RiverClan Mass Adopts [ FALL 2023 ]


Jul 14, 2022

◆─ RiverClan Mass Adopt Sign-Ups ─◆
FALL 2023

  • Looking for a way to get into RiverClan, but can't keep muse without family? Us too! Introducing RiverClan's official Fall Mass Adopts, which will be kept updated with quick litters and relations you can apply to join the clan with existing family! We have three categories for you to choose from : Family Adopts ( for existing RiverClan relations ), Connections Adopts ( For non - relatives. Have a role you need filled? Adopt it out! ), and our Ripple Colony Adopts ( Missed our sign - ups? Here's another chance! ).

    Check out the RIVERCLAN GUIDE on more about life in RiverClan and once your character is accepted, make three ( 3 ) IC posts with them and throw them on the RIVERCLAN CENSUS!

  • Relations to existing RiverClan characters.
    Slots: # 2
    Relations: - @otterpaw littermates
    Age/Aging Rules: - 7 moons, age on the 1st of every month
    Genetics: Must be realistic genetics provided by a geneticist. genetics approved by THE floppa
    Sire: SH black with low white (carrying chocolate, dilute)
    Dam: SH lilac

    Kits can be black, chocolate, blue, or lilac
    - kits will be shorthaired
    - kits may have low white or no white
    - kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
    - non-dilute kits will carry dilute; black based kits will carry chocolate
    FCFS or Application?: FCFS
    What Are Your Adopt Rules?: - casual activity is fine, but at least the minimum post count to remain on the census is required. siblings are free to have any opinion on their oldest brother, otterpaw. their father figure is @/pikesplash, milk-mother an NPC named mistbreath. 2 months without any posting with no notice will result in the sibling being rehomed

    Slots: 2
    Relations: @apricotflower x NPC, littermates to Robinpaw. Family Tree.
    Age/Aging Rules: 8 moons as of October 1, age once/month on the 1st.

    lh black solid x lh lilac tortoiseshell w/ high white (cinnamon, point)
    toms: black, red tabby
    mollies: black, tortoiseshell

    — kits will be longhaired.
    — kits will have low white spotting.
    — kits may have any eye colour.
    — kits will carry either chocolate or cinnamon. kits will carry dilute. kits may carry point.

    FCFS or Application?: FCFS
    What Are Your Adopt Rules?:
    — Naming themes are "cute", "visual", or "birds". Will not have been named in direct reference to any living RiverClanner.
    — Casual characters are welcome, though I would like to see a minimum of one post per month. This character will be rehomed via mass adopt after three months of no activity.
    — Barring IC consequences and reactions, these characters should remain in RiverClan. Please do not kill them without warning and discussion.
    — This character has living family in SkyClan, which Apricotflower will have been open about if asked.

    Slots: 1
    Relations: - @CARPPAW and Minnowpaw (fluffy), LITTERMATE / Shadepool (tikki) X NPC/TBA, Parents / Duck Call (NPC), Maternal Grandmother
    Technically a gen 2
    Age/Aging Rules: - Ages realistically, ages on the 14th of each month. They will be the same age as Carppaw (see tags here for current age)
    Genetics: Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, or silver tabby. Kits will be shorthaired, kits will have low white, kits can have any realistic eye color. (silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; tabbies will carry solid).
    FCFS or Application?: - FCFS
    What Are Your Adopt Rules?: -please keep these characters at least casual, im asking for five posts a month at least.
    - if your muse subsides, or something comes up, and you will return to the character, just shoot me a dm! i am understanding
    - if you want to rehome the character, please let me know! (dallasofnines on discord)
    - naming theme: any legal fish name, any legal RC flower name, etc (i trust u guys, i think)
    Slots: 1
    Relations: - @CARPPAW, Minnowpaw (fluffy), and NPC/TBA, THEIR PARENT / Shadepool's (tikki) mate
    Age/Aging Rules: - Somewhere in the 30-40 moon range! Ages realistically
    Genetics: MUST BE SH silver tabby (carrying non-silver, solid) Any body shape, realistic eye color. / WILL BE AMAB
    FCFS or Application?: - FCFS
    What Are Your Adopt Rules?: -MUST have a name starting with Web- or Silver- (if you can think of another name in the same general range, please DM me, dallasofnines)
    - please keep these characters at least casual, im asking for five posts a month at least.
    - if your muse subsides, or something comes up, and you will return to the character, just shoot me a dm! i am understanding
    - if you want to rehome the character, please let me know!
    - the sire and dam will be in love, and love their kits very much. i am open to the sire/dam having marriage issues down the line, but please wait until the kits are apprentices or you're active with the sire/dam!
    - must be amab!!

