oneshot rise up [ prompt]

The Great Sycamore had unintentionally become her place to sit and think. She had once believed this to be the largest object there was. This tree towered above all the others in the forest, its leaves seemingly touching the sky. Oh how was she wrong...this little tree was nothing compared to the mountains. The towers of rock and snow were what truly touched the sky. She had never felt to close to Starclan than she had in the mountains. Perhaps it was because they seemed to be running from death at every turn, but Starclan had never felt closer while they were there.

She laid down along the base of the tree, lifting her gaze to the sky. The sun was already well into setting, and soon the ranks of Starclan would take their place beside the moon. She had been home for a moon now, and she still felt bothered by the trees covering the sky. Most of the leaves had fallen by now, the winds of leaf bare shaking them from their branches. Leafbare was here, and this time she couldn't just walk home and ignore its existence for a moon. Soon, the prey would be nearly all gone, and hunger would wreck havoc on her clanmate's bellies.

It's been a full cycle since our kits were born.

This was the fourth season since she had kitted. Both of their kits were now warriors, but only one could still serve their clan. Her heart ached, the scene she had so wished to see replaying in her mind. Stormpaw and Falconpaw standing proudly before their leader, each gaining their full names together. The scenario she had been dreaming of since their birth, crushed within mere seconds. Each time she visited Stormfeather, her heart broke a little more. She could feel it chipping away, watching her daughter continue to stay in the same state...deep down she knew Stormfeather would never walk again, but she refused to acknowledge it. It Sunfreckle could return from being trapped by twolegs...perhaps the stars would bless her daughter with feeling.

A long sigh falls from her jaws, and she lowers her head onto her paws, staring out into the distance. Before the sickness had begun to spread, she and Flycatcher had discussed having another litter. If all had gone according to plan, she would have been in the nursery by now. The thought caused her throat to swell, her heart aching with longing. Oh how she had wanted another litter...but they had made the right choice to wait. Who knows what could have happened if they had brought kits into this world...her heart couldn't take loosing more kits. Butterflykit and Lilykit should have been beside their siblings in their Warrior Ceremonies, but leafbare had stolen them away. Sometimes she wondered if Starclan hated her. She had given so much to Thunderclan, but the stars seemed to take everything she cared about. Her mother, her kits, many of her friends...why did they take so much? How much could she handle? She wasn't sure...

Will we ever have another litter?

The thought had never left her mind. She wanted it more than she dared say. Right now was not the time...she knew it wasn't, but the selfish thought was still present. They decided to wait until the Yellowcough was cured, and now it was Leafbare was among them. It had taken longer than she had originally thought to discover a cure. They had brought a litter into the world in Leafbare once, and it had cost them two daughters. We have to wait... An acceptance that she had been pushing away, forcing herself to not think about. She closed her eyes, forcing the thought to sink into her mind. As it trickled down to her heart, she felt her heart chip away even more.

You have to be strong.

Her mother's voice replayed in her mind, echoing the last words she had ever spoke.

A long, deep breath was taken in, and then she rose to her paws. She lifted her chin, and began her trek back to the camp.
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 27 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

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