sensitive topics RIVERCLAN ANGST FAMILY //closed!


who could i be? and who are you?
Apr 13, 2023


THE STORY: TW; For Mentions of Abuse
The story is a simple but not happy one, or well, not a happy one for the kits of Pikeshake and Dappleleaf. The mated pair was a pair of purebred show cats who always sought out something more, and eventually ran away and found the Marsh Colony, with the most recent litter of kits they had together before they had left their twolegs. The two, however, were far from good souls, and even worse parents. Due to their heritage, they were both very narcissistic, incredibly vain, and sought perfection and a higher place in the clan's hierarchy, even if by mere association. They presented themselves often as good, and kind, yet they were far from it. This behavior extended to their own children, as they wouldn't take anything less than perfect in their eyes. Rosewater was the eldest of the litter, so she took the brunt of it. Pikeshade and Dappleleaf were immensely traditional, with the belief of toms being powerful, assertive, and meant to provide, while mollies were meant to be soft and delicate and care for kits. And unfortunately, Pikeshade and Dappleleaf had little hesitation in using any form of physical, mental, or emotional abuse to get their kits to behave and mold them exactly as they wanted. However, during the great battle, Pikeshade lost his life, leaving Dappleleaf and their now-grown children. The remains of the family had soon navigated to Riverclan in it's founding, the kits, now 24 moons, joining first as an attempt to escape their mother's cage. Yet, the former queen followed. Unfortunately, as of today, the mother still lives and remains alive, and continues to pressure their children to climb the clan's societal ladder, despite her children's thoughts on it.

— Not FCFS! There will be two slots!
— The siblings will start at 32 moons, and age once monthly on the 7th of every month
— I would love for those chosen to be at least semi-active! I'm not looking for HP levels of activity or anything (as I will likely be casual to semi-active myself), but seeing these sibs around a few times a month would be awesome.
— Please follow the genetics. The naming theme is very nature focused! Specifically stuff thats very beautiful in nature. From flowers to animals!
— Characters with disabilities and birth defects are welcome provided they are researched and played both accurately and respectfully.

— Litter mates are 32 moons old
— The family are purebred Turkish Angoras!

Sire: LH black smoke w/ low white (carrying dilute, non-silver)
Dam: LH blue tortoiseshell w/ high white

Toms can be black, black smoke, blue, blue smoke, red tabby, red cameo, cream tabby, or cream cameo
Mollies can be black, black smoke, blue, blue smoke, tortoiseshell, tortoiseshell smoke, blue tortie, or blue tortie smoke
- kits will be longhaired
- kits can have high white or low white
- kits may have any realistic eye color
- red-based kits will mask black; cream-based kits will mask blue
- non-dilute kits will carry dilute; silver kits will carry non-silver


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i am so drawn to this; angst litters are so fun

App is complete but TW: this got a bit darker than expected and also, flowergore (but no blood)


her eyes sung stories with sad endings

reasoning: 'chicory' for his fur color; 'bite' for his ferocity in battle

closeted trans. fem [amab]
uses masculine pronouns (he/him); occasionally uses feminine pronouns (she/her) mentally and/or in private

heteroflexible | asexual | monogomous
love is an impossibility in chicory's mind, because that would mean exposing their partner to the whims of their family. despite this, when they find love they fall hard and fast, but remain at a distance to spare themselves and their potential partner. having kits is a hard no for them for fear of continuing the cycle they are trapped within.

riverclan | warrior

longhaired blue tom with heterochromia and low white
a heavily scarred figure of stormy grey-blue like overcast clouds, his once glossy pelt is now dull and tattered from abuse, seeming to be entirely unkept. tangles and matts litter his sturdy figure, all manner of items caught within their clutches. a small smattering of white splashes down and across his face, trailing down his neck and chest. these markings somewhat resemble flowering vines and bones. he has one blue and one amber eye, the blue one clouded blind by a long healed injury, which always seem saddened regardless of his expression.
accessories: his pelt is littered will all manner of things from flowers and plants to feathers to bones and shells; it is not entirely clear if this is purposeful or not
scars: while scars litter his frame a dime a dozen, there are a few that stand out from the crowd - a large slash down his right eye which has rendered it entirely blind, and a clear claw slash across his chest where his heart is
smells sharp and metallic like blood and herbs; despite seemingly poor hygiene doesn't actually stink

cold | stoic | childish | fragile
positive: loving, loyal, perceptive, empathetic, sensitive, protective, disciplined
neutral: quiet, emotional, withdrawn, apathetic, abrasive, noncommittal, effeminate
negative: vulnerable, superficial, nihilistic, monstrous, violent, quick tempered, hidebound, fearful, faithless, self-critical

a quiet feline, chicory comes across to most as stoic and strong - a hard working individual and an exemplary warrior. cold and unfeeling, apathetic to the going-ons around them and rarely taking part in anything other than their duties. in battle, they are a war machine - violent, cruel, and callous, striking with killing intent even against the youngest of opponents and giving him a monstrous reputation in the process. all of this is simply a front - a cold hard shell to protect the fragile mind within. growing up within such a strict family, in order to adapt they have become relentlessly hidebound - every action carefully tailored to what they feel is expected of them.

beneath the surface however, they feel rather small - a emotionally unstable child at best. uncomfortable within their own skin, they've never really felt like a 'boy' but have had to be one due to his parents expectations. softhearted, empathetic, and sensitive, they'd truly want nothing more than to spend their days picking flowers, cuddling alongside someone, or making friends if they could but feels this to be an insurmountable challenge. they have always watched those outside the family with envy - the ability to be who you want to be, feel what you want to feel an attractive concept. every thought and feeling that flashes before their minds eye is seen as a weakness to be exploited by their parents, choked down and locked away tight where it cannot be found. due to their unhealthy coping mechanisms they are prone to occasional outbursts of emotion - often with violent results against themselves, others, or even their surroundings.

