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Jun 6, 2022

hey, guys!! the time has finally come to choose riverclan's second deputy — while i will be taking my time choosing, i want to go ahead and gauge interest so, as always, before stating interest i highly encourage you check out our super awesome high / semi - high position guide as well as our leadership guide to look more into the position you would be filling! please be sure to check out all the ooc / ic requirements because some are crucial or potentially plot - breaking!

cicada is very touchy and incredibly paranoid. please do not be discouraged from applying but it will be highly unlikely that he would pick former kittypets, anyone with an affiliation outside riverclan after the split, those openly defiant towards him, or those he does not trust or see as capable. he is highly distrustful, and anyone he believes has ill - will towards him or the clan would not realistically be put into a position of power.

this position would be best suited towards someone friendly, welcoming and active both onsite and on the clan's discord! you will play a crucial part in maintaining the atmosphere for riverclan, including but not limited to ; plotting outside friend groups, welcoming new joiners, maintaining the discord, and preparing for your future role as leader!
someone recognizably active in - character! engaging in opens and keeping a steady activity / character consistency. while i am looking for someone recognizably posting, this does not mean spamming the board will increase your chances! while i see and appreciate your efforts, i will be less inclined to pick someone who churns out posts in order to get promoted. plus, that's not fair to promote the most active person just because they have a lot of time on their hands to post when others are active and meet all the other requirements too! so, in summary, more posts =/= automatic promotion.
and i think that's it, really! again, be sure to check out our guides to see what all this will entail, or contact me directly! if you're still interested in being riverclans deputy, apply with the form below!

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CHARACTER NAME: Smokethroat | @Smokethroat [TAGS]

  • Decided to split this for ease of access and cause I ramble, I'm so sorry...
    Thank you for the consideration! :3
  • Smokethroat has, from the very beginning, been a loyal and dedicated warrior to RiverClan. His devotion to Cicadastar especially aside, he's reasonable and confident and rarely falters in his actions, always pushing for progress and prosperity even in face of the most abysmal odds.
    There is no cat more dedicated to seeing RiverClan rise above mere existence and become a force to be reckoned with but primarily he prefers keeping the clan safe and will bite his tongue as necessary to achieve this. While he will follow his leader's orders to a point, he is not mindless nor unnecessarily rebellious and never hesitates to speak up in disagreement if he feels he has to, especially given Cicadastar's tendency to lapse into paranoia. He's respectful to the code and StarClan as a whole, having seen for himself their existence in seeing his leader revive from the dead more than once, as such he will happily maintain the status quo for the clan's structure and beliefs.
    While Smokethroat is, for lack of a better word, a hardass-he does care and his strict manners and forceful behavior never crosses into abuse; his clan means more to him than any words can possibly describe.
  • HEWWOhewwo, welcome to Rai brags about having no life for several minutes:
    First and foremost the OOC requirements for the position are something I have been able to maintain and overachieve on since Smokethroat was made back in August. He has always gotten 20 posts at the minimum every month and is consistently present in open threads as I generally don't do private threads often at all. I keep track of posts on a tracker so here's his previous activity for reference (though don't take my word, feel free to snoop lol)!
    I'm very organized, have been assisting in correlating clan activities both IC and OOC up to and including assisting with the Census and Revamping the Guide to better fit the current environment. I like to think I'm very active and friendly in the discord as RiverClan is my main hangout and I enjoy chatting with everyone in there; I'm familiar with every character and their relations as well as having a good grasp of what's going on in other clans as well to help with plotting and clan politics! :3 Overall, I think I'm a good fit for the position!

CHARACTER NAME: willowroot @willowroot
ic reasoning - willowroot has been apart of riverclan since its beginning, and although she was at first outwardly distrustful of the group, she has grown to love and appreciate the things the clan has provided for her. she has always been a very motherly cat, originally joining riverclan in order to put her adopted child first, and thus has shown she cares about the safety of those who might not be able to speak for themselves. she and cicada have grown close, with her being appointed one of two original lead warriors. she is a more soothing voice of reason within the group, and i think it could balance cidadastar's more brash personality to have someone more peaceful backing him up. over all, i believe she has proven herself to be dependable in stressful situations. she is prone to emotion when dealing with personal situations, but it is something she is working on, and something that could provide a fun plot. she is never fearful to speak up in disagreement and holds her clan in high regard. she would be a just and loyal deputy, and would be mainly concerned with making sure things are moral and doing the right thing.
ooc reasoning - while i have been a bit spotty in terms of activity, willowroot's activity has and will increase now that summer has arrived. i make sure willowroot interacts in crucial threads, and while i don't often do privates, i try to keep them going longer than a few posts. i am quite active in the discord, and enjoy speaking with folks both about ic and ooc things. i aid in plotting for both hps and non, and have fun doing so. riverclan is my only currently active clan, and as such i have a lot of time on my hands for plotting and chatting. i think i'd be a good fit as i believe i am friendly and cheerful. thanks for considering :D and good luck to all involved!!

