother who huffed, shooting him a half-hearted glare. The black-smoked brute shifted to nudge Shadowfire, optics twinkling in amusement. “Keep you posted on everything once we get back.” He rumbled.

He felt odd going somewhere without his brother. The two attached to the hip despite their bickering. He scoffed, helm shaking. Not the first time. Blue optics narrowing. He sure as hell wasn’t looking forward to mingling with the other clans. The thought alone sent him prickling with tension, but gotta keep up face, huh? Not my fuckin’ strong suit. He was better with the festering anger that bubbled just beneath his skin. That. He was familiar with it.

Smokefang grumbled, leaning back into his pads, standing relatively off to the side, watching his clan.

thoughts speech
.something's made your ———


——— eyes grow cold.
———————— ————————
THE SCARRED BRUTE GRUMBLED, YELLOW OPTICS NARROWING at the thought of traveling, but it was the one time he could move. The one chance to do something than complain about his age. He grinned.

Hades glanced at the other elders with a twitch of his tail, gaze narrowing in agitation. Never get any fuckin’ peace around here. He thought, scowling. The gathering isn’t any better. He remarked. But at least he had the chance to leave, feeling younger than he had been in a long time. Damn.[/i] He hated getting sentimental.

The seal sepia had to go a few more times before he kicked the bucket, right? Might as well make it miserable for a few felines, His judging optics scanned the crowd of morons until they landed on dumb and dumber. Fuckin’ morons. Wonder how Duskpool deals with their damn bickering. At least Smokefang knew when to shut up. The other? Not so much. Damn, blabbermouth.

thoughts speech

Johnny made his way over to take a seat among his clanmates, ears angling forward dutifully to listen as their leader spoke. He was a little surprised to hear his name among those called, but he could guess why.

He nodded in understanding.

Restless energy began to surge through the tom almost immediately. While he wasn't the kind to unnerve easily, this would be the bobtails first encounter with the other clans en mass and he couldn't help the dull, rhythmic tap of his claws against the ground. Not only would he be getting his first glimpse of the elusive but highly unpopular windclan, but he would be representing a rare faction of cats that wasn't present in the other groups; the daylight warriors. And since kittypets were typically thought lowly of among the other groups, the koi tabby cat was expecting the night to have it's ups and downs. Still, he'd do his best to show that Skyclans daylight warriors were just as competent as any other clan cat.

Normally Johnny wouldn't have stuck around past dusk, especially on the heels of the shelter rescue. He'd already spent a night away from home and he knew he was running the risk of worrying his twolegs by staying out again- but how could he not? Skyclan was going through so much right now, and if Blazestar thought it was best that he went along to the gathering, then he wasn't going to cause a fuss. He'd let the tom show him off longside Shrimpy, knowing that it was a display of competence that would only serve to benefit his clan.

Amber eyes met with cool, searching steel for a brief moment, and the tired smile offered his way stilled the distracted, anxious bouncing of white knuckles, even if only for a moment. A tired, toothy grin was happily offered back, not wanting or needing the other to worry about him. Thistle had other things on his mind to deal with and Johnny didn't intend to add to the list of problems. He was a big boy, and despite facing down something new tonight, he didn't exactly have a track record for being afraid of the unknown.

As the other tom turned to call Snowpaw over to them, Johnny would allow his gaze to linger for just a moment before it shifted back to the clan around him in general. Maybe one day he'd have his own apprentice to bring along on these things. Maybe, but he'd have to get the hunting thing down before Blazestar ever considered him for something like that!

Pale paws track along needle-laden limbs, steps heavy with the same gloom that’s settled into an aura around the former daylight warrior. Former. A sting, an ache, that hasn’t let up since he’d been shoved into that small cage and taken to the shelter alongside his sibling. He’d once prided himself on having owners who cared for him, for having a warm safe place to sleep even on the coldest nights, for having food available anytime that he wanted.

Now… what is he? Blazestar hasn’t mentioned it, but Cloudberrythorn understands the implications of his and Bananasplash’s abandonment. They are no longer daylight warriors, stripped of the titles along with their comfort. The blue smoke isn’t sure how to reconcile it. They are… just a warrior, now. They can go to a gathering for the first time in their life.

Blazestar says their name, and they sigh. It is a hollow victory of sorts, to celebrate their newfound warrior rank at this month’s gathering.
[ just a side character ]

Though it was perhaps the one place where Twitchbolt had no reason to be paranoid, the idea of all the Clans standing together in one place was- nerve-racking. The chocolate and white tom could not help but think of the possibility of claws banding together, clashing with flesh- the moons fullness doing little to stop them. But- but, as always, it was a lightning-strike reaction. The first thing he felt, before the rationality began to set in. Despite the seize of his form for a moment, he set his gaze upon Blazestar and nodded his quiet acceptance, teeth fastening together.

It would be an opportunity, at least... he had not seen that clearing in moons, had not heard the news of the leaders passed around for... for some time, now. It felt apt to commemorate his return by meeting the all moon tonight, and... perhaps making a few friends during the gathering, so there was less reason to feel so on edge when any other-Clan cat so much as glanced in his direction. Bicolour fur lay flat, then- he had not realised it had spiked into quills until just a moment before.

He would, at least, be there to stand beside the daylight warriors that had saved him in an environment where they might not be welcomed kindly.
penned by pin ✧
Talon found himself unable to hide the growing look of concern and displeasure over being called up to attend the... the Gathering? What the sweet hell was that? He supposed he was about to find out, though he wished Jinn would have been coming too, if anything to keep him out of trouble. Fearing that declining the invitation would put him in poor stead he made the decision to go ahead and attend without complaint. It was going to be a long night though, he just knew it.