    Slots: 1 (Sibling to @bitekit - - )
    Relations: @Sneezefur. adopted kits; adopted younger siblings to @Dragonflykit @PINKKIT ! (both kits are currently inactive, but should still be assumed to be siblings should they return)
    Age/Aging Rules: starting at 02 moons, aging realtime
    Sire: SH seal point w/ low white (carrying longhaired, chocolate)
    Dam: LH lilac tortoiseshell w/ low white (carrying point)

    Toms can be black, blue, chocolate, lilac, seal point, blue point, chocolate point, lilac point, red tabby, cream tabby, flame point, or cream point
    Mollies can be black, blue, chocolate, lilac, tortoiseshell, blue tortie, chocolate tortie, lilac tortie, seal point, blue point, chocolate point, lilac point, tortoiseshell point, blue tortie point, chocolate tortie point, or lilac tortie point
    Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
    Kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    Non - pointed kits with no white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; non-pointed kits with white can have any realistic eyecolor; pointed kits will have blue eyes
    Black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-pointed kits will carry point; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; non-dilute kits will carry dilute

    FCFS or Application?: FCFS
    What Are Your Adopt Rules?:
    History repeats itself yet again, though at least this time Sneezefur is not taken by surprise. A sickly queen confesses she knows the truth of "his" kits, and asks him to do the same once more - a false pretense of paternity. Though he doesn't understand why, exactly, they ask this of him, he accepts anyways - fatherhood suits him more than expected, and another chance to have what the twoleg cutters have stolen from him is all the convincing he needs. While sneezefur and the npc queen are aware these are not his biological kits, these kits do not know that - and he will never tell them.

    A large plot point of sneezefur's existence is he suffers from selective mutism - leaving his family members, and apprentice, the only ones he can comfortably communicate with verbally. This goes for these kits as well - though he will be unlikely to speak aloud when around others, they will be aware he can, and likely will have conversations with him when alone or in private threads.
    - The NPC queen may be adopted out in the future, either by me or by the roleplayers of these kits if they so wish
    - These kits must stay in riverclan until at least 12 moons barring any worthwhile plots, which must be ran by me beforehand; and cannot be killed off until at least 09 moons
    - Activity levels is at least one post a month, please don't drop them without warning
    - I am unlikely to rehome these slots, if you go MIA with them they will be assumed to be Icly missing, deceased, or npc's depending on if you contact me beforehand

  • Connections for existing RiverClan characters.

  • These MUST be a part of the ripple colony, and will be assumed to have joined with their peers in RiverClan. Once they are posted on the census they qualify for the Ripple Colony Badge!

    Slots: 4
    Four slots for older colony cat siblings, their parents perished in the landslide that destroyed the colony's previous home and they are dutifully loyal to their colony as they were born in it. When the colony cats journeyed to find a new home they were the most vocal of having a similar territory and are pleased with RiverClan though how much they adapt to clan culture itself is up to you.

    (Russet Leaf) Sire: LH red tabby (masking chocolate tabby)
    (Mudskipper) Dam: LH chocolate torbie

    Toms can be red tabby or chocolate tabby
    She-cats can be red tabby or chocolate torbie

    • kits will be longhaired
    • kits will have no white
    • kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue
    • red-based kits will mask chocolate tabby
    The naming theme of this litter is 'warm colors - such as reds, orange, yellow and browns...'
    Slots: 3
    Three apprentice aged cats, their father abandoned the colony to live alone as a loner (fate unknown, assumedly died) and they remained with their mother during the journey loyally but eventually she succumbed to an illness not too long after they met RiverClan and when the colony merged they more than willingly joined. They will be hostile to loners/outsiders as a result of their father's abandonment and should adapt very well to RiverClan and its customs.

