rising up, back on the street - monster catch (RTA)

Lilybloom had kept to herself as of late. It was no secret in the clan that she had struggled to cope after her accident in the river. Her usual warmth and bright personality replaced by a darker and more bitter persona. In her gloom, she had turned on friends and family, unfairly putting her ire on them when they only wanted to help.

It was a slow progress but after a recent attempt at help with her father, Lilybloom felt as though she had turned a corner. Granted she had snapped at her father - which she felt infinitely bad about - but it had given her time to reflect afterwards. Mudpelt's good-natured attempts to help his daughter had worked...slightly. It was perhaps not the way that either of them had expected but something had changed that day, and suddenly Lilybloom was inspired to try better and try harder. In order to help acclimatise and relax in the water a bit more she had been taking quiet moments to herself to stand out in the river, with no company but herself and the water. She still wasn't entirely comfortable with being fully in the water, but she knew it wouldn't be a quick fix, that her fears and general wariness would not just dissipate after a day. Her accident had given her a fear of the water but it had also given her a healthy dose of respect for it too. The river sustained their clan but it could just as easily end it too.

When Lilybloom left camp that morning, she left with the intention of bringing back a large piece of prey. Whether that wound up being a fish or a bird she did not know but she was willing to wait. And wait she did, perched on the riverbank, green eyes watching the shapes dancing below the water's surface. And when a large fish swam close to the surface, slightly breaking the surface, the tortoiseshell struck. The carp was larger than she anticipated and she was forced to get into the water to catch it, at the risk of scattering away any other fish that still lingered. She grappled with it for some time but eventually she was victorious and to the victor went the spoils.

Lilybloom returned to the camp a few hours after she left, the large carp grasped firmly in her maw. She took it to the fresh-kill pile and set it down with a satisfied plunk before looking down and admiring her catch one last time.

His sister had been sad, lately. He'd heard about what had happened in the river- she'd gotten stuck, somehow. The very thing their Clan was named after- it had hurt her, it had hurt his sister. Whenever dad suggested fishing, fighting or swimming- well, he'd always pick anything but the latter. How could he enjoy himself in the river after it had done that to Lilybloom? When it had happened- he remembered, she had been so sad all the time, and had hidden and withdrawn like a crab retreating into its shell. It was clear that Lilybloom had been in pain, and Fernpaw had felt... bad that he had no idea how to help her through it. He was barely aware of how to make himself feel better when he was sad, let alone someone else. Perhaps that was because he didn't believe he had ever really been sad before.

Still, she seemed to be feeling better nowadays. Where her spirit had dulled it was beginning to brighten again, he could see it in her eyes! She deserved to be happy, and not let the river ruin everything for her. When Fernpaw had seen her leaving camp that morning, a little more pep in her step, he had felt glad for her.

It was much later when she returned- as lacking as Fernpaw's tracking abilities were, he'd have to be buried underground not to smell that fish! Proudly, his sister dropped it upon the fresh kill pile- she'd caught that!? He'd barely been able to even touch a minnow! Oh, it was amazing- incredible! Unsightly features lit with a tiny, tooth smile and the kit-sized apprentice almost fell over himself trying to scramble over. "Lilybloom, LILYBLOOM, that's SO BIG!" Cheered in celebratory vivacity, he was stunned as he came to a halt, slack-jawed.
( penned by pin )
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"Who is going to break the news to Mudpelt that he has lost his title?"
It was good seeing the tortie around more, after her incident in the river he had been quietly watching from a distance as she withdrew into herself and seemed prickly even towards those who cares. He couldn't claim he didn't relate to some degree, after Moss died he had grown especially hostile with the Marshland cats to the point no one ever bothere to seek him out for anything; he had been left to wallow in his own misery and dread until finally lifting his head to watch Cicadastar step into the camp with the declaration they were now RiverClan. Smokethroat, then Ember, remembered seething with outrage at this shift and change in his life but he had adapted over time, overcome it and now even enjoyed it.
The dark tom forced himself to stand from where he had been resting, left eye plastered in some concoction Beesong insisted would help heal his eye and a leaf almost comical sinewed in place with webbing to keep it all firmly packed in place; he felt quite stupid, but it did not daunt him in approaching with his good eye narrowed skeptically before offering the faintest of smiles.
"After a closer look, you've certainly destroyed any record he might have had. Suppose he ought to retire." Then in a slightly less softer and more serious tone the tom continued, "Good catch." Good to see you back at the river. His tail flicked as he turned to examine the freshkill pile already ladden with fish for the day and certainly enough to fill bellies in the morning. RiverClan was doing well.
"Perhaps you'll give her a proper challenge, Fernpaw?"

✵ ღ ☾ IT TOOK ME BY SURPRISE - The blue tabby had done her best to give Lilybloom time after her river incident, but stars was it difficult. Surprising as it was, the mouse thief turned friend had actually dug her way into Lakepaw’s seemingly stony heart.
It wasn’t made of stone though, and the silvery apprentice was beginning to miss the tortoiseshell, but a part of her understood that she had failed Lilybloom in more way than one. She had the chance to save her, and she froze up like a coward, her fear of the churning water outweighing the visceral screams that had tugged at her to dive in. She had had the chance to be there with her, to share her own story, to be with her through the post-trauma.
She wasn’t though, she ran away- something she can’t recall she had ever done before.
Now though, as the sound of something thudding against the ground brought Lakepaw’s gaze flickering up from her own business, the sight of Lilybloom standing proudly over a rather large carp made something nag in her chest.
Envy, of course, if she worked harder that could be her standing over that fish.
Yet, something else flickered in her eyes as she watched- pride. She was proud of Lilybloom.
Gingerly, she made her way over to get a better look. ❝ That’ll feed half the camp ❞ she hummed quietly, flicking her gaze to Lilybloom now, who was practically glowing with triumph.
❝ Speech. ❞

Cats soon begin to appear and comment upon her catch, making Lilybloom puff up with pride. She looked down at Fernpaw with a warm expression when he came over, his excitable cheer making her smile. At Smokethroat's appearance and following words, Lilybloom chuckled. "Oh, I still think my dad's the better catcher," She confessed. "But I appreciate the sentiment, Smokethroat." At any other time, she might have joked about taking over her father's title, but given her recent outburst at him, she felt bad about talking about him in such a way, lighthearted as the quip might have been.

It is Lakepaw's arrival that truly draws her attention. A sheepish expression takes hold on her features now, cringing awkwardly at the memory of the last time they had spoken, where Lilybloom had nearly chewed her head off for merely checking up on her. After the initial flush of embarrassment, she dips her head and smiles. "Hopefully it'll keep the queens well fed," She said.
Shes just sitting around camp, pawing at the small puddles collected within until theres a sudden gathering of cats, all collecting around a tortoiseshell (shes not sure she has met her, Lilybloom something?). She rises to her paws, shuffling over to the little pod with a reserved look on her face as she looks around. Oh... Lilybloom! She knows her, (not personally), she uh... Had that accident. She does not mention this.

Her eyes slide to the fish that she brought in, slightly widening as she nods her silent approval. It was a big fish... And she can't help but try to stiffen her giggle as Smokethroat says that Mudpelt lost his title. "I- I think everyone'll be well fed after... after that." her voice shakes, as usual, but her tone is warm and encouraging. She offers a small smile.