coyotecreek, originally cowboy, grew up on a farm with several siblings. he was always interested in the forest dwelling groups, but never felt the necessity to seek them out. when he met wolf's howl, a member of the marsh group, on a happenstance walk, he fell head over paws. throughout the moons, the two grew closer and closer. at one point, cowboy even contemplated joining the marsh group to be with wolf. before this could come to fruition, tensions rose within the forest. outsiders were less welcome than they had been, and the two decided cowboy would be better off at the barn. a few moons before the great battle, wolf announced they were pregnant. they gave birth only a moon before the battle, and cowboy only saw them once before the fight. when his partner died in the great battle, cowboy packed up his life at the farm and moved to the marsh to be with his children. he took them to riverclan, with the idea that it would be the easiest place to not be constantly reminded of wolf. now, the children are almost warriors, and cowboy is coyotecreek.

tldr - cowboy dilf is now a sad single father oops what will he do

coyotecreek is an amab cis tom. the children will refer to him with masculine parental names. coyote reference
wolf's howl was an afab nonbinary feline. the children will refer to them with non gender conforming parental names. wolf reference

SIRE: LH red tabby with low white (masking black, carrying dilute)
DAM: LH blue tortoiseshell
males can be black, blue, red tabby, or cream tabby
females can be tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, red tabby, or cream tabby
- kits will be longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- non-dilute kits will carry dilute
- red kits will mask black; cream kits will mask blue

1 --
2 --
3 --

naming theme is optional but appreciated - wolf, howl (after wolf's howl), wheat, barley, cotton, apple, lamb, cricket, cow (any sort of farm related name), sage (after coyo's mother), marsh (after wolf's former home)

kids will start at 11 moons!

kit will be chosen within the month, most likely late may. this is not first come first serve. form is ffa as long as you include the basics. coyote will love his kits no matter what, so there will be no cruel names or backstories. try to keep your kit in riverclan until warriorhood. if moving your kit, speak to lavs first

contact lavs on discord lavendes#5628 or dm @lavs

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lambpaw . lambfang . lambhowl . lambprowl

↳ for coyote's old home, after her sheeplike coloration
— riverclan apprentice; proud and loyal, but courteous to other clans
— AFAB, she / her, open to other pronouns ; (butch) lesbian
coyotecreek x wolf's howl, sibling to TBD

LH tortoiseshell with low white, brown eyes

A one-small and scrawny child that filled out as she aged, Lambpaw has become a well-built cat. Lean muscles trained on Riverclan's rapids are coated in a thick and rugged coat of fur. She bears a wolfish face, scruffy-furred and adorned with two protruding fangs. She is an intimidating cat by any metric, large and scowling. And yet she was granted a gentle name, given for the black-and white pattern of her fur, the white ruff that surrounds a dark and sheepish face. Freckles of white trail up the bridge of her nose, in between two soft brown eyes. Her back makes an unusual speckled patchwork, white creeping into black with glimpses of bright right matched only by her right front paw. It is difficult not to notice, however, the two marks of her troubled apprenticehood: a folded ear, courtesy of a mite infection, and a torn tail, caught between a dog's jaws upon straying too close to the twolegplace.

↳ carrying dilute


( + ) kind, loyal, steadfast, honest, calm
( / ) reserved, down to earth, stoic, unlucky
( - ) blunt, awkward, stubborn, oblivious, black-and-white thinker

Lambpaw can seem an unfriendly type, ever-present scowl fixed upon her face, speech coming gruff and slow, every word picked with careful deliberation. She speaks blunt and true, if sparsely, no care for dishonesty or sparing feelings. Though she keeps to herself much of the time, she's a hardworking cat, always eager to join her fellow apprentices in their duties. She's nothing if not reliable, a helping paw always at the ready, offering kindness to those in need. There's a stoicism to her, a solid rock to lean on once you gets past her intimidating appearance.

In truth, Lambpaw's asocial tendencies are born not of anger, but of awkwardness. She struggles to navigate social situations, preferring to do rather than to say, caring deeply for her clanmates and never quite sure how to show it. She holds a deep loyalty to RiverClan, a deeper loyalty to those who've put her trust in her, willing to do anything for them. Yet she's easily embarrassed by missteps or social blunders, easily flustered by any show of praise or affection. Lambpaw does not quite understand other cats and seems fully unaware of the way they view her, surprised to even hear they have opinions on her at all. She's prone to getting caught up in her own head, oblivious to other cats' feelings until they're made explicitly clear to her.

Many of Lambpaw's actions are driven by her strong sense of justice, of right and wrong, of cats getting what they deserve. She sees the world in a rather black and white manner — good and bad, no in between. Her loyalty is not easy to lose, but when it is lost, it's lost completely. Evil actions are to be punished, after all. And where does she fit in? A cat born unlucky, star-cursed. Repentance, but she knows not for what. So she works hard to do good, would put her life on the line for the chance at it. Maybe she'll know, when her luck turns around, that she's finally earned it.

