Rite of Water || lost


The water is chilled by the leaf-fall air, but Nettlepaw has been told that it would get much colder as the season went on. He's never seen ice or snow before, and this would be his first leaf-bare. He wonders how easy it is to tell the difference between ice and snow. Apparently, both were a brilliant shade of white that reflected the shining sun. How was he going to get around in such a strange world? Not only would scent be harder to catch, muted by the snowfall, but the ground would be as bright as the sky. His vision of extreme blurs between light and shadow would become... well, just blinding light really. It sounded irritating.

For now though, he'll focus on the present. Nettlepaw is close to camp, but he stands upon the edge of the river, peering blindly into it's depths. Cautiously, he sinks a paw into the chilled water, followed by a second, then a third, and finally, a fourth. He wades belly deep into the tugging current, noting how powerful the water seemed to be. Ducking down, the apprentice slips his head beneath the water. He immediately jerks back to the surface with a gasp, the sensation of cold water enveloping his head completely overwhelming for a moment. Inhaling deeply, he tries again, dipping his head beneath the waves and holding his breath as he does so. At least he won't have to worry about forgetting up from down. Not only was he buoyant, but he could tell, with what little sight he had, that down was pitch dark and shrouded in shadows, and up was bright and full of light.

Feeling a bit more confident, he pulls his head free of the water and kicks off from the bank, paddling clumsily. Of course, it soon becomes apparent that knowing the up from the down was not the issue... but rather, Nettlepaw's complete lack of awareness as the current lazily dragged him down the river. When he scents the air, he realizes that the location of camp has suddenly moved. Overwhelmed by confusion, the apprentice tries to scent again, churning through the water as he tries to regain his bearings. He's floated past camp by now, and he hasn't quite realized yet. He's disoriented and starting to grow weary with anxiety. Maybe he should swim back to shore? But which way was shore? Why did it seem like everything had moved?

"U-uhm... Pikesplash?" He calls, and curses himself, because Pikesplash had been gone on some patrol and thus, he had wandered out to practice swimming by himself. "Willowroot?" He calls for her too, wondering if he was close enough to camp to be heard. At the very least, he isn't drowning. Just disoriented and unsure of which way to swim. As scents continue to shift, however, he does find himself kicking in a bit of a panic, except rather than swimming to shore, he finds himself paddling against the current, and going, well... nowhere. A burn of embarrassment heats his cheeks as the boy realizes how stupid he must look. Every other apprentice probably swam fine. Why did he have to struggle so much?
Moonpaw was not one of the apprentices who struggled to swim, but she had the positives of not only being able to see but her mother had taught her to swim the second she was able to, wanting her to have a head start on her apprentice training and be as safe as possible. Though Moonpaw had never heard of an apprentice drowning in the water she also knew that every apprentice usually practiced swimming with others nearby.

Seeing Nettlepaw paddling against the current so far downstream from camp came as a surprise and for a moment the apprentice was silent as she moved towards the bank of the water, maw opening and closing as she tried to figure out what to say. Only words that came out were the others name - "Nettlepaw?" - as she put paws within the water, watching for a moment as the other swam. He was a good swimmer, even if he was going against the current, though she wouldn't tell the other as he'd likely take it as a sign she pitied him and was simply giving him praise just for the sake of making him feel better. "Shore's over here!" Where the water wasn't as strong, where the dirt and gravel beneath toes could finally reach.

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - moonpaw - moon???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki


Against the racing current, he kicks and paddles and sweeps against glistening waves, until the call of his name whispers like a gale across the top of the river. The voice calls out again, directs him to shore. Moonpaw, the boy thinks in silent recognition, shifting toward the source of the noise. At last he pushes back toward the shore, despite his fatigue. The other apprentice's observation had certainly been correct, Nettlepaw was a strong swimmer, even lost as he had been.

Swimming sideways to the current takes me to shore, he notes, committing that fact to memory. Was there ever time where that wasn't the case? Perhaps he'd never be unlucky enough to find out.

Finally, tired, aching paws reach the muddy, pebbled shoreline, as the drenched apprentice wades onto shore with a gulp of air in relief. He stands there for several long moments, head hanging as he simply breathes. Having finally caught his breath, the boy lifts his head to stare sightlessly ahead into the dying reeds, trying to locate Moonpaw's position somewhere nearby.

"Thanks." Nettlepaw offers simply, though his voice does ring with gratitude. "I didn't know where I was for a second." He admits, shaking out his wet fur before settling upon dryer ground to begin licking his coat dry.
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=) Swimming was one of the RiverClan skills that grew fastest on the quick-footed warrior. Before the dawn of the clans, she was raised to climb trees and be fast to get away from predators. When they adopted the clan life, the water called to her and she converted to it. Now, she saw it as some sort of god, a gift to them from StarClan. The river gave them food, and protection from outside threats. Without it, what would they be? Moor cats, like ShadowClan, probably. Or maybe she would be more of a WindClan cat - they were supposed to be speedy as the rushing breeze. Regardless, she found her home here. The river taught her patience; you must wait for your moment.

Apprenticeship was a time of exploration and learning life skills. That was their idea with it's creation; give the children education on how to survive, and they will someday pass on their knowledge. Everything they knew so far as all passed down by word of mouth, and endless time spent sparring in some sandy hallow somewhere. Someday, she hoped to have her own apprentice. Bounceheart knew that she was gaining moons. Yet, she felt that she had so much to learn still. She knew what it took to be a warrior - but could she be responsible for making a warrior out of a child? Combat was not a forte of her's, but surely she could teach someone to hunt, the moral code, spar, and -
Not drown.

Down stream, she had noticed an apprentice wading into the waters. As her mind began to drift, she realized a moment too late what was occurring. A quick shake of her head cleared the fog, and she approached the pair with a mildly concerned expression pressed on her face. "You should practice floating and paddling in calmer waters," she suggested, "then, you can learn without the current pushing you away."