Jun 7, 2023
ALRIGHT. Here's the story, well, the basics of it anyways:

A shorthaired silver tabby sire and a shorthaired black with high white dam fell in love and decided to have kits.

That's the story.

I am adopting out the mother, father, and two siblings to Carppaw! (my fresh character in RC!) The appearance for the parents has been pre-decided, and whoever is playing the dam will have interactions with a NPC grandmother to Carppaw (the dam's mother) I will be playing (juicy plots involving an amnesiac elder). If you have any questions, please let me know! My discord is dallasofnines

UPDATE 1: The kiddos will start as an apprentice, as the choosing date will be AFTER when Carpkit becomes Carppaw.
UPDATE 2: Carpkit is now Carppaw! Choosing date will be September 10th.

Carppaw's tags: https://tabbytales.net/threads/future-ahead-past-behind-carpkit.8194/

- this is not first come first serve
- apps are free for all in structure
- if you are applying for sire or dam, try to keep with the names that are present there
- genetics are NOT free for all, they will be posted below
- please keep these characters at least casual, im asking for five posts a month at least.
- if your muse subsides, or something comes up, and you will return to the character, just shoot me a dm! i am understanding
- if you want to rehome the character, please let me know!
- choosing date will be september 10th!
- IF you don't see a name on the name list you think may fit in the theme for the rest, DM me!
- the sire and dam will be in love, and love their kits very much. i am open to the sire/dam having marriage issues down the line, but please wait until the kits are apprentices or you're active with the sire/dam!
- the kiddos will be 4 moons and start as an APPRENTICE

- SIRE: SH silver tabby (carrying non-silver, solid) Any body shape, realistic eye color.
- DAM: SH black w/ high white; Any body shape, realistic eye color.
- KITS: Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, or silver tabby. Kits will be shorthaired, kits will have low white, kits can have any realistic eye color. (silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; tabbies will carry solid).

- SIRE: Web-, Silver-
- DAM: Shade-
- KITS: THEME OF RIVERCLAN; any legal fish name, any legal RC flower name, etc (i trust u guys, i think)

CHILD 3: Pre-existing, @CARPPAW RPed by @dallas
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BUMP! and small update: The kits will be APPRENTICE age now, as they hit 3 moons on the 15th of August, and the choosing date will likely be right after the first of September. They would get apprenticed the same time as Carpkit, but you'll intro them as apprentices.​
hi dallas :)

-- minnowkit -> minnowpaw -> minnowsplash
-- will start at 4 moons / ages on the 15th
-- afab, she/her pronouns

--silver tabby with low white and green eyes
--minnowpaw, the runt of her litter, still has some catching up to do in terms of size. despite this, her pale green eyes are bright and attentive, and her frazzled whiskers give the impression that she will be ready to spring into action at the drop of a hat. her gray nose is in heavy contrast to her white chin. a similar patch of white can be found on her belly, and all four feet are generously socked. her tabbies fur is sleek and shiny, as though dutifully maintained.
--( injuries )--slight kink in tail, scar on the pad of back right foot
--( carries )--non-silver and solid

--clever, self-righteous, petty, ambitious, competitive, loyal
--perhaps stemming from a complex because of her size, or instead from several minor injuries as a kit, minnowpaw is obsessed with status and the notion of ‘proving’ herself to her peers. highly competitive and ambitious, she strives to gain the approval and praise of those in power. this desire often blinds her from pursuing and developing relationships with her peers, instead focusing on what’s above. because of her obsession with authority, she is highly loyal to the clan. she must be forced to relax and unwind, or else she will work until she can’t anymore.
--( tropes )--icarus symbolism, slytherin

--rc npc x rc npc
--sister to carpkit and tba
--will be bisexual, difficult to build relationships with
--trusts carpkit and tba

--physically easy / psychologically easy
--mentored by someone / mentoring someone / previously mentored someone
--hunting [00%] / combat [00%] / stat [00%]
--attack in tba / peaceful powerplay allowed

--penned by fluffy / last updated 08/15/23
--put links here / like a pinterest board / or heartchart / or playlist​
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short-furred black feline w/high white and orange eyes
Tall and lanky, most of Shadepool's fur is white, with patches of black covering a toe, her shoulders, parts of her face, and her whole tail and right ear. Her fur pattern is asymmetrical and on the right has been compared to a butterfly, while on the left it simply looks... splotchy. Her mother named her Shadekit for the way the patches resemble the mismatched patches of shade over the parts of the river where the plants cover the water.
Nurturing, it's very obvious that Shadepool loves her kits and her mate, she wants what is best for them and can often be found asking their mentors if she would be allowed to take them on a small outing, simply to ask them about their training so far and how they enjoy it. She is neither energetic nor tired, but a mix of the two, voice keeping quiet as if she knows the secrets to life, and will often tell her children stories of the clans and how they began and the histories that have happened before the children were born. More drawn to life inside camp versus outside of it, it's thought that in the future if she were to have another litter that Shadepool would be a perma-queen, opting to help those in the nursery where she could, though at this point in time she is happy being a warrior and watching the clan grow with her.
  • She hold no ill-will towards any RiverClanners, and will teach her kids to trust their clanmates to the best of their ability - they are family too, after all.
  • With the stories of the histories of the clan, she will teach them about the Sunning Rocks and will teach with slight bias against ThunderClan
  • She is a doting mother and will often come out of nowhere to lick the top of her children's heads to smooth down their fur or to try and comfort them. It does not matter how old they are, they could be senior warriors and she will still do this.
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