RiverClan Leafbare Plot Litter [Closed]


You know, like, NYA ❤︎
Aug 9, 2022



  • Leafbare approaches and RiverClan is preparing for the worst, a blue tabby molly appears on the border with kits in tow to further add to their burden and distress but they could never turn down a kitten in need in such a time; she seems familiar to Smokestar though and he realizes before she admits it that this is his older sister Kindling.
    For a short time she and their older brother remained with their mother after he was born only to go their own ways later; leaving their family behind. This resulted in the struggles that eventually lead to her death and he has only seen the two of them in passing a few times during his time in twoleg place - neither had offered a paw to the younger and inexperienced cat, neither had shown much interest in blood.

    Once again she selfishly prioritizes her own wellbeing, using the kits as leverage to try and get into the clan but she is refused when it becomes clear her intent was not to join but to simply take advantage of their good nature and have an easy life where she would not contribute in any way. It is briefly hinted at that she knew of the clans and had these kits entirely for this purpose...when she is denied she leaves them, abandoning them to be left in the cold as far as she knows but RiverClan has never turned down a young cat in need before.

    While he would not have refused them even before knowing they were kin, it leaves a sour taste to know she's never changed and he decides then that the kits would learn what it truly means to be part of a group that considers all its members like family.

    How they handle their mother coming back later is another story...

    These kits will be nieces/nephews to @SMOKESTAR .
    And cousins to @BEEPAW. , @CICADAPAW & @Starlightpaw .

  • Sire: LH lilac smoke w/ low white (carrying non-silver)
    Dam: SH blue tabby w/ high white, vitiligo (carrying longhair, chocolate, solid)

    Kits can be: blue, lilac, blue smoke, lilac smoke, blue tabby, lilac tabby, blue silver tabby, or lilac silver tabby
    • kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    • kits can have low white or high white
    • kits can have any realistic eye color
    • kits may or may not have vitiligo in adulthood
    • shorthaired kits will carry longhair; black-based kits will carry chocolate; tabbies will carry solid; silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver
    Their mother will have not named them, having not planned on raising them at all or deciding that if she got into the clan she'd pick something then. As such, they will be named by Smokestar instead and he will choose names from his own litters naming list:

    Special names - River (Birth Mother/Clan)
    River related names - (after both his clan & Mother) Quiet, Droplet, Pond, Murmur, Stream, Pebble, Splash, Rush, Minnow, Scale, Shimmer, Shell, Whisper, Current, etc…
    River Plants & Flowers - Reed, Lotus, Iris, Hazel, Laurel, Tansy, Blossom, Flower, etc…
    Literal names - Blackkit, Whitekit, Spottedkit, Spotkit, Specklekit, Splotchkit, Roundkit, Longkit, Shortkit...etc
    In Reference to when they joined - Cold, Ice, Icy, Snow, Snowy, Frosty, Rime, Cloud, Mist...
    NO-NO NAMES: Weasel, Soot, Buck (Deer-related names), Wind-Adjacent Names (Rabbit, Moor, Wind etc...), Cicada (Insect names)...
    Any on the census currently! Any that are in use by prominent characters on the site already! (Smoke would not name a kit after some other clans medicine cat or leader for example...)

    If a name isn't listed but fits the 'vibes' of the ones above and does not overlap with an existing name on site you are welcome to DM me or drop a message in my discord to ask if its fine!

  • This litter is not FCFS, only finished applications will be considered. (Apps are a free-for-all!)
    Please follow the genetics listed and the naming theme supplied.
    These kits will be raised in RiverClan by the queens there (Hazecloud & Apricotflower), they are expected to remain in RiverClan until adulthood when plot may dictate otherwise.
    Their history of being loner kits abandoned by their mother and their relation to Smokestar will not be hidden from them, you can play them as having been made aware of this fact from the get go.
    Please play any disabilities or mental illnesses these kits may have with care and respect, you are allowed to have them!
    This will close on 12/8, in one week - the kits will age realistically per month from 2 moons on.
    These kits must remain active enough to stay on the census (at least 1 post every two weeks), but more activity is preferred.
    There is a longterm plot related to these kits which will force them to decide where their loyalty truly lies.
    I ask that you be in the discord and be willing to join the family discord!
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amab, he/him
two moons
    a longhaired blue tabby with low white and orange eyes. stocky and broadly built, this boy is of a similar build to his uncle smokestar. he carries himself with a plodding gait and holds his head high. resembling his mother in look, if not build, pale blue fur covers the length of his body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, his square muzzle dashed with white that flows down to his chest, and powders his paws and the tip of his tail. over time, flecks of white will appear on other parts of his body, vitiligo having been passed to him similarly to his mother and uncle.
    ⤷ aesthetic link.

