Rise Up - Hunting Patrol

𓆝 . ° ✦ A low trill of delight left Mosspool unbidden as she closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the warm sunlight on her fur. This was her first hunting patrol of newleaf and her first patrol as a lead warrior. She couldn't be happier. The turn of the season had breathed new life into the clan, ridding them of the rogues and the food shortages that had plagued them. The days ahead were going to be bright.

Opening her eyes, she glanced at the patrol behind her. The joy in her expression faded as reassumed the strict composure that, in her eyes, had earned her the position of lead warrior. It was her first time leading a patrol after all, and she intended to make certain it went perfectly.

"Today's hunting patrol will be longer than usual. The prey is plentiful and our fresh-kill pile is still low from leafbare, so let us get to work." She announced, leaving no room for argument. Once they were further into the season perhaps they could rest on their laurels, but right now they needed to make sure Riverclan recovered well from the harsh leafbare.

Mosspool flicked her tail to signal the rest of the patrol to split up and get hunting. Except for @DUCKPAW, who she nodded to indicate that she should follow her. Her apprentice's training was coming along nicely, but she still wanted to keep an eye on her. Sinking into a crouch, she opened her jaws to scent the air for prey.
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  • ooc:@DUCKPAW @PIKESPLASH @turtlepaw @BRONZESHINE @Silverbreath @coyotecreek @otterpaw
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

tags! ₊˚✧ ゚.after the battle, duckpaw slept for a full day. usually such a habit would be chastised out of an apprentice, however when she had emerged from the blissful coccoon of sleep, she was met with pitiful stares. they could tell it had been hard for her. she had barely held her own, only saved by carawaypaw's intervention after being (for lack of better word) squished into the dirt during the fight. perhaps news of her scuffle had spread amongst the clan (as news often does in a small faction of people) and facts had become distorted with fiction? were they painting her in a pitiful light? were they laughing at her? duckpaw tries to shake the thoughts away now. she is far-away from the cat she was a few days ago. she had slowly emerged from her state of shock, and witnessing mosspool's promotion had been the thing she needed to revive her deadened heart. duckpaw had cracked a proud smile at the meeting, feeling joy for the first time in a while. she had sat up a little straighter, knowing she was now respresenting a lead warrior and didn't want to reflect badly on her mentor by looking unpresentable, not just a few seconds into her new position.

duckpaw follows mosspool now. she is looking to be in much better condition than when she had first arrived at camp after the battle. the mud had been carefully worked out of black hackles and out from in between toes, eyes are light again and full of zest, but the bruising on her throat had turned purple, and her voice was still hoarse and strained. still, being physically pained was proving to be much more manageable than being mentally removed from her own body. she is glad she's all back, and besides, mosspool probably won't mind the lack of conversation; not that duckpaw has much to say. this is a simple hunting patrol, they just needed to retrieve prey for the clan. there will be no hiccups and no surprises, so she hopes.

white paw's faithfully fill in pawprints left behind by mosspool, and olive green eyes stare attentively, she is truely a shadow. she only hesistates when she hears am uncharacteristic chirp of delight emerge from mosspool as the sunlight illuminates her brown fur. duckpaw feels it to. it's a weak presence, but its there, and its enough to give her a bit of hope. duckpaw watches as mosspools changes back to her usual demeanour, giving out stern instructions the patrol. she nods at her, and duckpaw nearly bounces on her toes with excitement, following her mentor. excitement is for the mind, not the paws. she reminds herself, reducing her movements so that the prey would not be scared away. duckpaw then mimics her mentor, dropping into a low, steady crouch, with an open mouth, nearly drooling at the scent of an abundance of prey.​
♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 25 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Bronzeshine nodded in response to Mosspool's order. The warrior rolled her eyes as the lead turned away, thinking, I hope she chills on the authoritative tone, and peeling away from the group. It wasn't like she was even deputy. Just lead. Whatever. She shook out her fur to try and lighten up, the new-leaf sun felt nice, and she really wasn't trying to be bitter today. Opening her mouth a bit to scent the air more carefully, and she pinpointed some rodent nearby.

She followed the scent toward a clump of ferns, dropping low as she crept closer. Green eyes narrowed, she leapt forward and quickly dispatched a killing blow. The scent of the mouse was lovely, a bit tempting, but she buried it anyway.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —

  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please tag account if attacking
𓆝 . ° ✦ Bronzeshine's disrespect went entirely unoticed, as Mosspool's gaze was on Duckpaw. She felt pride fill her as she as she noticed her apprentice stilling her movements without even having to be told. That was good, she was learning. Her hunting crouch was improving too, it was a far cry from the sloppy stance that she had once used. Duckpaw's training was coming along well, and this was proof of it. There was no doubt in her mind that when the time came, she would grow into a fine warrior.

Amidst the abundance of prey scents, Mosspool managed to pick out a mouse scent that was stronger than the others. With Duckpaw close on her heels, she turned towards it. Pushing through a clump of reeds, the mouse came into sight. It was turned away from the pair of them, munching on a small morsel clutched between its paws. On the other side of it, unfortunately, there was a small hole in the ground only a paw's length away from the creature. Which Mosspool was fairly certain was it's nest.

Stopping in her tracks, she nodded toward it to point it out to her apprentice. Then she leaned in, and spoke in a the softest whisper she could manage. "Flank around to the other side of it, then drive it away from it's nest and toward me." She instructed carefully. It was a common hunting tactic, and one that it was time her apprentice learned. It would be easier if she flanked around herself, but this would be the better learning experience for Duckpaw.
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  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.