private rises the moon // fluffypaw

Butterflytuft sits just outside of the nursery’s entrance, patiently waiting for her daughter as she retrieves a catch. As she watches Fluffypaw scamper back with fresh-kill in tow, her lips lift into a smile as a gentle purr rumbles in her throat. “Thank you, sweetheart,” She mews softly, shifting closer to her so they can eat together. She peeks inside the nursery again before she eats, making sure Budkit is still sleeping soundly in their shared nest. And then, all attention is on the apprentice next to her. The tortoiseshell leans forward to cast an affectionate lick across her daughter’s ear. “It’s so beautiful today! I’m glad you get the afternoon off; I love getting to spend time with you.” Sunflower eyes peer up at the sun filtering through the pine trees, warming their similarly dappled pelts. She returns her gaze to Fluffypaw and trills, “So how was your training session today? Did you learn anything new from Greeneyes?” She loves more than anything that she gets to train under her uncle. She wants her kits to be close with their kin, and what better way than to be mentored by them?