Jul 14, 2022

  • RiverClan returns back to the camp and all seems fine, a victory over WindClan at the border has set everyone's moods high and things seem to be leaning back in their favor. Then a patrol comes across a drying place in the river and slowly the clan begins to realize their water is receeding. Worried, Cicadastar sends out another patrol to investigate upriver and they come across a band of loners living south of their territory and just as confused as to the sudden lack of water. The Ripple Colony, as they are called, explain they believe the issue seems to stem even further down the river and the two cat groups must come together to find a solution to this issue before the river dries up entirely.

    The Ripple Colony were a nomadic loner group from near the mountainous area whose territory was destroyed by flooding during leafbare, while RiverClan were in their temporary camp they were making their way closer to the forest territories and traveling in search of a new place to settle before coming across the river itself and choosing a spot south of the clans. It was here they stayed, adapting to the new area and self-teaching themselves to fish with some struggle until their drinking water began to slowly receed and dry up nearby. It is then they meet the RiverClan patrol...

    These are FCFS, please fill out the form below and feel free to set up their account in advance.
    Once accepted, you are allowed and encouraged to post in Loner Lands with your character! Feel free to establish them within the guidelines in the next slide ; If you have any questions, please DM @ANTLERS / @Rai here or on discord!
    This plot is made to allow people the option of a loner to join where otherwise they would be turned away by RiverClan. This is inspired by plots similar to SkyClan's Shelter Adopts and WindClan's Rogues.

    Make sure to read the rules on the next tab before applying!
    [b]Current Name:[/b] -
    [b]Future Clan Name:[/b] (Required to change, if you need to think on it more that's fine! Alternatively: you can let Cicadastar pick!)
    [b]Age:[/b] -
    [b]Gender:[/b] -
    [b]Appearance:[/b] -
    [b]Personality:[/b] -
    [b]Backstory:[/b] (Optional)

  • The guidelines for these adopts are very loose to allow creative liberties but please keep in mind the following:
    • Cats from this plot MUST join RiverClan and take on a clan name.
    • The Ripple Colony is newly formed, it has no leader and instead they all work together under guidance of a council of elders.
      • Your cat can be one of said elders if you like, they must be 100+ moons old.
    • Your cat can not have a clan background, they are only vaguely aware of the clans as just 'groups of nearby cats'.
      • Cats in this colony are all ex-loners. No ex-kittypets.
    • You may apply as many times as you would like however only active cats for this plot by the time it comes to a conclusion may qualify for the badge that comes with this!

    (Will come with an on-base reference sheet. Example HERE for the Flame Point.)

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i have no self control hng

Current Name: Frond
Future Clan Name: Frondfeather
Age: 23 moons
Gender: female
Appearance: a charcoal and blue tabby chimera with white and ringtail; looks very healthy and spritely; notably glossy coat, very muscular build. prior to the event, as well as once the river issue is resolved, she is notably sleek and well-fed looking. -

Personality: bright, bubbly, friendly, positive; can be selfish, childish, and prone to overthinking but she means well; very giving and kind, would give someone else her hard fought meal and go without if she thought they needed it more type beat; protective of those weaker than herself
Backstory: lived with the group basically her whole life; born in the mountains and followed when it flooded

