camp RISES THE MOON ☾ birth

CW : implied birth content / vague descriptions of contractions.
MC pings : @DAWNGLARE and @Fireflypaw
Kit pings: @hollykit & @CANDORKIT & @LIONKIT -- but anyone can post, no need to wait!

A half - remembered dream of golden fur and a husky voice is what she wakes from, heart stinging in her chest. Her mental hurt has been wont to manifest itself physically, in a roiling belly and aching head, so much so that she would nearly dismiss the pains, newly woken and trying not to cry. Dusk is bleeding its way sleepily down towards the sinking sun, and she squints into the light that washes the camp crimson, clear and glassy pain splintering staccato across her stomach. Her teeth come together with a hard click and she sucks a hard breath in through her fangs.

She should probably yell for someone to get Dawnglare, but she's been through this before, and he was about as helpful as the nearby discarded mossball last time. At least the mossball was entertaining. Heavy claws needle into her soft new nest, unkempt fur bristling as the pains continue. Bobbie grits her teeth, seizing the stick she'd waylaid by her nest in a fit of memory, and settles in for this wholly unpleasant experience.


A small clump of cats appear to be crowded into the small space—Dawnglare among them, no doubt fetched by some well - meaning cat or another. Her choice to keep the stick around had been the correct one, though the poor thing is a pile of cracked shards now. Fangs locked with willpower, the queen pulls her front half up so as to look at the three bundles of fur nestled at her white - flecked flank. The tabby leans to nose each one of them, properly washed and set at their correct place along the gentle swell of her side. In stark contrast with her first litter, two of them are so pale they're nearly white—the third is a darker brown than herself, marbled with deep pine, bearing a mask of orange on their small face that makes her heart twist.

As with her first litter, she's not quite sure which is her firstborn—as she had licked their small pelts backwards and guided them to her flank, she had paid little mind to the order in which they had appeared. The two off - white ones are practically identical besides; she can only denote one from the other by the lucky fact that one of them bears tawny coloration much like her own upon their four tiny paws. Bobbie pays little mind to whichever cats might cluster around, wholly enveloped in the tiny balls of fur kneading at her flank.

" He would be here if he could, " she whispers as she nuzzles their velvety little heads—whether to the kits or herself, she's not entirely sure. The world outside of these three small bodies fades away, a shadowed green eye glowing with adoration as she looks at them, despite the exhaustion weighing down white paws. Time has passed, some amount of time, and the stars are glowing above near a slowly - growing moon; she hopes against hope that her mate watches from them. " He would have loved you. "

Bobbie shakes away the tears that bead in her eye, swiping at it with a pale paw, her jaw setting determinedly. Names. These kits need names, and as painful as it is, as much as it hurts to do so, she must comb back through those old memories, those old conversations. She will do it for these kits, though—she would do anything for these kits, the little shapes that have in their first breaths made the long days of aches and unhappiness and sleeplessness worth it.

A jaded eye considers one of them at random—the darker - furred little scrap with its mask of crimson. Bobbie noses the little face once more, tilting their bright disguise up into the half - light of the moon. She withdraws, cocks her head, considering the vividness of their distinctive marking, so much like a smiling golden face, so much like the bittersweet memory the sharp smell of the bush outside evokes. " Hollykit, " she declares finally, to no one in particular, this name her own invention. She remembers wide eyes and shaking paws, a gentle voice and modest greeting, the greenleaf sun beating down on dry green leaves. The bracing smell of holly as they talked for the first time.

The next is as pale as their sibling, distinguished by dusky little paws. The tabby draws a sharp breath, recalling one conversation of many.

" Candorkit? " He'd suggested, the recurring smile ever - present since her news gracing his face. There'd been an aspect of permission, a gentle respect, to many of the names her mate had offered—probably, she'd imagined, since he wasn't the one carrying them. She'd tilted her head for a moment, pretending to consider it, as though she wouldn't accept any suggestion of his. She'd smiled lazily back and pressed her muzzle into his chest, listening to the sound of that great heart in the comfort of their den, and murmured back into golden fur, " Candorkit."