    stern / curious / solemn / protective / kind. as a child, the tom finds himself favoring a leaderly position. he tries to guide and herd the other kits of the nursery, trying to check in and keep his denmates as safe as he can. he puts much pride into his relation to smokestar, and emulates his uncle's best features- a kinglike demeanor, a fearsome lion reigning over whom he must protect. there is a desperate need to fit in, to not be seen as the abandoned kit of the leader's low down sister, even if he still loves and misses his mother. he has an eagerness to help and explore, but it's something he tries to keep contained, burdened with the knowledge that he is constantly being observed.

    in his apprenticehood, he finds his curiosity nurtured, and he will take to his training with a skip in his step. he may grow out of his distrust for those not known to him, although he still remains suspicious of good intentions. he will try to use his apprenticeship as a means to impress smokestar, always seeking the leader's approval. he will find a similar sort of adoration for his mentor, whom he will trust with his life. his idea is that if smokestar has assigned this mentor to him, they must be the best warrior in the clan. as he grows towards warriorhood, he will continue to herd and protect his denmates, and seek the hardest, most burdensome tasks and patrols.

    growing finally into his warrior name, he will end up a stern and steady presence within his clan. his personality will develop with interaction and circumstance, so this is a work in progress. ​
    GEN 2 (?). KINDLING xx UNKNOWN. BROTHER TO siblings

    MENTORING none
    ADMIRES smokestar


    not easy to gain the trust of.
    SMELLS OF river water and wet stone
    SOUNDS LIKE voice description
    speech is #848dae

    - freezing in the cold, the son of smokestar's distant sister and an unknown rogue will be found curled around his siblings, his larger body, though kit-sized, attempting to cover and warm his littermates. brought into camp, he will be diagnosed with a mild case of hypothermia, his main symptoms being shivering and frostbite. said frostbite will cause the tips of his ears to deaden and go ragged.
  • - the first few weeks of life in riverclan will be especially difficult for him, and he will attempt to keep his siblings close at all times. he will trust smokestar slightly, but everyone else will be a blank slate for him, making it very difficult for him to interact.
    - he genuinely did love and care for his mom, enough that he will be heartbroken at her abandonment. it will take several moons for him to be able to see the mistreatment and neglect she caused, and anyone who tries to speak poorly of her before he has had these realizations will be on his bad side.
    - he may potentially begin apprenticehood as a drypaw, as he is not keen to get into cold water. as he will be apprenticed during late leaf-bare this will be especially true. he will work through his personal trauma with snow/ice/water, and eventually become an alright swimmer, although always a bit hesitant.
    - potential vitiligo​
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rivery, literal, wintery.
afab demiboy
he / they
    a thick-furred blue kitten mottled with darker stripes and splashed by white. the puff of the kitten's fur does not protect him as well as the circumstances would require. slicked with wet snow and an awful chill, he comes to the clan shivering and never quite seems to stop. what had once been cold becomes adrenaline, and then energy. his anxiety presents itself as a bouncy nature in kittenhood, eager to explore, but truly just eager to be near those that welcome him and want him. he may have been young, but he was old enough to understand that his mother left him all too quickly. what a terrible burden to look like her anyway.
    ⤷ longhaired double blue tabby chimera with low white th.

    energetic ╱ lazy prodigy ╱ nervous attachment ╱ guileless ╱ clueless. abandonment is never an easy thing for children to bear. while his littermates may carry the burden differently than he does, he makes the change well known. nervously, the kitten clings to smokestar– perhaps he remembers the original refusal, or perhaps he remembers the abandonment that followed, but in everything he does, he seeks acceptance. you really want me, right? you want me to stay? it branches quickly to other cats within the clan. he will blossom quickly, if not fully right away. a fledgling's first flight, his wings not quite strong enough.

    with time he will be a slight menace around camp. the anxious energy doesn't quite deplete until he nears apprentice age, and he spends his free time and resources pestering those around him until they just give in and admit that they like him.​

    ADMIRES smokestar; every riverclanner


    how easily do they trust?
    SMELLS OF reeds and wet stone
    SOUNDS LIKE voice description
    speech is #A6D2C7