while they objectively know that their situation is not right - that the way their parents raised them and treat them even now is not normal nor okay, they cannot find it within themselves to act out against them. they are utterly terrified of their parents and their harsh opinions even now that they are an adult and likely much stronger than them - it is so deeply ingrained into their psyche to be obedient that they simply cannot imagine doing otherwise. instead, they simply bow their head and cave to most if not all of their whims - gritting their teeth and bearing it as though paying the price for their sins.

hard to form platonic relationships with
hard to form romantic relationships with

feelings are fatal by mxmoon
hey kids by molina
nowhere to run by stegosaurus rex
oleander by mother mother
its alright (acoustic) by mother mother
nobody by mitski
deep end by fousheé
basics in behavior by the living tombstone
burned out by dodie

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Tentative Track with some bullet pointed ideas

- AMAB Chimera, making them not show standard
- Seen as a Disappointment/Failure as soon as they were born
- Ignored/Treated like they don't exist
---- Desperately worked as hard as they can to get their parents attention
---- became the perfect example of masculinity by their standards
---- Anger issues and jealousy towards their siblings that parents do pay attention to
- Most definitely vies for any kind of lead position to prove them wrong
- Has internalized a lot of their views, being one of the meaner of the siblings, inside and out

Pere, Grin, Nin PEREGRINEFLIGHT: she / her; Cis Female, Heterosexual; Monogomist

─ Black smoke Turkish Angora with green eyes

─ 32 moons: PIKESHADE xx DAPPLELEAF; Sibling to Rosewater & TBD

✦ Powerful, Logical, Calm, Elegant, Soft-Spoken: Kind yet intimidating, Peregrine is sometimes a hard molly to approach. Not a cat of many words, her eyes are absolutely the windows to her soul, and she makes little to no effort to hide her emotions. Always sitting tall and proud, there is not much that can shake her confidence or her resolve, and she will do anything and everything to care for her clan and littermates. Normally one to see and voice reason, she is not above publically scoffing at their mother, the only cat that she holds any form of anger towards. She did grieve her father at his death, but more so because he never apologized for how he treated them all before passing.

─ Peregrine was everything her parents wanted in a daughter; beautiful, refined, and obedient. And she hated every minute of it. Growing up under their strict rules and expectations, her love of knowledge and exploration was crushed, hidden away within a deep part of herself and it does not reshow itself until well after her father's death and their move to Riverclan. She loves her littermates fiercely, and while she was treated slightly better than the others due to her obedience and lack of resistance in her youth, she plans to make up for it by supporting them through their clan lives now.

─ She almost never raises her voice over a soft-spoken mew, having retained a few mannerisms from the moons of suffocating lessons and teaches of etiquette. Peregrine only now wants to live a happy life serving her clan, ignore her mother as much as possible, and perhaps settle down and have a family of her own; a fresh start to their family line.
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↳ for her proficiency in stealth
— warrior of riverclan; former kittypet
— afab, she/her ; closeted bisexual ; polyamorous
pikeshade x dappleleaf, sibling to rosewater & tba

a longhaired blue smoke with green eyes hazecloud is the size of an average warrior, well toned from her days spent swimming. her fur is long though wiry, allowing her to move freely in the water. though she does not bare any visible scars there are some hidden beneath her coat near her rear from the short time she participated in the great battle. hazecloud carries some masculine features like a wide jaw, large paws and even the illusion of tom cheeks, features her mother holds no hesitation critiquing. her eyes, green as a fresh field, have chronic bags beneath them from the stress of being pulled between her mother and the growing establishment of life within the clans, trying to be a good starclan follower so she can rest in the eternal hunt.
↳ visual ref HERE


( + ) courageous | friendly | honorable ( / ) cautious | snarky | oblivious ( - ) unforgiving | nosy | careless hazecloud is a kind and friendly face to those she considers friends and family. she prefers to be in crowds, a method often used to shield herself from her parents lashing words, but in doing so has made her known for being a sociable cat and easy to talk to. even when she doesn't say much, there's some sort of pull she has that makes others feel safe around her. hazecloud tries her best to be a good warrior to riverclan and to ignore her mothers ridiculous requests and demands, following ethical standards of warriorhood.

though hazecloud easily wears her emotions on her face, she hardly ever elaborates much on her thoughts. it's hard for her to lie because of this, but she's careful with who she shares her real intentions and thoughts with. her parents earned her the habit of only speaking with her siblings, mostly, sharing all her secrets with only those she knows will go to their grave with them. yet despite all her quick wit and snapping humor, hazecloud is horribly unaware of someone's intentions if not laid bare. sarcasm may be easily understood, but she is hardly capable of picking up on anything remote to flirting or vague distaste unless someone spells it our for her. she genuinely trusts her peers to be truthful and honest with her at all times.

while she is surely a friendly face to meet, wronging the warrior will easily give you a life's sentence to her shitlist. hazecloud simply doesn't have the time to deal with unnecessary drama or those unsupporting of her choices that she sees reasonable. simply put, remaining on her good side will ensure you a solid friend for life. hypocritically, hazecloud defies her own morals by being borderline obnoxiously nosy and negligent to the consequences of her actions.
mannerisms: hazecloud has the tendency to... lurk. many to not hear her when she approaches. her face is very expressive, its hard to misunderstand how she's feeling
will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
excels at cunning, swimming


— coming out, beginning a rebellious arc to purposely anger her mother. an excuse to burn the bridge between them
— a crucial code break, maybe a secret she forces her siblings to keep so she doesn't have to leave
— commits to a kill for the first time and she doesn't understand how to cope with murder