It had felt appropriate upon reflection, given the secrets they'd both kept, the shadowy nature of many trials shared. She would like that, a kit christened by their father, bearing a name that promises honesty and clarity. That, stars will it, carries a vow of a life more open and cloudless than their parents'. Bobbie leans to press her nose to the second small head, as if imparting the names upon each one by physical touch rather than declaration, though she opts for that in this case, too. " Candorkit. "

She almost knows what name the final one will bear before she arrives at it, contemplating the pale ball of fur with eyes shining with hurt. She remembers this conversation far, far too well—far more than she'd like to, this conversation that had preceded all that great pain. Bobbie clicks her fangs together and tries with half - success to think of the conversation, only of the conversation and not of what had come after.

" Lionkit. I would like to name one Lionkit, if you're alright with that. " He'd ventured with a smile, heavy golden tail twining with her own cropped lilac one, already bristling with doe - white spots. She'd imagined a sun - masked child, a kit raised by their father's stories. They will have to be her stories to tell now, her duty to explain to this child the reason for their name. Not just the Great Clan's cats of old, with their heavy manes and glowing hearts, but for murmured conversations in the medicine den, brushing touches quickly withdrawn and nests pushed together to talk under the stars with bandages wound about them. " Lionkit, yes. " he'd said, and she'd whispered it back, thinking of an idyllic future that had died with him. " Lionkit. It's perfect. "

It hurts when she first thinks of the name, and she knows it might hurt every time she speaks it to call the kit back from play or to sleep at night. She will take this hurt, this penance, willingly—it is only appropriate, after all. Blazestar's death had been her failing. She must be strong for these children, withdrawn from the small and hurt thing that wants only to lie in her nest until it crumbles to ash. She will be strong for these children, be there as best she can—to stand by them and protect them, yes, but not to shield them from the world.

" Lionkit, " she finally says, verdant eye still fixed on the pale and wriggling bundle of fur. It flicks upwards, to where one star seems to gleam brighter than the rest, gilded and smoldering, casting its warm golden light. Tears bubble and fall, even as she swears to herself they will be the last she sheds for this, because she must be strong. But for now she can contemplate that golden star, look down to her child and whisper, " Like your father would have wanted. "

" speech "


𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 The most colorful of the three kits is adorned with swirling shades of brown, the firelight of sun adorning their face in a hereditary kind of memory. They know little other than warmth and sweet milk-scent, little other than the soft brush of fur against fur, the sudden sensation of a cold nose gentle tilting their face towards the sky. A gentle voice, tinged with the same warmth they pull themself towards, speaks in words the kit cannot understand.

Hollykit. The word drips from their mother's mouth like sweet sap. Sharp holly-scent surrounds them -- not so sweet yet still pleasant, still home -- as spiny leaves sway gently in the wind. The kit is contented, of course. Hollykit does not know any other way to be.

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, zero moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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In truth he doesn't know why he is here to witness this. They know better. He only spares a glance at Lupinepaw with indifference. Anyone would know she wouldn't dare ask of him to be here considering all that's happened. Not that he would have listened anyway. The only reason why he was here was for Drowsypaw and for Fireflypaw. Both had pushed him to be here (not much to cause him from screaming and refusing to do so). Something about family and whatever else. It's not like I've talked to Bobbie in private recently and everything was forgiven. Does that scream I want something to do with them? Such thoughts never leave his maw, knowing better. He promised that he would be tolerant, which was met with a frown by Drowsypaw who wanted more than that. Crowpaw didn't owe Bobbie or her kits nice words. I want nothing to do with them.

He waits until he is given the signal to enter. When he does, he refuses to look at either Lupinepaw or Drowsypaw. The hulking black tom sits to the side, giving him just enough space from the others. Hazel eyes find themselves drawn to the unfamiliar figure of someone who was once called mother. Along with three squirming kits. He is now an older brother to three. Such things do not bring him happiness. It's difficult for others to decipher how he feels given his stoic expression. So this is it? Hazel eyes narrow. Is this the part where I'm supposed to feel something? These kits are strangers to him. He's heard stories of feeling drawn, a pull towards kin. How peculiar... Why is it that he feels revulsion instead? Especially towards Lionkit?