When Blazestar calls a meeting to announce who is attending the gathering, Howlpaw is quick to sit and listen though she does not believe she will be called up to go. A list of names is called out first before Blazestar's gaze finds her own and he makes a quick amendment to invite her too. Howlpaw smiled brightly. "I look forward to going!" She says cheerfully, a sentiment which does not appear to be shared by most of those invited.
the boy isn’t too terrible surprised that his name isn’t called. he is lounging on his side amidst the hazel twine, head lolled upside down to watch as blazestar ascends his mighty position atop them all. a pink little tongue pokes from between sharp teeth, wonky pupils jittering against the pale, waning dusk. he speaks his choice of names and the sssssss of his name never comes, never to fall from the kittypet king’s barbed tongue. a long tail lashes simply, drawing his face up in clear contempt, " lame — " a huff, a swat of a large paw against a lone pebble, looking all the world as if he were having a silent temper tantrum. he didn’t want to go to the stupid gathering to see the stupid other clans anyway.

  • i.
  • SUNFLOWERPAW⠀ ⠀−−⠀⠀𖤣.𖥧.𖡼.⚘
    m. he / him. tall, shaggy blond tabby with golden eyes. a breath of patchouli and woodland, a lanky thing. sharp edged, blade - curved ears bring his figure to a jutting point, almost stilt like to view from the front. a wonky adolescence he will be forever condemned to, never filling out his too - long legs nor the wild mane of cream feathering from sharp, angular features. heavy - lidded dandelion eyes settle deep in their sockets, giving him a sleepy, smug resting expression — but injury at birth leads to forever uneven pupils, left eye often blown wide and jittering in response to direct light.

    closeted bisexual, single. smells like sun - warmed fur and fresh grass.
    skyclan apprentice, five moons, ages with his litter. prone to seizures and food aggression.
    penned by antlers​

  • none yet,,,

  • "speech"
————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱————————————

There is a call from the highrock as Blazestar announces a gathering party for those to attend the gathering. Bananasplash had been to two gatherings thus far, both very spaces out and when she was an apprentice, so maybe this time it would be more fun? She enjoyed the last two times, but this time felt- stranger? She was no longer a daylight warrior staying out past her bedtime and asking ORangeblossom or Alice if she could go and not return home for the night. Now- now she was simply a warrior of Skyclan and nothing would stop her in going to the gathering.

She lifted her head from where she had been sat beside the warriors' den as Blazestar announced who was going and she perked up her ears. She was chosen to go? Was it because she was a newer warrior? The other newly named cats where going, so that would only make sense right? Bananasplash gave a small nod in understanding to Blazestar, she was going to be on her best behavior!

Then a familiar pelt trotted over, brushing against her with a friendly purr and she grinned widely at the she-cat with her own enthusiastic purr, "The gathering is gonna be so fun!,"

OOC: interacting with @flowercloud.


————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱————————————

He's practically forgotten the about gathering, with everything that's gone on. He can hardly believe it when Blazestar rises to the Highbranch and lists of names of those going to this moon's gathering. Had it been a moon already, since the last? A moon, since the last time he'd seen his mother?

His name is called among the rest of them, his newly-made warrior siblings listed off as well. A right, of course, to attend his first gathering as a warrior. He just wishes it were under better circumstances.

Thistleback calls for Greeneyes' brother to attend as well, and oh, how he wishes his brother would get to revel in hearing the news of his graduation at this gathering too.

The young warrior nods his head in acknowledgment of Blazestar's words, a crooked tail flicking behind him as he silently prepares for the night's events.

not sitting far from thistleback, she sends him a beaming grin as he is summoned to go. orangeblossom wouldn't attend, trapped in the nursery. and while her father had taken over her training for the moment, she was not his official apprentice. it left her confused on where that left her in regards to the gathering. there was something pleading in her rounded eyes as she stared.

eveningpaw's worries were eventually quelled. although he addressed snowpaw first, warning him to stay out of trouble and away from windclan, soon her name was tacked on too. mismatched ears pricked happily as she readied herself to leave, catching sight of her blond furred littermate as she did. lame he uttered casually, sending a rock flying. it was so not. "i hope you can join us next time," she said, a small pout forming on her maw. as thoughtful as the words seemed, there was a small jab about them. a sharp rock concealed by flower petals. she wouldn't wait to see sunflowerpaw's reaction. her grin returned as she moved to join the rest of the party that was heading out.

Angry at all the things I can't change
Green eyes flicker in the direction of Blazestar's call. Although his interest dimmed the longer the ragdoll spoke. Yet another moon without attending a gathering. Perhaps it was for the best, given everything that has happened in the past. But he still cannot help but to feel left out. Once the announcements conclude he crosses the vast area of camp to reach Thistleback's side. "Let me know what happens once you get back, yeah?" Coyotepaw voices softly before tossing Eveningpaw a glance as the lead warrior warns her to be cautious.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

"It sure is, love! Nothing is going to stop us from having a blast." She knew her friend was not doing well, but she wanted to make sure she could provide all the support she could and she was glad that they were both going.

Gives them their girl time and time away from everything. To just relax and enjoy the night, with... strangers. She took a deep breath.

"St-stay close to me though, if you will. Crowds... are nerve-racking," she admitted, giving a nervous chuckle before shifting her paws from her suddenly slumping form to a neat posture.

/interacting with @Bananasplash