CHARACTER NAME: Cindershade @Cindershade

Ic — While Cinder hasn't actually been in the clans since the beginning, she is backwritten to be apart of it and has followed Cicada since being apart of the Marsh group. Cinder is a severe follower of Cicadastar and would follow him to the ends of the earth if she had to do so. She holds herself accountable and will also set her clan accountable for their actions as well. She's always kept RiverClan and their best interest in her mind, despite everything and would want them to thrive as they deserve to do so. Cinder as a deputy and leader, would be very involved in her clan and their affairs. While she isn't quite the friendliest of cats, she can be cordial and compassionate for her clan mates. She would help Cicada be his best self and be his right hand man, a cat worthy of his trust (and if she already has his trust, she would prove it more). Though her tongue has been loose in the past, it is not without reason. I believe as she grows and learns to lead, this will become a bit less but she will push her clanmates to be their very best. Cinder is a cat of independence and that would not change, she may follow Cicadastar anywhere he went—she'd also offer a different strategy if she felt that it was warranted. She used to be a cat with selfish intentions, but as she grows, that slowly is changing and I believe placing her in a position to look into the perspective of all of her clan mates needs, it will cause she to shift into a more selfless individual but will always have that edge to her.

OC - Since creating Cinder, I have been consistently active with her and have always been hitting her post requirements ever since becoming a lead warrior. While this is my first ever HP character, I am very capable of learning the more developmental aspects and tasks regarding keeping up with the census, plots, etc. I am very big on inclusivity of all characters both IC and OC. I am as active on Discord as I can be, and I try my hardest to be welcoming to all! While one of my weaknesses can be coming up with plots, with some help I could improve myself. These past few weeks have been spotty for me, just because of vacation and holidays, etc. Usually I am always online and willing to talk with anyone! Cinder is my main character and while I do have other cats in clans, she is and will always be my priority. I love RiverClan so much and I want nothing but the best for it. I hope you will take me into consideration for the position, but if I am not a good fit then that is completely understandable! I would like to think that I am!
Good luck to all who have/will be applying! All of you deserve it!​
MAIN ACCOUNT: @tieirlys
CHARACTER NAME: Lichentail @lichentail

forgive me im gonna shoot my shot just for funsies :)

Lichentail is not impressively old or full of great wisdom but she is devoted and stubborn. She places a lot of value in the success of RiverClan because of outside opinions but mostly because it's the only way she can identify her own life being of any value; if she is benefitting the clan she is doing something greater than herself so seeing them thrive above all else is her priority. She tends to overwork herself to meet that end and it tends to show in her awkward charisma; she's direct (to a point it can cause her some trouble) and the associated honest is unrelenting even on her worst days. She sees no purpose is lying just to lick someone else's wounds and has a lot of black and white thinking about what true loyalty is. She's been with this group of cats since they were the Marsh Group and thought it an easy choice to go with RiverClan following the Great Battle. Cicadastar, though often emotionally difficult for her to understand, has earned her respect time and time again because of his stubborn persistence to thrive despite the odds, it's an attitude she wishes could be instilled in every single RiverClanner. I think being deputy would force her into making some of those hard black-and-white decisions that will create consequences she didn't expect from such divided thinking. Her unwillingness to compromise in politics makes her a bit of a bad negotiator as a direct consequence of her fierce loyalty and pride. It would also teach her how the responsibility of others underneath you adds a lot more weight than it seems. I would hope to commit her blunt personality into something that creates some conflict with how reality is and what the 'ideal' she imagines is.

I am by no means a veteran here so I'll start off by acknowledging I've only been here a little more than a month! In that time I've been consistently active on site and in the RiverClan discord, I'm proud to say I made 55 posts with Lichentail in her first month and I've only come to love her as a silly little individual the more I've messed around. I don't have experience on this forum with interacting as a HP but I've had experiences in the past in other groups and sites so the plot-building aspect doesn't frighten me by any means. I'm also a bit of an organization fiend, I helped manage a group of over 100 players totaling above 300 characters on a roster that detailed their current rank, activity, apprentices, and when their graduation period was due (for those apprentices). I really enjoy Excel and I'm a pretty eager learner for most other things in general. Lichentail is currently my only character simply because I'm just... really enamored by RiverClan and its vibes. The people here have been exceedingly friendly and the community so welcoming and warm, I have a lot of respect for the work that has gone into it thus far and even without having an HP will continue to enjoy seeing it thrive :)

Thank you for the consideration, and good luck to the other applicants (you are all so sweet and funny and kind, you've made this such a fun and inviting experience for me, thank you so much!!!)!!!

Godspeed Antlers :devilish:
CHARACTER NAME: Snakeblink @Snakeblink
IC — Snakeblink is fiercely loyal to Riverclan and has been from the very (backwritten) beginning. He sees the clan as his family and there's nothing he wouldn't do to keep them safe and content, often to his own detriment. He also cares deeply about Cicada in particular and respects him as a friend and leader deeply, while often disagreeing with his more belligerent orders: more cowardly and dismissive of the code than Cicada, he'd be a faithful and reliable lieutenant who's highly unlikely to voice dissent but who'd try to steer him towards more cautious (and/or underhanded) courses of action.
(From a more personal development perspective, it would be absolutely disastrous for his mental health (affectionate). Like, what happens when someone already prone to blind loyalty and associating his personal worth to what he can do for others is given such a responsibility? Nothing good for SURE <3)

OOC — I'm pretty active both on site and on the discord, and though I haven't been the Most active I think i've been pretty consistent with Snake since creating him! I try to be welcoming and to include everybody, and writing my digest means I at least Skim every thread on the board so I got a decent idea of who everybody is playing and their dynamics. I love coming up with plots and Having Responsibilities 😌
On the other hand I basically only play River so I have No idea what the other clans have got going on, which could be a problem
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