private ROADHOUSE BLUES — mintshade

There are clusters of new faces filling the medicine cat den as of late, with Chilledstar apparently having allowed the other clans to take refuge in ShadowClan territory until they could figure out how to tackle the rogue problem. Roosterstrut hadn't much of an issue opening his home to cats in need; what was bad for everybody else was ultimately bad for the marshlands as well. What if the brutes came knocking on their door next? Only time will tell.

Pale green hues drift wearily around the many bodies resting — or possibly tossing and turning — in the unfamiliar environment. They eventually linger on a solid black she-cat, which prompts his brain into rummaging around for distant memories. It struggles, more sluggish than usual, so Roosterstrut resorts to asking her directly, "Hey..." A faint moorland scent fills his senses; a WindClanner, surely. "Were you-" He turns his head away to cough. It seemed that some cats showcased more prominent symptoms than others, and Roosterstrut just so happened to be stuck with a bothersome irritation in his throat. "Were you a part of the Marsh Colony? You look familiar."

It is only moments later when the red tabby tom realizes that he has forgotten basic manners. He cleared his throat and shook his head before meowing, "'m Roosterstrut, by the way." Yes, of course, an introduction was probably in order wasn't it? He probably should have led with that in the first place, but then again, this sickness was making his brain all sorts of jumbled up.

  • @Mintshade
  • fTqY7b3.png
    —— he/him; warrior of shadowclan
    —— heteroflexible; single
    —— red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
Well, this was better than the badgersett and there was more company than just Moorpaw and the lingering scent of the cats who didn't make it. Mintshade still finds it hard to focus unless she puts considerable effort into it, but sleeping came much easier in the ShadowClan medicine cat's den than it did outside of WindClan's camp. The security of being close to other cats had been something she was wary of, having always had others present even when she was feeling especially prickly and antisocial. Loner life just never appealed to her in anyway, even if she decided to leave her clan she'd probably seek out another group because there was no fun in loneliness and the one thing that truly frightened her was dying alone. Death itself was hardly worth worrying about, but to die with no one there - no way to let those you cared about know - no way to pass down a final message whether it be a physical act or a cry of was terrifying. Mintshade had always been a cat who spoke openly and made herself heard, to die that way was a nightmare.
If a cat fell alone, did they make a sound?
A huff sounds, a wheeze of a voice, and she lifts her head begrudingly from the nest to glance around for the source. Who was this red fellow? She didn't detect any clan scent on him and then she realized a combination of her clogged nose and the fact he matched the den scent they were in meant she was just stupid. A ShadowClanner.
"Eh? Yeah, I was." Mintshade cleared her throat with a rasping cough, blinking back nausea, "'s Mintshade, was Mint...Soot's prettier sister~" A paw lifted to tuck under her chin and she batted her eyes in an irritating manner before breaking off into a series of hacking noises, "...I deserved that."
That same paw lifted higher, messily wiped at her nose before setting back down before her in a limp curl, "...don't recognize you but...prolly wouldn't recognize my own kin right now.." The world was a blur of colors and sound and she hated it right now.


  • 72262236_YEsG4z22LX7u0l3.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior (Moor Runner) of WindClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Solid black cat w/ acid green eyes.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai