RiverClan's Temporary Camp Plot ['23]


Jul 14, 2022

RiverClan's Temporary Camp
Alongside the gorge bordering WindClan's territory, the RiverClan cats have set up a temporary camp within the shroud of the Beech Copse to prevent passing moorland patrols from noticing them. The cleared out area has been fixed up with makeshift dens, built to be sturdy and not so much nice to look at as their dens back home. They have been broken down where the warriors sleep closer to the gorge itself to prevent any wandering kits from getting lost and stumbling into the roaring waters below. While within the Beech Copse cats are told not to return to the flooded camp for the time being and to hunt alongside the river closest to them instead. Beesong's herb storage has been tucked away in another den near the treeline, queens are expected to guard their kits especially well during this time and apprentices are forbidden from leaving alone without a warrior present alongside them.

Flood Timeline:
[x] Cicadastar mentions in a meeting to be careful as the river seems to be rising.
[x] Cicadastar leads a patrol up river to investigate why its rising.
[x] The camp floods seemingly overnight though shallow, panic has not yet set in.
[x] A scouting patrol is sent out to find a temporary camp further inland from the river.
[x] The apprentice's den collapses and RiverClan races to free them before they drown.
[x] The clan begins to cross the frozen river to reach the Beech Copse marked as their new temporary camp
& Cicadastar loses a life as the ice shatters beneath him.
[x] The clan arrive tired to the new camp.
[x] A Meeting held in the temporary camp tells of dogs at Sunningrocks and the promotion of Snakeblink & Cindershade to Lead Warriors.
[x] Otters attack the RiverClan cats who are too close to their holt in the Copse.
[x] Juniperfrost, a WindClan warrior, is killed by Hyacinthbreath at the border.
[x] & [x] WindClan attacks the temporary camp in two waves in retaliation for their murdered clanmate.
[x] Aftermath of the battle.
[x] RiverClan warrior Clearsight is discovered to have died in the fight. [x] His vigil is held in the middle of the Beech Copse camp.
[x] After a heated argument on loyalty, [x] Cicadastar holds a meeting to demote Buckgait who is pregnant and inform the clan to attack any trespassers on sight. He also asks the clan keep a lookout for their medicine cat apprentice Gloompaw [x] who has gone missing since before the WindClan attack.
[x] Howlingstar and ThunderClan come to stake their claim on Sunningrocks.
[x] With so few warriors able to fight back, RiverClan loses and retreats back to camp.
[x] Patrols are sent out by Smokethroat, one of which is to check their old camp and the river to see if they can return home.
[x] The Patrol finds the camp no longer flooded meaning soon they can return to their dens.
[x] The Patrol returns to inform the clan and [x] Cicadastar sends out another to work on cleaning the camp up in preparation for their return.
(The below two threads are listed for plot reference but do not count toward the badge.)
[x] Cicadastar inspects the camp one last time.
[x] The Clan returns home.
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