
☾ coyotecreek x wolf's howl ☽

hi all! barleybee's previous roleplayer has decided to leave the site, but offered to allow me to adopt out the character. i will link her original tags, but feel free to submit a form with your interpretation of the character. name, gender, and personally are all free. this might end up being first come first serve, and if it isn't the choosing date will be september 23rd.

coyotecreek, originally cowboy, grew up on a farm with several siblings. he was always interested in the forest dwelling groups, but never felt the necessity to seek them out. when he met wolf's howl, a member of the marsh group, on a happenstance walk, he fell head over paws. throughout the moons, the two grew closer and closer. at one point, cowboy even contemplated joining the marsh group to be with wolf. before this could come to fruition, tensions rose within the forest. outsiders were less welcome than they had been, and the two decided cowboy would be better off at the barn. a few moons before the great battle, wolf announced they were pregnant. they gave birth only a moon before the battle, and cowboy only saw them once before the fight. when his partner died in the great battle, cowboy packed up his life at the farm and moved to the marsh to be with his children. he took them to riverclan, with the idea that it would be the easiest place to not be constantly reminded of wolf. now, the children are almost warriors, and cowboy is coyotecreek.

tldr - cowboy dilf is now a sad single father oops what will he do

coyotecreek is an amab cis tom. the children will refer to him with masculine parental names. coyote reference by pin
wolf's howl was an afab nonbinary feline. the children will refer to them with non gender conforming parental names. wolf reference


original tags by perseus on discord. tag link here. link to toyhouse here.

SIRE: LH red tabby with low white (masking black, carrying dilute)
DAM: LH blue tortoiseshell
males can be black, blue, red tabby, or cream tabby
females can be tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, red tabby, or cream tabby
- kits will be longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- non-dilute kits will carry dilute
- red kits will mask black; cream kits will mask blue

1 -- lambfang played by @SATURNID
2 -- prairiesun played by @WriteAboutRadish

(not required) here are some prefixes coyote might name his children -

wolf, howl (after wolf's howl), wheat, barley, cotton, apple, cricket, cow (any sort of farm related name), sage (after coyo's mother), marsh (after wolf's former home), any river related name for his new home.

form is ffa.
contact lavs on discord @ lavendes or dm @lavs

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Name: Barleystorm
Gender: Trans male, he/him/his
Appearance: Abundant quantities of rich tawny, black, and white fur cover a tall, slender frame, while powerful limbs and a deep well of stamina make Barleystorm a skillful swimmer, like most of his Clanmates. He has bright, leaf-green eyes, a long tail, and large, rounded paws. His fluffy fur is at its thickest around his neck and chest, on his tail, and on his limbs: a great boon in leaf-bare and a great burden in greenleaf. Though he tries his best to keep himself presentable (ish), he is often found with leaves, tiny stones, or scraps of moss caught in his impressive coat. Perhaps due to the quantity of fish in his diet, his pelt is glossy and - despite its length - does not appear to hinder his movement in water.

+ Compassionate: Barleystorm is a good-hearted tom, who desires the health and happiness of most everyone he meets. He's quick with a kind word and slow to anger.
+ Observant: Keen-eyed and attentive, he strives to be attuned to his surroundings - and tries to remember every detail.
+ Committed: Barleystorm is not a quitter. Partially in the hopes of making his father and his late parent proud, he throws himself into everything, approaching the duties of a warrior with determination.

± Quiet: Barleystorm is not an especially talkative tom. He chooses his words carefully and speaks only when he feels he has something valuable to contribute...which sometimes means he doesn't speak up when it's needed.
± Trusting: For better or for worse, he presumes the best of others. He tries hard to see from other points of view, and struggles to grasp that some people do not deserve such efforts.
± Self-effacing: In a manner that is sometimes inspiring and sometimes simply frustrating, Barleystorm puts others before himself. He's not selfless to the point of being self-sacrificing, but his inability (or unwillingness) to articulate his needs and wants can frustrate those who care about him, as it ironically makes it more difficult to help him.

- Short-sighted: While he tries to think his choices through, Barleystorm is young, and often guided by his emotions. He pays too little attention to the future, and makes a habit of choosing what feels right in the present without considering the consequences.
- Brittle: Barleystorm handles harsh words ... poorly, to say the least. An unkind remark can send his mind spinning down a hundred unpleasant paths, and anyone who offends himself, his family, or his friends will immediately be entered onto his list of enemies. His demeanor can be surprisingly frigid when he objects to someone's behavior, and he is slow to forgive.
- Inhibited: The life of a warrior is full of hardship ... but there are joys and pleasures, too, if one accepts them. Barleystorm's dutiful nature and lack of focus on himself engenders an almost pleasure-avoidant lifestyle. Food is for sustenance, good weather is for safety, and connections with others are for survival. Unlearning this will be an essential part of his growth as a person.
Ooh, thank you! I'm excited to get started with him :D

I don't have a Toyhouse, unfortunately, but Discord or a DM on here works great for me!
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