Dec 20, 2022


Foxkit, and his littermates Hawkkit and Tigerkit, were born to parents Dawnflower and Redfur in RiverClan. Their parents were long-time mates, ever since the two of them became warriors, and were excited to finally have a litter of their very own. Both of the litter's parents are present in their lives, though Dawnflower has grown weak from the greencough outbreak. Redfur cares for her in the ways he can, and continues to look out for their kits. Foxkit's life was uneventful until apprenticehood- when he fell into the icy cold water during leafbare. Hawkpaw also had a not so great experience with the river, as she lost the majority of her tail to a snapping turtle one fateful day. Her warrior training had to be delayed for her to recover, but she is now a warrior among her brother and sister. Tiger- on the other hand, is the most connected to the river. Fortunately for her, she has not had an bad experience herself with the river, but had witnessed her sibling's accidents.

Jumping to the present, the littermates are now full warriors of RiverClan. The siblings are pretty close to each other, and get along mostly well- but they do have their differences time to time.


- Both siblings are 16 moons old. They age realistically once a month on the 25th. They were born on September 25th, 2022.
- Here is more information on foxtail if needed!
- They are 100% RiverClanners. They do not have any immediate connections to outside clans or cats.
- Tiger- and Foxtail have been warriors for approximately 4 moons. Hawkcloud has been a warrior for 2 moons.
- the ooc naming theme is apex predators for their prefixes! i request that you do not change their prefix, but feel free to pick any suffix you'd like!

HAWKCLOUD — claimed by @dragonkind
- Hawkcloud (AFAB) is a she-cat chocolate/cinnamon chimera with high white and green eyes. A majority of her tail is missing from a snapping turtle back when she was an apprentice. You can find her reference HERE.
- Hawkcloud is a cat who doesn't let her past experiences knock her down. Hawkcloud is a very compassionate warrior, she has a kind heart that cares about others. She is empathic and sweet, and strives to do her very best.
- She is the middle child!
- She mostly resembles her father, as she mostly inherited his cinnamon fur and green eyes.
- Hawk: was named for her unique brown tail. Cloud: struggling to think of a name reason for this, so feel free to come up with something!

TIGER- — claimed by @Kedamono
- Tiger- (AFAB) is a chocolate/cinnamon chimera with amber eyes. You can find her reference HERE. Once adopted, I will edit the name to include the chosen suffix!
- Tiger- is courageous, ambitious, and clever. she is a devoted warrior to riverclan, and has a connection to the river. The she-cat can be quite bold if she wishes, and is more than confident to jump into battle when the time comes.
- She is the firstborn child!
- She resembles mostly her mother, as the majority of her fur is the same chocolate brown fur as Dawnflower.
- Tiger: named after her tabby stripes. Suffix: up to you!


- This thread is not first come first serve! Any application form is accepted though!
- Please do not change their prefix name or alter their appearance. I would prefer if their personalities were kept mostly the same, but slight modifications are okay with me!
- Please keep them in RiverClan!
- Activity wise, I would really like it if you were active with them! I know my posting schedule can be hectic with my job, but i would love to see Tiger- and Hawkcloud around the clan! Furthermore, I'd also love to see them develop past being Foxtail's littermate! I'm excited to see what plots and ideas you guys come up with for them!
- If you have any questions, please holler at me in RiverClan's discord server!! My channel there is foxtail's fallow!


- They are all G1 riverclanners. Their parents are npcs.
- If needed, here are genetics for their parents if anyone was curious!