also offering her to take in any younger kit/apprentice aged cats if yall want, she'll care for anyone ngl
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Reactions: antlers and Rai
Current Name: Ol' Blue (really just Blue, but the Ripple Colony has been calling him that ever since he joined)
Future Clan Name: surprise me? (lmk if it cant be a surprise lol)
Age: old....like 10-12 years
Gender: transmale
Appearance: free design concept #1 please! I would like to not have the ref sheet if possible. Piercing blue eyes and a treasure trove of scars
Personality: used to be an aloof asshole but has since mellowed out with loss and companionship. Has learned to trust and rely on others. Meant to be like a wisdom vending machine. Has been mostly peaceful all his life tho and only assumes "leadership" bc so many youngins ask him for advice.
Backstory: idk 10-12 years of backstory??
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Reactions: Rai and antlers
Current Name: Coyote's Heart
Future Clan Name: @Coyoteheart
Age: 16 Moons
Gender: Transmasc (He/They)
Appearance: Black Ticked Tabby With Moderate White Spotting
Personality: Very bubbly, cheerful, and full of heart, as his name suggests. He cares deeply for anyone he meets and tries to be a light in their life.
Backstory: Became part of the colony at the young age, following the group as they moved and has continued to stick with them
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Reactions: Rai and antlers
Current Name: - Yua
Future Clan Name: Yewsong
Age: - 24moons
Gender: - Female
Appearance: - Cinnimon torbie with low white and blue eyes
Personality: - Yua is as water, calm and gentle, but just as easily a force to be reckoned with. Her voice is soft and singsongy, she often hums by the river when she is alone.
Backstory: Yua was born in the mountains. Brought into the Ripple colony as a young, injured wanderer, she stayed with the group to repay them for saving her life. When the land flooded, she lost a few friends. Overcome by grief, she sings by the water mournful melodies to ease her pain.​
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Reactions: Rai and antlers
Current Name: Sasha
Future Clan Name: Owlswoop
Age: 19 moons
Gender: amab, mtf trans, (she/her)
Appearance: was looking at this one!
Personality: Sasha can be considered cruel to many, as he is unafraid to voice her opinions or showcase her strength. she doesn't think she is cruel, as she views her sharp tongue as necessary for the growth and survival of the group. it is his duty to ensure the group is strong, a promise he made to chestnut who had the same desires. she takes her role seriously, a bit too serious some might say. she finds no issues simply walking up to cats and grabbing them by the scruff to drag them to practice. the she-cat dislikes when others lounge about, she finds it wasteful. she understands that rest is important, yet she thinks others should pick a task that is less taxing if they wish to rest. she herself can't sit still, finding it unnerving to rest and disrespectful to herself and her foster parent. how can she laze about when she has a promise to fulfill? she experiences many sleepless nights, however she thinks it is a small price to pay.
Backstory: (Optional)
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Reactions: Rai and antlers
Current Name: Ash
Future Clan Name: Ash-honey (may change)
Age: 65 moons
Gender: feminine adjacent but not sure on specifics
the heterochromia clan gen one that I can't get the sprite for currently
Personality: motherly, quiet, judgmental
Backstory: In workshop, most likely has had at least one litter before
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Reactions: Rai and antlers

Current Name: Dew
Future Clan Name: TBD (Dewnose, Dewcloud, Dew... something)
Age: 12 Moons
Gender: Male
Appearance: A gray and white tabby with blue eyes.

Personality: A cat with a tendency to get himself in trouble with Ripple Colony's elder council over his curiosity - he'll be interested in learning about RiverClan's culture, yet bewildered all the same. A small wave in comparison to the ripples his colony is named after. He leans on the quiet side in his day-to-day life, but is an excuse-maker when it comes to confrontation.
Backstory: Born in the mountains, an orphaned Dew was taken in by the Ripple Colony at a young age and it's all he's ever really known in terms of a home - whether the elders are glad he's there or not.
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Reactions: antlers and Rai

Current Name: Dew
Future Clan Name: TBD (Dewnose, Dewcloud, Dew... something)
Age: 14 Moons
Gender: Male
Appearance: A gray and white tabby with blue eyes.

Personality: A cat with a tendency to get himself in trouble with Ripple Colony's elder council over his curiosity - he'll be interested in learning about RiverClan's culture, yet bewildered all the same. A small wave in comparison to the ripples his colony is named after. He leans on the quiet side in his day-to-day life, but is an excuse-maker when it comes to confrontation.
Backstory: Born in the mountains, an orphaned Dew was taken in by the Ripple Colony at a young age and it's all he's ever really known in terms of a home - whether the elders are glad he's there or not.
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Current Name: - Lingering Dusk
Future Clan Name: TBD!
Age: - 37 moons
Gender: - AMAB, he/him
Appearance: - Rusted black smoke rosette and chocolate tabby chimera with green and citrine eyes. Missing part of his back left leg.

Personality: - In keeping with his pelt, certain aspects of his personality mesh and yet seem at odds. Good-natured but vindictive, Lin has a warm heart that still has room for resentment. It is not a bitterness as easily nurtured as his friendliness, but when given reason to, he holds so tightly to animosity it is equally difficult to weed out. Further, while he is prone to foolishness and often terribly earnest, he is neither naive nor oblivious— his shrewdness is merely running quietly in the background. It suits him to seem simple and unsuspecting.
Backstory: (Optional) A fairly uneventful life, and for that, he's started to yearn for something more. He was raised solely by his parent (enby), who sired Lin when they were up in years, and passed away when Lin was 9 moons. While he's curious about this new world they've reached, he's often kept awake by an unexpected homesickness and the destruction of his Nony's resting place.
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Reactions: antlers and Rai
Current Name: - Lingering Dusk
Future Clan Name: TBD!
Age: - 37 moons
Gender: - AMAB, he/him
Appearance: - Rusted black smoke rosette and chocolate tabby chimera with green and citrine eyes. Missing part of his back left leg.