Eventually he tears his gaze from the kits and focuses on Bobbie. A long time ago she was his entire world. He had whined and threw fits for her. There were times when she had to pry him off her because he refused to let her go. Now when he looks back towards his younger self he can only feel pity for a fool who loved too strongly. Waited for her and kept holding on, even though time and time again he was met with betrayal. As much as he tries to deny it there is still a small part of him that stupidly begs for her attention. To show that he mattered in any capacity, even if it was hatred. Then, there's an ugly part of him clawing at his throat for not screeching at her. I promised I would hold my tongue. His blank expression doesn't change when he finally speaks to Bobbie directly in moons. "Congratulations."

It's not enough. There is much to be said between them, but there were more pressing things to tend to. I doubt you'll chase me. You never did. With that, he turns and begins to leave. It was for the best. The longer he stood the more likely he was to lash out and make a scene. On his way out he stops near Lupinepaw and whispers, "I'll be going now." Don't worry about me ruining things goes unspoken. And with that he exits without ever touching the three squirming kits.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
There is something bittersweet about welcoming new siblings into the world- this was different than when he learned of Skyclaw and Duskbird, betrayal sinking into his skin at the reveal of siblings that could have been known. This, however, was different. These kits were SkyClan born, between his father and Bobbie. Hearing the soft wails of kits, the smell of milk- it made it all the more real for him. His tail taps against the ground happily, the hefty tom leaning over to gently attempt to lick Bobbie between the ears. "You've done well." He purrs softly, glad that the whole thing was over now. The agony of kitbirth always scared him, but it wasn't anything he was not experienced with.

Dark ears flick at the sound of Crowpaw's voice, eyebrows scrunching together in thought. Crowpaw probably wanted nothing to do with these kits, and Fireflypaw wished he could support his step-brother in these moments- but he knows his attention lies with Bobbie, knows that it is important to give the mother time to heal while they bathed the kits and licked their fur backwards. Until they were nice and dry, smelling oddly of mint and milk.

"Congratulations, Bobbie. Dad would be.. He would be proud of you. You know he loves these kits as much as he loves you." He meows softly, shuffling his paws under him. His father would be proud of him for supporting his clan as he had, right? He was looking down upon these kits, giving them his blessing from StarClan?​

he is worried about these kits. why? why wouldn't he be? they're his little siblings. his responsibility. just like his littermates are... just like his mama is... like falconpaw is. he cares about them, even if they're new and fresh into the world. a world that would not be forgiving. a world that would try and chew them up and spit them out. he's not strong enough to save them from that. he wonders... will they hate him for it? for not being strong enough? he wants to be, stars, he wants to be. but he can't fight. not like his siblings might be able to. he doesn't know anything of lupinepaw's ability to fight but crowpaw can, right? and even though crowpaw was not very receptive to the idea of these little balls of fur being his siblings, he wouldn't let anything happen to them... would he? and speaking of his brother, he leaves. drowsypaw barely has time to lift his paw and try and get him back.

"c-crowie, wait– oh... s...sorry mama."

he apologizes on his behalf. he twitches his ears and moves to gently press a small lick to his mother's ear.

"were we this small, mama? don't worry... i will protect them. i love you."

he's so proud of her. he hopes she knows that.
All of them have collectively held their breath, with Bobbie's time spent in the nursery. Eager, some of them are — too eager, perhaps, to douse the blaze and make way for orange dawn light. The wet - eyed queen and her swollen belly are perhaps the most pertinent reminder… besides his own apprentice's moonspot face. With every sigh comes, if only, silent across the lips. Dawnglare has heard it. His ears prick keenly to it, and in the middle of night, with nothing to di stract him… his own voice whispers back, If only. If only.

He hates to agree with anything she says, anything she thinks, anything she stands for. He loathes her love all the more for putting him in this position.

Carry on. Fireflypaw has carried on. You ought to do the same.

( Hardly a role model. No, nothing of the sort. But he watches him more than ever now, thoughts snagged by outsider's claws… )

Dawnglare stands by. He stands by as he always has, but had it not been his obligation, he would have been here regardless, eyes caught between each of his worldly tethers. You will look, you must. A star - studded path has apparently deemed it his duty. But his stomach twists and turns. Newleaf chicks preen in his ear as if joyous celebration was due. Was new life worth celebrating, if it would be at the cost of another? Chirps and warbles — he seizes it beneath his claws. The scrape of them is quiet, picking at the spot where Blazestar would have sat.