    (Sterling) Sire: SH silver tabby w/ low white (carrying longhair, dilute, chocolate)
    (Wander) Dam: LH lilac silver tabby w/ stumpy tail

    Kits can be silver tabby, blue silver tabby, chocolate silver tabby, or lilac silver tabby
    • kits can shorthaired or longhaired
    • kits can have no white or low white
    • kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    • kits can have a normal tail or stumpy tail
    • shorthaired kits will carry longhair; black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
    Named by their mother who was a cat known for her wanderlust and adventurous spirit. Their names should reflect that.
    Slots: 1 (Sibling to @goldenkit !! )
    Found by the traveling colony on their way to settle in the northern RiverClan territory, their parent's fates are unknown (both are available to adopt as loners who may attempt to join RiverClan at a later date) and they were taken care of by the queen in the above 'Colony Apprentice' litter until her passing. Fortunately they are weaned but upon joining RiverClan they will be put in the nursery under the charge of its permaqueen Apricotflower.

    (Unknown/UFA) Sire: LH cream tabby w/ low white (masking black)
    (Uknown/UFA) Dam: LH tortoiseshell w/ high white (carrying dilute)

    Toms can be black, blue, red tabby, or cream tabby
    She-cats can be tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, red tabby, or cream tabby

    • kits will be longhaired
    • kits can have low white or high white
    • kits can have any realistic eye color
    • red-based kits will mask black
    • non-dilute kits will carry dilute

    Slots: 1
    Relations: younger sibling to @KAEDE
    Age/Aging Rules: 10-12 moons ( aging every other month on 11th ).
    Sire: LH black (carrying cinnamon, dilute)
    Dam: LH silver mackerel tabby w/ low white (carrying cinnamon, dilute, solid, non-silver)

    Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, blue, blue tabby, blue smoke, blue silver tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, cinnamon smoke, cinnamon silver tabby, fawn, fawn tabby, fawn smoke, or fawn silver tabby
    - Kits will be longhaired
    - Kits can have no white or low white
    - Kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    - Tabby kits will display the mackerel tabby pattern

    - black-based kits may or may not carry cinnamon; silver kits will carry non-silver; non-dilute kits may or may not carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid
    FCFS or Application?: fcfs
    What Are Your Adopt Rules?: you're more than welcome to be super casual with them as long as you don't go inactive ! they will be from the ripple colony, viewing kaede as a father-figure almost since their father isn't on good terms with them and kaede would do anything to protect them from their father's wraith. if you have questions, don't hesitate to message me ! i haven't completed kaede's tags quite yet, but i do have his ripple colony application that's a smidge outdated.

    Slots: 3
    Relations: NPC x NPC, @tempest. 's littermates
    Age/Aging Rules: 13 moons as of September 25, age once/month on the 29th.

    sh silver tabby w/ low white (lh, dilute, cinnamon) x lh black solid w/ low white (dilute, albino)
    any kits may be: black, black smoke, silver tabby, brown tabby, blue, blue smoke, blue-silver tabby, blue tabby

    — kits may be shorthaired or longhaired. shorthair kits will carry longhair.
    — kits may have any degree of white spotting.
    — kits with white may have any eye colour. kits without white may have any eye colour except blue.
    — non-dilute kits may carry dilution. kits may carry cinnamon. kits may carry albino.

    FCFS or Application?: FCFS
    What Are Your Adopt Rules?:
    — Naming theme is "weather".
    — Casual characters are welcome. This character will be rehomed via mass adopt after six months of no activity.
    — Barring IC consequences and reactions, these characters should remain in RiverClan. Please do not kill them without warning and discussion.
    — Former Ripple Colony members prior to joining RiverClan, these kits were dropped off after being weaned by loner parents who knew their kits would have a better chance with the Colony. They would have remained with the Colony during the move from the mountains, and been a part of the beaver confrontation.