Personality: - In keeping with his pelt, certain aspects of his personality mesh and yet seem at odds. Good-natured but vindictive, Lin has a warm heart that still has room for resentment. It is not a bitterness as easily nurtured as his friendliness, but when given reason to, he holds so tightly to animosity it is equally difficult to weed out. Further, while he is prone to foolishness and often terribly earnest, he is neither naive nor oblivious— his shrewdness is merely running quietly in the background. It suits him to seem simple and unsuspecting.
Backstory: (Optional) A fairly uneventful life, and for that, he's started to yearn for something more. He was raised solely by his parent (enby), who sired Lin when they were up in years, and passed away when Lin was 9 moons. While he's curious about this new world they've reached, he's often kept awake by an unexpected homesickness and the destruction of his Nony's resting place.
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Current Name: sunny
Future Clan Name: sunstorm
Age: 20 moons old
Gender: trans male
Appearance: small but sinewy SH lilac tortie point/LH flame point chimera with low white and blue eyes.
Personality: extremely loyal and always acts with those he loves in mind. selfless to the point of being self-sacrificial at times; “as long as my family is safe, it doesn’t matter what happens to me.” impulsive & highly reactive to things happening around him. temperamental & faux assertiveness. a tough exterior hides a soft underbelly; cares deeply for his family, and will do anything necessary to protect them while expecting nothing in return. his values shift & are dependent on the group he’s loyal to; sacrifices his beliefs and personal feelings for others. relies on aggression to protect his family. confrontational, but ultimately wants group harmony. unambitious; he has no urge to seek power or glory. however, his lack of ambition does not mean he lacks passion. pours everything he has into helping his family. betrayal, to him, is one of the worst crimes someone could commit. lacks charisma; tactless with a strong tendency towards sarcasm. competitive and cannot back down from a challenge. possesses a vengeful streak towards those who hurt his family.
Backstory: after his mother & siblings were killed by a fox as a young kit, sunny was found and taken in by the ripple colony. pledged his loyalty to the colony and grew to view them as his family. was deeply upset by the destruction of his colony’s territory; the mountain ranges have been his only home. begrudging about leaving it behind, but knows it’s the best course of action.
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Reactions: antlers
Current Name: sunny
Future Clan Name: sunstorm
Age: 20 moons old
Gender: trans male
Appearance: small but sinewy SH lilac tortie point/LH flame point chimera with low white and blue eyes.
Personality: extremely loyal and always acts with those he loves in mind. selfless to the point of being self-sacrificial at times; “as long as my family is safe, it doesn’t matter what happens to me.” impulsive & highly reactive to things happening around him. temperamental & faux assertiveness. a tough exterior hides a soft underbelly; cares deeply for his family, and will do anything necessary to protect them while expecting nothing in return. his values shift & are dependent on the group he’s loyal to; sacrifices his beliefs and personal feelings for others. relies on aggression to protect his family. confrontational, but ultimately wants group harmony. unambitious; he has no urge to seek power or glory. however, his lack of ambition does not mean he lacks passion. pours everything he has into helping his family. betrayal, to him, is one of the worst crimes someone could commit. lacks charisma; tactless with a strong tendency towards sarcasm. competitive and cannot back down from a challenge. possesses a vengeful streak towards those who hurt his family.
Backstory: after his mother & siblings were killed by a fox as a young kit, sunny was found and taken in by the ripple colony. pledged his loyalty to the colony and grew to view them as his family. was deeply upset by the destruction of his colony’s territory; the mountain ranges have been his only home. begrudging about leaving it behind, but knows it’s the best course of action.

— approved !!
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current name : kaede

future clan name : dawnhaze

age : twenty-six ( human years ) although i can make him older if river needs more older babes ! i'm not to picky with his age, so i'm down for changing it !