mannerisms: usually looks angry, even though she isn't. furrows brows when thinking. smiles and laughs rarely, but genuinely. tends to nod in greeting. poor posture, keeps her head held low. moves slowly and deliberately. scratches at her ears idly, grinds teeth and scratches at the ground when frustrated. avoids eye contact when nervous.
— will not start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will not show mercy
— will excel at physical strength, fighting, swimming

sounds gravelly and monotone
smells like dusty earth and the air before a storm


— may be just getting out of the med den after her tail injury as a starting prompt / explanation for absence? if so, learning to balance better without tail. she prefers water to land, since she doesn't have to worry about poor balance (and likes the tranquility of it)
— nervous around dogs due to her injury, may eventually have a fight involving one. dislikes going near the twolegplace & sunningrocks. may become an issue if there is another battle for sunningrocks
— more bad luck </3 would love for her to start accumulating scars
— rarely expresses negative emotions, despite her unfortunate resting face. her anger and her sadness come explosively, unexpectedly. would be interesting to see her pushed to a breakdown
— what could push her to violence, other than fighting for her clan? revenge, most likely. if someone she loves is hurt, she will seek to avenge the wrong done to them, no matter the cost
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don't fear your life boy, grow and change
Prairiepaw . Prairieheart . Prairieflame . Prairietrail . Prairierun

↳ prairie for farm/western name theming and his cream coat, paw for his rank
— apprentice of riverclan; very proud of this, dislikes the all the other clans
— AMAB, he/him; homosexual
coyote x wolf's howl, sibling to TBD

rugged cream tabby tom A cream tabby tom with low white. He has a rugged appearance, with a scruffy chin and messy fur. The bottom of his face is painted white and it spills down to his chest and stomach. He is striped with faint cream tabby markings. His build is a little wiry at current. With long legs and a shallow chest he is built for his troublesome activities, as he loses his edge however his body will also fill out a little and he will be left with a, albeit it skinny but, typical riverclan build. He is very slinky in his movements. His eyes are a handsome blue.
↳ carrying nothing / masking blue/ etc?


( + ) Outgoing, Confident ( / ) Loud, Self-sacrificial, Fearless, Aloof ( - ) Brash, Rebellious Everything Prairie does is with good intentions, however on occasion he may be described as a little dim in the head. With age will come insight and wisdom, but for now Riverclan has to put up with the hot-headed and self-congratulatory apprentice who can't fathom how he may be wrong. Under his arrogance though is a large heart of gold that is willing to do anything for those in the clan.
mannerisms: speaks clearly and with conviction at almost all times, holds himself with blind confidence
— will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | willing to not show mercy
— (will) excel at fighting, public speaking, being an idiot


— getting smarter
— breaking rules
— possible murder?? who knows the night is young
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theres gonne be cows outside!
Cowkit . Cowpaw . Cowcall, Cowfur, Cowsplash

↳ cow; for their black and white pelt and their fathers love of the farm // paw; denoting rank
— Apprentice of Riverclan
— AFAB Agender Feminine (they/fae) // Pansexual Demiromantic Monogamist
Coyote x Wolf's Howl, sibling to TBD

A black cat with white and blue eyes Standing at about five inches tall, Cowpaw is of average size and height. They have a long black coat that always seems to be clean and well mannered despite their ever abundand need to make a mess. There is also white patches along their body and across their face, resembling a cows pattern on their side. Cowpaw has these bright, glowing blue eyes and a little grey nose in the midst of faes' white face.
↳ carrying dilute


( + ) Charming, Educated, Freethinking, Dependable ( / ) Stubborn, Outspoken, Emotional ( - ) Cynical, Conceited, Immature, Forgetful, Unfocused Cowpaw is a rather intelligent cat and has a strong urge to learn and continue to learn anything and everything theyh can. They're very much an open minded cat and is often accepting of all others' no matter what may have happened. They also like to look at the bigger picture than minor details, and they tend to have a way with their words as well. Cowpaw is also always one to be on time, never late to anything, do an extra chore or help out in the medicine den when they can.

Though Cowpaw is a rather opinionated cat, they loved to speak their mind and share their truth with anyone who would listen to them. They have a hard head on their shoulders and often one to never budge from a final decision. Cowpaw is also rather emotional as well, often letting them get the best of fae when in dire need of thoughts or actions- they tend to freeze.

Cowpaw can be rather cynical in that they don't really see the world in a favorable light. They think doomsday is upon them at all times, Starclan really freaks fae out, and that everyone they know will die one day. When never has an answer and the world just was that way- a dark and saddened place and fae is okay with that. Cowpaw can also be concieted in their abilities to learn and their drive for success, thinking they are above others' when really they're just a little more of a kiss up than the average apprentice. Immature and forgetful, Cowpaw is like any other young child with being unable to keep their head straight on at all times.
--They force themselves to speak with a southern drawl, they want to connect to their 'roots' even though they have never been on a farm.
-- Cowpaw has a fur pulling problem and causes bald patchs on their toes and belly, wherever their teeth can reach.
-- Fae says a lot of 'uhm' 'well' and 'so'
— will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
— will excel at swimming, weaving, tracking


— Cowpaw having a crisis of some sort (romantic, funny idk)
— Maybe something like bonding with coyote and becoming a daddys child

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✧ Marshkit, (Name meaning: Marsh - Caring; curious; collected; kind; quirky; grumpy , kit - status)
✧ Tom, He/Him

✧ Long-haired blue tabby with low white and partial heterochromia (Green/blue)


( + ) POSITIVE TRAITS - Kind, Caring
( / ) NEUTRAL TRAITS - Collected, Quirky, Curious
( - ) NEGATIVE TRAITS - Grumpy
✧ May change as he ages <3

✧ Battle tactics TBD
✧ penned by Baelfire
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