    — there's potential for someone snapping at him for not respecting their boundaries, which would deeply affect him but rather temporarily. he will bounce back given time and be as obnoxious as ever, just with the added knowledge that sometimes he can be too much and he should respect social cues.
    — he will need a firm mentor who does not let him slack off or just skate by. he's someone who learns very quickly and gets bored very quickly; if he's not challenged, he will stagnate.
    — he will be clingy with his siblings and very easily roped into whatever they want to do. an absolute sucker for any sort of peer pressure as well. may find himself in more trouble than others because he struggles to say no. massive people pleaser.
    — i plan for him to grow into a calmer, reliable warrior based on smokestar’s influence as well as his potential mentor’s. my adult vision for him is calm and empathetic with his clanmates, but a stoic, hardworking cat on patrols.

    — loves loves loves water. would love to play in it all the time from the moment he's introduced to it. he's particularly fascinated by currents and likes to drop things into the river to watch how they float away. no serious science there, just an idea for some open threads in the future.
    — though he starts life as a puffball, his coat becomes rather sleek with age. due to the riverclan diet and plenty of swimming, it gets a healthy sheen and sticks pretty flat to his body, though still with enough volume to make it clear he is a fluffy dude.
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withdrawing, sorry!

warning that there's a fair chance i'll withdraw due to me having overestimated the amount of time i have to take on another character!



Longkit is Smokestar-tall without the heft to back it up, more willowy than stalwart. His fur comes out in unruly spikes, intentionally and constantly in some state of disarray. Most notable of his many bunches of fur are the white tufts sprouting out of the tips of his ears. However, even as a kitten, his long white lashes and delicate-looking features lend him a disarming prettiness that others quickly learn to ignore on account of his terrible personality.

Genetically, Longkit is a shorthaired blue smoke with high white (carrying longhair, chocolate, non-silver).

Longkit is a typhoon of a kitten: boisterous, inquistive, and seemingly everywhere at once, whether it's popping out of a newly-made hole in warrior's den or trying to fling himself off the willow branches. He's startlingly obstinate and adores pulling pranks, which stems from his apparent need to find and push everyone's buttons. He'll quickly learn that kittens can get away with just about anything with their cute looks, and he'll be very upset once the novelty of he and his litter wears off. It feels like Longkit has never heard the word "no" in his life, and if it's said to him he'll breeze right through it. He's at once fiercely independent yet clingy, insisting on his own annoying boundaries while happily invading others'. Longkit also just seems to lack impulse control or a filter.

In short, Longkit is absolutely obnoxious, and there's no telling what it'll take to wring it out of him. However, he has one redeeming quality: he excels at just about anything he puts his mind to. Fighting and hunting come as easily as breathing to him, and he picks up concepts (that interest him) with a snap. Catching his attention is easy, but holding it there is like wrangling a cat-sized fish with your paws. Having been born with natural prodigial skill and a disposition like his, it's no wonder he quickly becomes infested with arrogance.

For all his flaws, Longkit rarely has true malicious intentions. The real basis of why he's so insufferable stems from this abandonment though. He wants everyone to pay attention so they couldn't possibly forget about him. He wants to be the very best so they will never consider him expendable. However, his quick growth and frequent skirmishes with his clanmates will lead him to quickly forget about these, replaced with a superiority complex and the pervasive belief that he is the only one in the world who matters.
  • I have a fun thread idea in mind where Longkit boasts about being one of the first ones to be fed in the middle of Leaf-bare, as queens, kits, and elders are prioritized, which will definitely give him some enemies.
  • Longkit will most likely be a drypaw, which especially cements his status as a pseudo-outsider in RiverClan. He'll probably just refuse to go into the water unless given a substantial bribe, but even then he won't particularly like it.
  • I'm all for IC consequences, especially given his behavior! He can be held back from apprenticeship, threatened with exile when he's older, etc. By the time he's made an apprentice, he'll probably have learned it's better to temper his personality in favor of guaranteed shelter and cats to annoy, and he'll settle for seeing how far he can push these constraints.
  • WRT the above, I want him to be challenged! I want him to be humiliated after knowing nothing but winning, or befriend someone he would normally look down on. He's still going to be exetremely annoying and childish on the surface, but I'd like him to learn through experience how far is too far. I plan for him to never really "mature" even as he becomes more level-headed and "normal."
  • I'm not sure how much he'll miss his mom. The first few days of her dropping them off will be very fun for him because wow! New place! New cats!! I don't think he'll be at all protective over his siblings or try to latch onto what family he has left because he's too busy doing his own thing and doesn't see any of it as a big deal. He'll eventually start to wonder about his mother, but he'll probably just skirt around these feelings whenever they come up because he's spent so long being unaware of them.
  • Alternate names: Streamkit, Splashkit. Potential warrior names: Longfrost, Longpounce, Longlight, Longriver, Longstorm
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plumy lilac chimera with vivid honey eyes
Even as a kit, Mistkit’s silhouette is spindly and angular, sharp edges softened only by plush lilac fur that emulates a “mane,” wrapping around her neck and blanketing where her collar bone would be. Her pelt is mostly a soft ivory hue, with only peculiar ribbons of lilac along her back, face, and tail keeping her from being completely alabaster.
Often Mistkit’s fur will be adorned with various flower blooms to compliment her pastel hue, as well as occasionally sporting the rare butterfly wing tucked behind her ear. Much like her build, her optics are also sharp, set aglow by their saffron color.