Sire: LH cinnamon tabby w/ low white
Dam: SH chocolate tabby w/ low white (carrying cinnamon, longhaired)

Kits can be chocolate tabby or cinnamon tabby
Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
Kits can have no white, low white, or high white
Kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; Kits with white can have any realistic eye color
Shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; chocolate kits will carry cinnamon
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general info —— ☀.°✧
RiverClan Warrior
Female, She/Her
15 moons
Birthday: 9/25/22

✧°.☀ —— physical details

Chocolate/Cinnamon Chimera
Green Eyes
Short Brown Tail
— Hawkcloud is a white she-cat with patches of warm cinnamon-striped fur, like freshly fallen snow upon autumn leaves. Her unique tail is a chocolate brown, torn short by the bite of a snapping turtle during her apprenticehood. Her eyes are a bright green, wide and curious.

personality ——— ☀.°✧

Compassionate, Kindhearted, Optimistic
Curious, Empathetic, Energetic
Easygoing, Dopey, Indecisive
— Hawkcloud is a warm and compassionate warrior, whose kindhearted nature makes her an energetic and spirited friend. Driven by her curiosity, the young she-cat is eager to learn and do her best - but can be lost in her airy thoughts and doesn't often take situations seriously.

✧°.☀ ——— relationships

Dawnflower x Redfur
Siblings: Foxtail, Tigersplash

extras ——— ☀.°✧

I don't have any plot ideas for her just yet... But I'm imagining her to be just a little stupid enough to get into plenty of trouble
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RIVERCLAN | Redfur x Dawnflower
She/He | AFAB

A chocolate/cinnamon chimera she-cat with high white and amber eyes

Broad shouldered and muscular, Tigersplash is a glowing representation of what a Riverclan warrior optimally would look like and to boot her fur is well maintained and glossy. The young she-cat takes a lot of pride in her appearance almost to a vain extent, she likes looking good and that effort she puts in pays off. Most of her fur is a dusky brown color which makes the patches of cinnamon stand out vastly; she very much looks akin to her name suited with the stripes and her large paws. She always seems to wear a cheery smile on her face always seemingly in a good mood through thick and thin, her eyes are a bright amber and shine with mirth.

  • Tigersplash is a born and raised Riverclan cat with a deep connection to the river itself, often she jokes in a past life she must've been a fish with how naturally she adapted to swimming it's lengths. She's proud of her heritage and is dedicated to being the best warrior she can be, it's rare to hear a word of complaint or defiance leave her lips whenever ordered by any of her superiors. Tigersplash does her best to know each of her clanmates, she's friendly and charismatic there's not a shy bone in her body and these traits of her stand out compared to her dear "little brother" Foxtail. She loves her littermates to death and will always hype them up, though annoyingly for them she takes being the "eldest" to heart regardless if it may be by only a few seconds. She looks after them as much as she can, she was deeply affected when they both were hurt and would've been with them and encouraging them every step of the way.
  • + Passionate + Courageous
    - Impulsive - Vain

    CON ●●●●●●○○○○
    DEX ●●●●○○○○○○
    INT ●●●●●●●●○○
    WIS ●●●●●●●○○○
    CHA ●●●●●●●●●○

    Tigersplash is full of personality, she started as a spunky overly excited and energetic apprentice with a infectious positive outlook and passion of every simple pleasure life had. Not much has changed from her apprenticeship she's only grown stronger and smarter; which couldn't always be said about her sure she can still be plenty dense at times but the warrior has a certain cleverness in the way she hunts and fights. She always strives to live life to the fullest and does her best to enjoy even the hardest days, she's a optimist to a fault and sometimes will overlook or internalize bad things that happen trying to quickly move past them and strive forward before she can mourn or allow herself to feel them.

    She's charismatic and friendly and easy to get along with, she likes to talk and will go out of her way to learn about her clanmates and befriend them. She's loving and staunchly loyal, she's a friend for life once her trust is put onto you. She's a good shoulder both to lean on and fight besides. She loves her clan and her clanmates with every thing she has and will fight for them until her very last breath and has no fear of jumping into the thickest of battles a war cry erupting from lips. She fights not with bloody aggression but a strong love for her people and the desire to protect them. She has a deep bond for her littermates especially and can be quiet overbearing towards them at times always wanting to make sure they are okay.

    She has a grand sense of self, she tries to be the best cat she can be and takes so much pride in her appearance and how she appears to others. She knows she's handsome and will flaunt it much to some clanmates chagrin. Tigersplash seems to be a hopeless romantic as well, she likes to casually flirt and has dreams of having a family of her own one day and mate(s) to adore.
