rises the moon | hail


Nov 27, 2022
When Hail had come to Skyclan Pinata had burst in to tears. Such an odd sight for such a strong warrior but that was her baby, her beautiful boy, her pride and joy and thank the Stars he was alive! She had nearly crumpled in front of him, eyes full of both love and mist, my baby, my baby she had kept repeating as if he'd blow away from her paws and become nothing once more. She had wanted to ask about their siblings, if they kept in contact with the others but she fears she does not want to know the answer. Just knowing at least one of them was still alive made her heart feel somewhat full again, made her feel less like a failure.

"Stay still! You may be grown up now but you'll always be my baby, now let me smooth your pelt down!" her whiskers twitch in amusement as she grooms his pelt, tail thumping happily against the ground as she works through various knots and kinks in their pelt. She almost chokes herself with the sheer amount of love and adoration that begins to bubble to the surface, threatening to boil over. It reminds her of her younger days, when they had all just been kittens. None of them wanted to be bathed, always so squirmy and combative with it, oh, but Hail had been the best behaved. A mama's boy but she did not mind, it made her feel wanted. "What have you been up to lately, dearest?" she asks between licks, eyes softening. Oh, how she had yearned to have this back, searching for her babies after she had been taken until her paws cracked and bled.

// @Hailstone
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Reactions: Ashenclaw

[] The last few months had been something of a fever dream, something that could only come from fairytales and myths. First it had been talk of two groups of cats in the forest, wild cats, and their halves of the forest. Then there came a night of screeching and hissing from the forest late into the night, some say it was the feral cats finally loosing it or something of extraordinary power. Finally came the gossip of five group of cats living out in the forest, past the moorlands, and curiousity of local housecats and street cats alike flocked to these groups.

Though one stuck out the most, maybe because it was closest to the city, was this place called Skyclan.

Now it had just rumors and stories from other house cats or the occasional loner that wondered too far into this clans 'territory' or whatever one does too close to the forest now. It made things a little harder for those who wonder the forest free from their humans, but Skyclan seemed rather accepting of housecats. Some even came back after the day! Though it had to be a rumor right?

It was no rumor, it was indeed a fact that this clan had a thing called daylight warriors and Hail had found interest in the roll. He knew nothing of the life outside his home but there was talk of a partciular she-cat that sparked memories for Hail. Of warm nights, stories and laughter; his childhood. There had been talk that they would never meet again, that they would forever be apart, but he recongized his mothers' apperance like any kitten with their mother.

The day Hail started his first day as a warrior of Skyclan he was no more than two years old at that point and came face to face with his mother after years apart. He was only nine moons old when he was taken from her and spent his time in his humans den, his home. Though there was nothing more desired than being reunited with his mother, and he wanted to tell her everything about his life but Hail felt himself close up on that day. Mixed feelings circulated through his chest and he was thrown into the life of a warrior- or well a sometimes warrior.

It has now been a couple of months since joining Skyclan part-time, and Hail was adjusting rather well into the clan even though he went home when the sun went down. It was becoming a struggle to keep up both lives in the clan and in his humans house, but yet he kept trying to make it work. So he had sought out his mother upon arrving in camp only to be completely smothered by her grooming his fur, it tended to get more matted during the winter.

"Mother please! I can groom myself," He gruffly spoke, though there was a tinge of a whine on his tone. Pinataflurry always doted on him and he has always been softer on his mother than any other cat, so it was nomrmal. Annoying but normal, "I wanted to talk to you about something," Hail seemed rather serious and sat up a bit to look at her.


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"Oh, I know you can! But dear old mother wants to make you look handsome." she smiles at him, all love and teasing, eyes warm as she speaks. She notes the whine and almost immediately is she thrown back once more. A pang of longing in her chest as she looks at him, he looks so much like Cobalt, she had always teased her mate about how dare he! He created tiny little clones of him to annoy her further! But now he was gone and her children were her last bastion.

Part of her wishes that Cobalt could see just how much their little Hail had grown. A capable warrior they were, she couldn't be any prouder.

"Is something bothering you, love?" she blinks at his words, brought out of her thoughts quite abruptly. He was sitting up straight now and now her minds running rampant as she stares at him. Fear, excitement and understanding course through her veins at once, perhaps he was leaving or perhaps he had even decided to settle with another cat! The last part made her giddy but she forces her lips to remain in a slight frown otherwise she'd be grinning like a dummy. "You can tell me. I am a judgement free zone, remember?"
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Reactions: Ashenclaw

[] The large cat settled back down beside his mother once her insistent licking ceased and he looked down at the ground for a moment, uncertain of how to word how he feels. "I have been...struggling with my stance in Skyclan," He started with, carefully picking his words and then looked to his mother with that emotionless face, "I am debating on staying in Skyclan full time," His mother was here after all, and Skyclan had become something of importance to him. They had taken him in and given him the taste of freedom he didn't know he had been craving before coming to the forest.

Then a look crossed over his features, the image of orange and white fur, and his toes dug into the ground slightly. Suppose there was more than just his familial reasons in staying with the clan, "What do you think? I know you're a daylight warrior and all, but I just-," Hailstone gave a snort of annoyance at his own inability to speak or convey how he was feeling.

With the frustration, he dug at the ground with his front claws for a moment to ground his anger, "Skyclan has become more of a home than my twoleg den, and it isn't fair that I can go back to a fully belly while everyone suffers," He ranted onwards about the situation and shook his head a bit, "And theres Orangeblossom-" Shit he thought and looked to his mother with eyes widening slightly.

"She-she is a good friend of mine and has given me insight on coming to Skyclan permanently," Hailstone clarified so his mother didn't get the wrong idea.