A true optimist, Mistkit is constantly finding the silver lining in any scenario, which often lands herself as an emotional rock for her peers to lean on alongside her quiet patience and calm demeanor. Softly-spoken and almost formally polite, Mistkit will never be the one you’ll find in the center of drama or conflict, in fact, conflict is something she avoids at almost all costs. Despite her diligent dialogue, Mistkit holds herself rather casually, able to shrug any inner turmoil off with a quirk of her shoulder blades. Mistkits nonchalant attitude could be due to her rampant imagination, as she is more often inside her head then out. A starry-eyed day dreamer who finds herself constantly fascinated by all aspects of life, she is always on the hunt for new things to keep her mind busy- her consistent rule breaking an accidental side effect of this habit, but Mistkit will always have a charming apology ready on the tip of her tongue, as well as an excellent knack for persuasion.
  • Does not think of her mother much during kithood, during young apprenticeship however, the absence will become more and more noticeable, and a persistent itch to begin her own hunt for her mother could land her in some hot water..
  • Mistkit will be an idolizer, easily smoothing any rough edges on her perception of someone. This makes it incredibly easy for her to trust, accompanied by a naivety that will last far into her late apprenticeship.
  • Mistkit will view herself as a protector to her siblings, especially as a kitten and apprentice. An empath, seeing her littermates hurt or sad will have a strong impact on her, so she will have a strong desire to shelter them with her positive mindset.
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concept notes:
- Foamkit (alternatively... Snowkit, Mistkit, Lotuskit)
- she/her or she/her/he/him
- LH lilac smoke w/ low white , hazel eyes (pink-coded character)
- an overachieving, ambitious, and bubbly people-pleaser, eager to prove herself as a sparkling shining star of a riverclanner despite her undesirable origins, interactions are a performance for a child feeling out of place, will find adults to fix admiration upon (Smokestar or a mentor or a queen etc)

LH Blue smoke with Low white and frosty blue eyes

Personality traits: Quiet, patient, loyal, grudge holding, blunt, well meaning, takes things literally, abandonment issues

Rimekit is quiet and soft spoken, but he is not shy. He's blunt and doesn't have a filter for things that should not be said. If he thinks it, he'll probably say it. He doesn't mean to be mean, but when he DOES mean to be mean, he makes sure it hurts. Fortunately, this is usually reserved for other clan cats. He is desperate to prove himself to Riverclan, believing he wasn't good enough for his mother to keep him and his siblings.

His anger is cool and nonexplosive, and he always keeps his head on no matter how angry he gets, knowing that the ability to think clearly can mean life or death. He may not have strength to throw around, but he is smart, quickthinking, and WILL blackmail you if he has the ability to. He knows how to push ALL the buttons and will do so without hesitation if you are not a riverclanner.

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  • Haha
Reactions: lavs
general tw for canon - realistic gore, strict religion and subsequent trauma, family. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


tired of silence and being polite, your legs turn to simmering scales in the night. drink from the leche of sirens, summon the sailors in town, strangle the fear — OF WHICH ONES DESERVING TO DROWN.
milk of the siren, PORTALS .