    Slots: 3
    Relations: NPC X NPC, littermates to @SASHA
    Age/Aging Rules: 22 moons, ages realistically on the 17th of every month
    Genetics: Must be realistic genetics provided by a geneticist.

    lh blue with low white x sh brown classic tabby with low white (carrying dilute, solid, longhair)
    kits can be black, blue, brown tabby, or blue tabby
    - kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    - kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    - kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    - tabby kits will be classic tabbies
    - shorthair kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid

    FCFS or Application?: FCFS
    What Are Your Adopt Rules?: -
    - these characters should remain in riverclan, don't kill them off without any warning and discussion
    - former ripple colony members prior to joining riverclan, these kits do not know their biological parents but were raised by adoptive parents. they would have been part of the colony during the move from mountains and part of the beaver confrontation.
    Connection For: @SASHA
    Relationship to character: adoptive mother
    FCFS or Application?: FCFS
    Age: 40+ moons
    Short Description: a she-cat who took in sasha along with her littermates when their biological parents had left them under the care of the colony. any personality and appearance!
    History: ultimately up to the rper, but sasha along with her littermates would have had an adoptive father. said father is deceased. this character doesn't need to have been mates with the deceased tom, but it is welcome. again, up to the rper!
    Connection For: @SASHA
    Relationship to character: mate
    FCFS or Application?: FCFS
    Age: 20 - 25 moons
    Short Description: a character who would Sasha's mate. any gender, personality, appearance.
    History: it is up to the rper but it can be discussed further!

Unless a form is supplied applications are a free - for - all, but please include : name, age, personality, appearance and litter number.
Please make sure to follow the rules set for each individual adopt listed! If you have any questions please post them here in this thread and the owner of the adopts will get back to you. Any litter roleplayers who do not answer within two days will be tagged for you!
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applying for a sneezefur kit

name: pinkkit - warrior name tbd
gender: male (undecided if he'll start cis or if i will be making him go thru some transgender cat development)
age: 2 moons, aging on the 10th
appearance: shorthaired flame point. blue eyes. slight of stature (small, looks kind of delicate)
personality: gentle, sweet, sensitive & soft, empathetic, social butterfly

applying for Cindershade sibling ^^

EMBER EMBERFLOWER: she / her; afab, heterosexual – shorthaired cinnamon silver rosette tabby with white paws and hazel eyes. Emberflower is small, like her sister, and tends toward roundness as well. She carries her vaguely plump figure with pride, however, knowing her glossy pelt and fuller physique indicate a successful huntress and Clan. Emberflower has a short, silky pelt that she tends to meticulously. Despite her fur length, her tail is feathery. The base of Emberflower's fur is pale, almost-white, and the rosettes decorating her body are a near-fiery cinnamon. Emberflower has big, round eyes; they are technically hazel, but in most lights run closer to brown.

─ 37 moons: NPC xx NPC; littermate to Cindershade: formerly of the pine group, currently a RiverClan warrior

✦ ( + ) cheerful, optimistic, industrious ( \ ) strong-willed, naive ( - ) hot-headed, worrier Emberflower is by far the gentler and friendlier of the two sisters. She is the light to Cindershade's shadow and can be seen gossiping and sharing tongues with her Clanmates rather than lurking in solitude. Emberflower is a perpetual optimist who tries to keep others' spirits up, sometimes insensitively. She is hardworking and takes pride in her skills; she's an excellent weaver and builder and is great with kits. Emberflower gets her feelings hurt easily, especially if someone snubs or is rude to her when she is trying to help, and her temper is quick. She doesn't tolerate moping around or taking others for granted especially. Emberflower won't say this aloud, but she is secretly quite proud of Cindershade, despite their teasing and sometimes envious relationship, but she worries about her safety. She knows her sister has duties to the Clan that she does not and may never have, and she also knows Cindershade is often the first to draw claws in tense situations. Emberflower will be the first to chastise Cindershade for being stubborn or reckless.
─ perhaps teases Cindershade because she does not know how else to interact with her sister?
─ does not try to excuse Cindershade's glib tongue and will call her out if she's being too hostile
  • Love
Name: Troutpaw
Gender: Cisfemale
Sexuality: Homosexual
Appearance: (A chocolate calico with green eyes / reference.) The drooping edges of her eyelids and perpetually slack lips give Troutpaw a resting bored face. She sports the large, leaf-green eyes of her brother, but hers are shadowed though not particularly narrowed. Her sleek, mottled pelt is interrupted with moderate daubs of white, like patches of snow melting amid the dead forest floor. She's neither vigorous nor sickly, just an average molly with webbed feet and a slightly-thicker coat.
Personality: (Quiet, pessimistic, perfectionistic, independent, candid.) Troutpaw is shaped by her failures. She couldn't stop her mother from leaving in the dead of night, couldn't stop her brother from falling (and staying) ill. As an apprentice, she kept her head down and her gaze focused, hoping if she played by the rules hard enough, everything would work out. Or, at least, be normal. Troutpaw doesn't have much of an ambition; she doesn't strive to be anything but competent. She would like life to settle down already, and she hesitates to make the grand decisions to uproot her status quo. She wishes Crappiepaw (and possibly her other sibling) to settle down and stop caring so much, but she can't deny others' needs—if she doesn't have to go too much out of her way.

