Jul 14, 2022

❆────༺ RiverClan Mass Adopt Sign-Ups ༻────❆

Hello, and welcome to the RiverClan Mass Adopt Sign-ups for Winter 2023, make sure to read this thoroughly before signing up! You have the option to set your slots as FCFS ( first come, first serve ; accepted by the RiverClan Official account ) or as application slots ( let people apply, and you pick who gets them! ).

The slots you sign-up with MUST be for RiverClanners only and not relations outside of RiverClan. The 'Connections' sign-up is for things like friends, previous mentors/apprentices and other non-family related relations!


❆ Relations Sign-up Form ❆
[b]Slots:[/b] #
[b]Relations:[/b] -
[b]Age/Aging Rules:[/b] -
[b]Genetics:[/b] [u]Must be realistic genetics provided by a geneticist.[/u]
[b]FCFS or Application?:[/b] -
[b]What Are Your Adopt Rules?:[/b] -
❆ Connections Sign-up Form ❆
[b]Connection For:
Relationship to character:
FCFS or Application?:
Short Description:[/b] Is this an estranged ex? A childhood friendship that fell apart? Give a brief description of what youre looking for / require.
[b]History:[/b] Clanborn, kittypet, Marsh group, Pine group?

Slots: 3 siblings & 2 parents
Relations: eelkit
Age/Aging Rules: 3 moons / realistic aging on the 1st of every month & parents can be any age, 24 moons or above!
Sire: SH charcoal rosette tabby (carrying solid, dilute)
Dam: SH blue smoke (carrying non-silver)

Kits can be black, blue, charcoal tabby, black smoke, blue smoke, or silver charcoal tabby
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits will have no white
- kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue
- charcoal tabbies will display rosette pattern
- charcoal tabbies will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver

FCFS or Application?: - application
What Are Your Adopt Rules?: - must remain active in riverclan! kits must have river/riverclan-themed names to fit with eelkit! no naming theme is required for parents! would prefer everyone to communicate in a family thread/discord chat for plotting! this will be a happy family! there should not be any major drama!
Slots: 1
Relations: @DAWNSTORM 's father
Age/Aging Rules: fifty-three, or older ( 12 / 04 / 23 ) aging realistically on the 1st of every month
Genetics: LH black ( carrying cinnamon, dilute )
FCFS or Application?: fcfs
What Are Your Adopt Rules?:
— semi-active character, 3-4 posts per month at best
— the name is up to the user before joining ( ex-ripple colony member ) and after joining riverclan
— triggering themes such as mental + physical abuse
— this character is cocky, harsh, aggressive, rude, confident, stoic and violent but puts on an act far different that what his son sees. he's prideful and downright nasty ( will provide a few examples if requested on past character actions against his son ), but you have free will to do anything with this information or change it, however, you see fit to better play the character !
— dawnstorm's tags
— short-term character ! i have a pre-planned plot for dawn's father that will be revealed upon acceptance if anyone is craving a short antagonistic character
Slots: 1
Relations: @DAWNSTORM 's littermate
Age/Aging Rules: twenty-nine ( 12 / 01 / 23 ) aging on the 1st of every other month

Sire: LH black (carrying cinnamon, dilute)
Dam: LH silver mackerel tabby w/ low white (carrying cinnamon, dilute, solid, non-silver)

Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, blue, blue tabby, blue smoke, blue silver tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, cinnamon smoke, cinnamon silver tabby, fawn, fawn tabby, fawn smoke, or fawn silver tabby
- Kits will be longhaired
- Kits can have no white or low white
- Kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- Tabby kits will display the mackerel tabby pattern

- black-based kits may or may not carry cinnamon; silver kits will carry non-silver; non-dilute kits may or may not carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid

FCFS or Application?: fcfs
What Are Your Adopt Rules?:
— semi-active character, 3-4 posts per month at best
— the name is up to the user before joining ( ex-ripple colony member ) and after joining riverclan
— dawnstorm's tags
— this can be a short-term or long-term character ! i have a pre-planned plot for dawn's father that revolves around this character which will be revealed upon acceptance if anyone is craving some family drama
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Slots: 3
Relations: @PIKESPLASH littermates
Age/Aging Rules: 47 moons, ages realistically the 10th of every month
Sire: LH black (carrying cinnamon, dilute)
Dam: SH silver mackerel tabby w/ low white (carrying cinnamon, dilute, solid, non-silver)

Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, blue, blue tabby, blue smoke, blue silver tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, cinnamon smoke, cinnamon silver tabby, fawn, fawn tabby, fawn smoke, or fawn silver tabby
- kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- tabby kits will display the mackerel tabby pattern
- black-based kits may or may not carry cinnamon; silver kits will carry non-silver; non-dilute kits may or may not carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid
FCFS or Application?: FCFS
What Are Your Adopt Rules?:
— Casual activity is fine, but at least the minimum post count to remain on the census is required. 2 months without any posting with no notice will result in the sibling being rehomed.
— There's no naming themes! Feel free to give them any name.
— All of them had been born as kittypets, so the backstory on how they joined Riverclan is up to you! At this point in time they would already have been within the clan for some moons and been given clan names.
— Pikesplash wouldn't recognize them or know who they are. Whether or not they reach out to tell him is up to you!
Slots: 3
Relations: SILKWORM X NPC, littermates to @CEDARBLAZE
Age/Aging Rules: 22 moons, ages realistically on the 17th of every month
lh blue with low white x sh brown classic tabby with low white (carrying dilute, solid, longhair)
kits can be black, blue, brown tabby, or blue tabby
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- tabby kits will be classic tabbies
- shorthair kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid

FCFS or Application?: FCFS
What Are Your Adopt Rules?: -
— Casual activity is fine, but at least the minimum post count to remain on the census is required. 2 months without any posting with no notice will result in the sibling being rehomed.
— There's no naming themes! Feel free to give them any name.
— Former ripple colony members prior to joining Riverclan, these kits do not know their biological parents but were raised by adoptive parents. They would have been part of the colony during the move from mountains and part of the beaver confrontation.
Connection For: @CEDARBLAZE
Relationship to character: Adoptive mother
FCFS or Application?: FCFS
Age: 40+ moons
Short Description: A she-cat who took in Cedarblaze along with her littermates when their biological parents had left them under the care of the Ripple Colony. Any personality and appearance!
History: Ultimately up to the rper, but Cedarblaze along with her littermates would have had an adoptive father. Said father is deceased. This character doesn't need to have been mates with the deceased tom, but it is welcome. Again, up to the rper!
Connection For: @CICADAPAW
Relationship to character: Rival
FCFS or Application?: FCFS
Age: 7 moons
Short Description: This character, ICly referred to as Sandpaw, has a long-standing rivalry with Cicadapaw after a bitter, brutal loss in a childhood spar. It's been established that Cicadapaw has beaten them in a couple of apprenticehood spars. Their relationship could go anywhere—friendly rivalry, straight-up enemies, and depending on dynamics, there is the possibility of rivals/enemies to romance. I do have some expectations for this slot! At least a handful of posts per month is expected; I reserve the right to rehome the slot after a month of no activity without notice. This character has been ICly referred to as a cream-colored AFAB cat named Sandpaw, but these details are open to change. Feel free to change name, gender, or appearance, and the personality is up to you.
History: Clanborn to two regular warriors. The exact circumstances are up to you, but they should have been born in the Clan around roughly the same time as Cicadapaw and had a play-fight turned sour (can be read here) that established the rivalry.
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Reactions: RIVERCLAN
( ) Slots: 2
Relations: coyotecreek (older brother) prairiesun, lambfang (nephew, niece)
Age/Aging Rules: - adult (20+ moons), as coyote is 40 moons.
Genetics: kits can be shorthair or longhair.
toms can be black, chocolate, cinnamon, red, blue, lilac, cream, blue caramel, lilac caramel, or apricot.
mollies can be red, cream, apricot, tortoiseshell, chocolate tortoiseshell, dilute tortoiseshell, lilac tortoiseshell, blue caramel tortie, lilac caramel tortie.
kits can have high, low, or no white.
kits with white can have blue eyes, kits without white can have any color eyes but blue
FCFS or Application?: - application
What Are Your Adopt Rules?: - no mean names, any personality welcome as long as they are realistic to riverclan's society
History: coyotecreek, then cowboy, was born in the horseplace and lived there for most of his life until he met wolf's howl, a colony cat. they eventually had kits, but wolf's howl died in the great battle right after the kits were born. cowboy ended up leaving horseplace to move to riverclan with his kits. a few moons later, his younger siblings followed.

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