SHELLKIT, cisgender, she & her pronouns. riverclan.
⤷ named prefix shell- by smokestar in reference to her light lilac striping as a kit.​
KINDLING x UNKNOWN ; family branches to the loner lands.
daughter of smokestar’s estranged sister and a passing loner, born on the outskirts of riverclan territory and abandoned in the fresh snow ; harbors a long burning hatred of loners & outsiders as a result.​

will be found near - dead in the cold, baby fur frosted stiff with snow — a weak, easily missed mewl from the pile of her siblings she’d been left in the only indication of her survival. when brought home, she will be diagnosed with whitecough.

. downy lilac - striped alabaster she-cat with ruddy amber eyes. ♡ ҉ ༄ smells like salt and water blooms. she is born into this world just slightly larger than her littermates, and perhaps that is what saves her, in the beginning. while the characteristics of her lineage remain partially concealed, she had been gifted a body built for swimming. stout and water - repellant, with broad shoulders blanketed in thick locks of long, downy fur. ribbons of lilac stripe across her back, splashed with alabaster up to her broad features. from her earliest days, shell has been relatively inexpressive. a passive, heavy - lidded gaze and maw set in a fine line for the duration of her kithood. for this reason, she would be seen as odd, should she not follow close in her uncle’s general resting face. her eyes are sharp almond in shape, a bloodlet amber burning in deep, warm irises.

longhaired lilac tabby / lilac solid with high white and deep amber eyes. generation two ; carrying solid, shorthair, vitiligo and non-silver. able to carry kits, breeds as longhaired lilac tabby with high white.
design notes : expression is entirely in the eyes. small but thick / broad.

positive: dutiful, soft - spoken, indomitable, poised neutral: whimsical, superstitious, unexpressive, ritualistic negative: easily irritated, selective, sharp - tongued, manipulative ୨୧ she is born a strange thing ; frosted, eyes bleary and glued closed yet leaking still with a sickness in her chest. still alive, still breathing, despite its rasping bubble of a sound. a soft, fighting thing, a brittle call that finds her home.

that tuft of lilac and snow grows, and as she does, the named shellkit expresses very little — not so stone - eyed and tired as her uncle, but heavy - lidded, unflinching in the face. a no - nonsense type, they will joke, just like her kin before her. they say this, and do not know what kin she had ; she is an empty slate, marred by outsider blood, and she feels the eyes of her clanmates on her like flies to a carcass. she is inherent in her duties, is what they’ll say when she begins to swim as early as she can, and that will make up for the lack of purity in her blood. for the beginning of shell’s life, she will be considered somewhat of a loner, a quiet kit with a tongue too sharp for her age, whether she knows the weight of them or not. a dreamlike state, something breathy and whimsical, creating for herself an idea of the perfect, perfect riverclan warrior — that’s what she would be. ritualistic in the way she courses the shores for fish scales, shells and other trinkets to increase her luck and keep her in favor of the river, protected against its sudden and terrible wrath.

shell is born with a rattle in her chest that never quite goes away, a lingering ball in her chest that ticks the seconds she has to walk this earth, but it will not make her weak — never once, despite frailty and sickness within her, will she ever fall.

her first few moons spent amongst the herbs and medics will be long gone when she finally begins to pave her way. a competitive spirit, a fighter despite herself ; she will fail and learn and grow, shed the judgemental eye of those around her. she will do it all, she will do more : she’ll swim with the currents, she’ll fight by her clanmates side —where she couldn’t be louder, stronger, she will find a way, unafraid to get her claws dirty to get an upper hand. while some of her fellow apprentices may think her rituals strange, bidden with decorations and well - woven flowers wilting in the lilac white of her fur, she is calm as lake waters, standing a sharp - eyed and inscrutable line of bubblegum pink lips brimming with something more barbed than the tongue it would leave. she carved a spot for herself with claws broken and bleeding, and by starclans might, she would never let herself be wavered, never quake from her poised, hard - earned stance.

surely that won’t ever be a problem.

MOTIFS : ❝ unsettling mermaid aesthetic. water witch… will hex you with crushed scales and river water.

• diagnosed with whitecough upon her arrival in riverclan, potentially bringing in an outbreak. her condition will worsen to greencough and she ultimately will end up spending her first few months in the medicine den. while she recovers, she will deal with asthma for the rest of her life, greatly impacting her ability to do many things. her story will involve learning to do them anyway.​



Hewwo! Ty all for the interest, I'm sick atm so will have the thread introducing them up when I can (and then one bringing them to camp) but in the meantime I have decided to go with
@lavs - Pebblekit
@revelations - Riverkit
@antlers - Shellkit
Will shoot you guys family invites soon! <3