Some cats call consider her boring, even cold, and Troutpaw agrees. Sometimes she wishes she was more outgoing, if only because it'd make her life easier, but she can't seem to bring herself to care enough about others to try. She loves her siblings to the best of her ability, and tries to be a good friend to those who've done her well. Yet, it seems she doesn't quite know how to be a friend, much less a good one. Having gotten past the issue of caring, she struggles with truly voicing her feelings towards her loved ones. (Often, she'll end up just bringing them food or giving unsolicited advice.) Troutpaw is not immune to being silly or free-spirited in the moment, but she isn't pressed to be like such all the time. She was definitely a goth girl in middle school.

I'll definitely add more in her tags if/when accepted!
  • Love
Reactions: foxlore

Kit of Riverclan

— She-cat | AFAB
— 2 Moons old | Ages on the 10th
— Red and white tabby she-cat with striking yellow eyes

— Dragonflykit is a plume of fire; she's painted in shades of russet she stands out compared to the many duller coats of Riverclans populace something she will take great pride in she likes grabbing attention after all wants nothing more then to stand out. Her fur itself unlike her brothers is long and often a mess; she hasn't gotten the hang of grooming herself and so often enjoys rolling in the grass and dirt to busy pretending to be the "strongest-bestest" warrior to take the time to clean herself off. So often the pure white of her underbelly, chest. paws and face are covered in a thin layer of dust and dirt. She's very much unlike her brother though they share the same flame in their coats, she'll grow to be bulky and broad shouldered toned by the river she will grow to love. (temp ref
— Almost always moving, it's hard for her to sit still particularly enjoy swishing her tail
— Puffs her fur out often to look bigger; is very impatient about having to wait to be a big strong warrior

— A loud ambitious little kitten Dragonfly has big dreams and a even louder mouth; she'll proclaim to anyone she's one day going to be Riverclan's leader! She's impatient about growing up, almost always trying to slip out of the nursery and go bug any warrior, apprentice or really just anyone who will listen to teach her cool things or tell her stories. She's as naïve as any other kit, though while her ambitions will be tested and her entire being humbled once she becomes a apprentice and beyond she will always hold onto her dreams and let them push her forward.
She's rambunctious and whenever she's not sleeping she's tackling her brother or her nursery-mates she always wants to play fight or play pretend - she has a big imagination and isn't shy about letting others hear her ideas or pushing those who don't know how to refuse into being pulled along into her games. She's particularly fond of trying to pull Pinkpaw with her wherever she goes, it's likely she'll be closest to her littermate then anybody else other then her dad. She'll always bother him and can be prone to saying mean things but absolutely won't tolerate anyone else doing the same - she's not fond at all of anyone really being a jerk and will have the tendency to square up on anyone who insults her or her loved ones! She has a bad temper and won't care if the odds are stacked against her, it won't matter to her if she gets beat up long as she sticks to her morals and proves she ain't a mouseheart it doesn't matter. She's likely to engage in fights and skirmishes as an apprentice. She will care a lot about justice and enforcing it! She's fiercely loyal to those who earn her friendship/love.
All in all she's just a scrappy kid and will have her personality shaped more so by natural dev!
— Will at first have a aversion to water; it'll take some pushing and dev for her to finally step into it funnily enough she'll take to it like a fish once she's adjusted
— Believes Sneezefur is her real father; it'll likely come as a surprise to her that she's adopted
— Often moves while she talks; gestures and movement are common she likely picks up on the way her father communicates wordlessly and copies it
—Will have a interest in the other clans - would like for her to make friends with other clans apprentices when she's just a new apprentice and play with her ideas of loyalty to friends vs her loyalty to her clan