Bobbie seams blind to the world now. Blind to him, a disrespect that for once he did not care to address. Perhaps she was picturing a golden mane. Perhaps ghostly blues, peering down from the very sky. Did they all picture such serene gentleness? Did Crowpaw? Did Fireflypaw? Did Drowsypaw? Would all of the clan gather to sigh at once, feeling Him beating down on them?

Dawnglare only asks that the claws curled 'round his throat are loosened. His wish falls on unlistening ears. The stars are silent; the ground is cold. He is not needed here.

( He is not needed here, says someone else )

His gaze settles on Fireflypaw. Oh, the perfect little savant, so they would say. He looks over his shoulder. He looks to the sky. " All appear healthy. " he speaks for the first time this sunrise, gaze far, far away from the nursing queen's. Were this to turn out wrong, someone would find him. " I will be taking my leave. "

If he could help it, the kits would never have to feel his gaze's burn on them again.

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  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 62 moons old as of 3.9.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest. Delusional and very much stuck in his ways. The death of his closest friend has helped him none, in this
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
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Nervously, Dogbite sat outside the nursery, heart pounding with a mixture of fear and hope as he waited for news of Bobbie's condition. Their knowledge of birthing was limited, leaving him feeling helpless, but he could do nothing except offer silent prayers for her safety. Sucking in sharply they toss one last wish to the skies above. I know you're watching over friend, please keep her safe. Maybe it was selfish to only hope for the mother's safety, but he couldn't live with the idea of experiencing another excruciating loss. A part of him feels guilt for such thoughts but the other half feels vindicated.

Time crawled by agonizingly slow as he watched the blur of activity around him, his senses on high alert for any sign of trouble. Torn ears flinching at every harsh breath or sigh. Then, finally, tiny mewls fill the heavy silence and his racing blood pressure takes the opportunity to slide back down to a normal rhythm. Thank the stars. Relief flooded through him, and he took a moment to compose himself before approaching the nursery. Frame stood near the nursery entrance and scarred pelt brushing awkwardly against the bushel. At Crowpaw and Dawnglare's retreat he pushes himself onto shaky legs. Face pinched with nerves as he nudges into the warm cocoon bathed in the scent of milk and moss.

With hesitant steps, Dogbite made his way to where Bobbie lay with her newborns. Stopping shy of Drowsypaw's back as they peer downward. Her pelt seemed to glow in the soft light and his chest squeezed at her noticeably marred face. Dogbite could never fathom where she pulled such strength from. The sight of her cradling three tiny bundles filled him with a sense of awe, and he couldn't help but smile. Thank the stars. In the nightmare of Blazestar's death and Bobbie's gruesome injury he had believe there would never truly be another moment of peace. He was happy to be proven wrong and to know that no cat could take this moment from her.

"They're beautiful, Bobbie." They murmured, voice gruff with raw emotion. "I've no doubt they will grow to be just as strong as you are." His words were spoken with genuine sincerity, a small attempt to offer comfort in the midst of the bittersweetness that lingered. Feeling the need for some space, Dogbite moved to a more open spot and settled on his haunches, silently admiring the little scraps.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 33 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
The whole world feels it when a star is born. Those in their deepest pits of despair open their eyes to twinkles of hope, for the first time in forever. Villains tremble in their lairs, for reasons unbeknownst to them. The worst of them will know — always searching for something, anything, that could bear risk to their power. The wise in - betweens will see it too and sit waiting, vague in their intent. All of them would have stories. All of those stories would be different, all spoken by different tongues; all seen by different eyes.

He has nothing to see with, baby blues hidden past pale lids slipped shut, for that's all that they knew how to do. His tongue would not yet weave the tales of the fallen. For now, it only sought his mother's warmth. Tawny paws slowly reach for it, uncaring towards the words said, Holly, Lion, Candor, that would become him and his loved ones both.

He mewls, loud and unabashed, for no other reason but the fact that he can. So it was his only tool at his disposal – he would use it proudly; use it blindly.

It would only take a single touch by his mother to quiet him then. A damp nose brings him peace enough. Hidden beneath are an unspoken story of his name. Hidden beneath is the will of someone he would never know. It doesn't matter to him. It couldn't possibly.

What he hungers for is simple. And perhaps it would stay that way for some time.
❀‿ Lupinepaw wonders if her own birth was this emotionally charged, or if there was something truly spiritual in the in-between space in this nursery where Blazestar's physical absence took form. She's perpetually misty-eyed as she sits with her mother in the quiet dim of the evening, one among quite a few that had joined the crowd to greet the newborns.