gender : male

appearance : a black / fawn chimera smoke ( low white ) with yellow / blue eyes


personality : well-balanced, neutral, strong desire for justice and equality, calm, rational, willing to see both sides of an issue before giving his vote, neutral good, tends to avoid or redirect his emotions, hardworking, a tendency to withdraw into his work when trying to avoid something, will pursue what he believes is right, curious, doesn't really get social cues ( he'll assume your friends despite having one interaction with him because you shared food with him ), observant, caring, imaginative but logical, can appear detached / aloof / apathetic, self-critical, stubborn, private, mysterious ( his lack of facial expressions doesn't help ), pretty guarded about his family life, does have an uncanny ability to see through other's phoniness / hypocrisy, analytical, does have a tendency to question everything, inventive, resilient, independent, " lone wolf " behavior, tends to forget emotions are actually a thing, blunt ( he's stupid and obvious of social cues i'm so sorry ), doesn't really see politeness / pleasantries as a needed skill when you can have outright say whatever it is without emotions getting in the way which may come off as arrogant and overly confident to others, can come off as rude ( or offensive ), ambitious, he really is a total contradiction, courageous, refuses to give up ( always analyzing and figuring out things for various challenges that come his way which makes him so incredibly stubborn because he won't stop until he succeeds ), values evidence-based opinions, determined, combative, again he very and i mean very clueless about social clues, even though he can't actively express his emotions though words or facial expressions ( he makes up for it through physical interactions and reading between the lines ), adaptive, battle strategist, hefy build made for plowing through things ( has always struggled with staying above water because he has a tendency to just sink because he's a big hefy guy with long fur that sticks and tangles and kaede doesn't know the first thing about managing it ), can be very protective over his friends and family towards newcomers ( this is where his rude / aloofness kicks into play ), i swear he's friendly - he's just ditzy and needs help.

backstory : backstories my nemesis, still figuring out concert details ! but major daddy issues, mother died when he was young, probably joined the colony when he was young ( around apprentice age ), has an older sister / brother ( if anyone wanted to plot something ), and doesn't really know that families can actually be nice / supporting to ( of ) each other.
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current name : kaede

future clan name : stormhaze ( still debating, but so far this is our lucky contender )

age : twenty-six ( human years ) although i can make him older if river needs more older babes ! i'm not to picky with his age, so i'm down for changing it !

gender : male

appearance : a black / fawn chimera smoke ( low white ) with yellow / blue eyes


personality : well-balanced, neutral, strong desire for justice and equality, calm, rational, willing to see both sides of an issue before giving his vote, neutral good, tends to avoid or redirect his emotions, hardworking, a tendency to withdraw into his work when trying to avoid something, will pursue what he believes is right, curious, doesn't really get social cues ( he'll assume your friends despite having one interaction with him because you shared food with him ), observant, caring, imaginative but logical, can appear detached / aloof / apathetic, self-critical, stubborn, private, mysterious ( his lack of facial expressions doesn't help ), pretty guarded about his family life, does have an uncanny ability to see through other's phoniness / hypocrisy, analytical, does have a tendency to question everything, inventive, resilient, independent, " lone wolf " behavior, tends to forget emotions are actually a thing, blunt ( he's stupid and obvious of social cues i'm so sorry ), doesn't really see politeness / pleasantries as a needed skill when you can have outright say whatever it is without emotions getting in the way which may come off as arrogant and overly confident to others, can come off as rude ( or offensive ), ambitious, he really is a total contradiction, courageous, refuses to give up ( always analyzing and figuring out things for various challenges that come his way which makes him so incredibly stubborn because he won't stop until he succeeds ), values evidence-based opinions, determined, combative, again he very and i mean very clueless about social clues, even though he can't actively express his emotions though words or facial expressions ( he makes up for it through physical interactions and reading between the lines ), adaptive, battle strategist, hefy build made for plowing through things ( has always struggled with staying above water because he has a tendency to just sink because he's a big hefy guy with long fur that sticks and tangles and kaede doesn't know the first thing about managing it ), can be very protective over his friends and family towards newcomers ( this is where his rude / aloofness kicks into play ), i swear he's friendly - he's just ditzy and needs help.

backstory : backstories my nemesis, still figuring out concert details ! but major daddy issues, mother died when he was young, probably joined the colony when he was young ( around apprentice age ), has an older sister / brother ( if anyone wanted to plot something ), and doesn't really know that families can actually be nice / supporting to ( of ) each other.

— approved!! though the age will have to be adjusted whenever you decide as i know a couple people struggle get confused by human au info ( i am one of them rip ) < 3
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Current Name: - Falling Maple
Future Clan Name: Mapledrop
Age: 16 Moons
Gender: Cisfemale

Personality: Generally an outgoing molly who holds her head high with confidence when she walks. Maple is a stubborn girl with determination to help fix the issue that plagues her colony and RiverClan. Always the first one to jump in to help when others need it most, this girl is fierce and stubborn-headed to a point. When someone manages to win over her loyalty, she is a strong follower with a passion for fighting in pairs.
Backstory: Born into the Ripple Colony.