— siblings: Pinkpaw
— Mentor: n/a

Name: Honeystone (Name meaning: Honey - Sweet; friendly, stone - Strong; calm;
Relations: Mother
Age/Aging Rules: 35 Moons
Genetics: SH lilac classic tabby w/ high white (carrying longhair, solid), grey-blue eyes (I couldn't find any cat images with what I have in mind for her so I'll draw something soon)
Personality: Will be fleshed out after the intro as well as reading into the back story

RUSHPOUNCE ✦ he/him ; riverclan warrior ; 18 moons

Blue smoke tom with light green eyes.

- Honeystone X NPC
- sibling to Reedbite, Poppysong, TBA

✦ personality, Rushpounce is tireless with his ever-present goal for stability in his life. Having been around during the Great Battle - too young for his protective parents to allow him to fight in it, but old enough to remember its details and have said details shape who he grew into -, he knows full well what it means to have your world flipped upside down. Now as a full-grown warrior, he considers himself lucky to be amongst RiverClan's ranks and never intends to let them down. If keeping it safe from harm means bloody battles, then so be it.

While this part of him on its own could be taken as a positive, Rushpounce can get quite aggressive when he thinks his self-determined peace is in danger. He has a surprisingly hot temper and is quick to jump to conclusions, all in the name of protecting himself, his family and his Clan. Getting on his bad side can range from unpleasant arguments to spars - or, if you're from outside his territory filled with rivers, drawing blood is not off the table.

As one might suspect, all this means Rushpounce has a great sense of responsibility and has grown to be quite mature. Light-hearted jokes and messing about are part of his daily routine, but when the situation calls for it, his stoic face can swap back in quick. He's a quick learner, evident in his progress during his apprenticehood, and seems to excel at a variety of areas.

A jack of all trades with way too much to lose.

STORMSNAP Marmotbite's plot sibling​


Oh, young love, young dear Why have you taken me in your fall?


A lithe, short haired black tom with large, amber eyes. His tail is almost abnormally long and flat which leads to an odd gait while on land, but less of a hinderence in the water then one might expect. Despite his background, he is free from scars save for his front left leg and paw, which is heavily scared and missing two claws. He won't talk about what caused this.

Storm is a prank loving, chaotically neutral tom with a head full of snarks. He hardly ever seems to take anything seriously and has a morbid love of ghost stories and other dead things. He isn't hyper, seeming to carry a very chill vibe about him that seems to put everyone in a better mood. He enjoys the spotlight and loves hanging out with people.
Storm is a cat motivated by his need to understand the world and others around him - and control it where he can. He remembers his life with the family, and firmly believes that this is a test. He is not fully loyal to River Clan, seeing it more as ameans to an end. He believes if he becomes strong enough within the clan, then his real family will come back for him.
He first became interested in medicine when he was brought to the clan as a kit. He was hiding a sprained anlke well, but with time and the medicine cat coaxed Storm into admitting the injury. This allowed the medicine cat to help him. He became fascinated by the power that just a small little plant had over him and has since devoted much of his life to learning and discovering everything there is about herbs. His prior beliefs prevented him from prosuing becoming a medicine cat, but he aims to become friends with those in that postion to understand the topic better.

-Loves!! flower crowns!!
-lots of stupid pranks and dad jokes
-really hard to actually become friends with
-kinda floats around
-likes making friends
-lowkey asshole
-believes in justice
-has a hard time emoting

  • Plots:
  • This guy *slaps cat* has so much abandonment problems in him it's awesome
  • Would prolly also blame Marmot as the reason the fam left, so I can def see this becoming a bigger plot point and may even lead to a revenge arc if you'd like.
  • I think i want him to go to the dark forest? idk yet, but def a very moraily confused or gray character :)
  • sorry for any spelling errors, it's stupid late here but I got really excited by the character idea!
  • also not sure about the name? Thinking also Stormbird, Sootscar, Ivylake, or Ripplejaw? idk
  • or Badger/Coyote soemthing, since both eat Marmots
All of my love, all of my life Given to you, sacrificed