Fireflypaw's presence is a looming one, her residual embarrassment at having to be talked to still coloring her pelt whenever she's within his proximity. He now serves also as a reminder that these wiggly little bundles of fur are not only her siblings but his too. She wondered how he felt about them. She trusted that she had nothing to worry about Fireflypaw or Howlfire's reaction to their existence, but there must have been a bittersweetness to it, right?

Crowpaw is there, she is extremely aware of his presence even as he goes unacknowledged as he settles somewhere to the side of her. Mentally, she begs him to remain silent — to not break the tender bubble of the room and force her to drag him out by his scruff herself. Thankfully, against all odds, he avoids making a scene, giving Bobbie a simple congratulations. He whispers his departure to her and Lupinepaw flicks an ear and whispers, "'Kay."

She has no idea what could be swimming in that head of his, but she is grateful that the words remained locked away, at least for now. Drowsypaw, ever the mediator, asks for Crowpaw to wait, and Lupinepaw looks to meet his eyes warily. Either leave to go speak with him outside now or wait for later. Don't force him to do anything he doesn't want to do, she tries to convey silently, eyes glancing to the exit and back.

He stays put, and Lupinepaw waits her turn following him and Dogbite to greet the new babies personally. She touches her nose to each of the kittens and knows immediately that she loves them. Tears that were shimmering in jade pools begin to spill down her cheeks, and she dabs her paw to dry them sheepishly. She moves to lick Bobbie's forehead as well and says quietly, "You're amazing, Mom. They're gorgeous..." She sniffles and leans back to dab her cheeks again. She speaks once more to add, "And... they're loved. So much."

Lupinepaw cannot speak for the future — she's long since given up trying to predict it — and she cannot fill the hole that the babies' father left in his wake, but she does know that they'll know that they are loved. And she knows that they will never be alone, as long as she will be there to help it, at least.

  • OOC:
  • cpj5ve.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 11mo apprentice of skyclan. mentored by dandelionwish, padding after falconpaw
    bobbie x duke. littermate to crowpaw & drowsypaw
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by pikaihao and funnyguy by pin
    — penned by eezy

The news travelled quickly- and before he departed to pop his head in (would it even be welcome? Could he imagine what she was feeling, now?) Twitchbolt stole a glance at the sky. There was a star blinking up there, he was sure of it, bruise-blue eyes glassy with tears. That sad smile on Blazestar's face... Twitchbolt knew it well, and could see it illustrated in the sky, starlight trickling down to kiss the heads of the kits he had never meant to leave behind. The scruffy tom's throat felt dry all of a sudden, and he gave a short little nod, reaffirming himself. To hide in cowardice would be indirectly cruel.

But, but- he didn't want to crowd her. Still, he forged onward. Wide eyes befell them- a pale litter of three, alive and squirming. When Bobbie's tearglazed eye might roam, Twitchbolt would meet it- trembling, briefly. "You've done so well," he said, quiet and raspy, lilted with the saddest of smiles. Nothing can mend what had been rended, but... but three kits were born knowing nothing but happiness, and it wouldn't do to cry over them.

All of a sudden, he was aware of himself. Giving Bobbie a nod of acknowledgement, of promised determination, of continued friendship, he began to draw away. "If you need anything..." And his voice gave out then, but he hoped- hoped she would know where he was going with it. Anything, he meant it.
penned by pin ✧
From the moment they take their first breath of air, they are adorned with admiration from all around; kin, clanmates, and the stars themselves. Their blood, their very name is to bear a sense of expectation — their every movement would be observed and picked apart whether they liked it or not, always being held up in comparison to those that came before them. Would they be more like their mother or father, or perhaps a mix of both? What traits would they inherit? Would they be a better climber, hunter, or fighter? Did they show promise? The questions cropped up in the minds of many, perhaps not all on purpose, but they were not invalid things to ponder when welcoming new blood into the clan.

Eventually, young Lionkit would surely try and seek the answers to those questions themselves, but for now they remained completely oblivious to the world around them. Sightless, unable to hear the soft coos and murmurings in the air, the splotched kitten crawls toward the tantalizing aroma of milk.