camp ROAMING AROUND | intro


get away from me, you cannot be me! ‧。⋆
Jan 29, 2024
Wide eyes blink groggily, from his once peaceful dream. Sheepkit finds himself tucked warm and safe, near his mother's side. He turns his head looking up, towards his mother, he watches the slow rise and fall of his mother's flank. Ohh, she's sleeping, He blinks as he sees the peaceful expression on her face, he thinks she looks very pretty with nothing to bother her. He decides to let her sleep, until she awakens from her slumber. A charcoal colored mouth, stretches open letting out a yawn as he starts to lift his body up onto his paws. He slips from his mother's side and trots to the nursery entrance, where he pokes his head out feeling a cold breeze hit his muzzle.

Wonder bursts forth into his mind, he puts one foot in front of the other as he eventually was out the safety of the nursery. He bounces on his toes in excitement, plumed tail puffed up as he pads off on long limbs to go explore camp. The small, long legged ball of fluff takes off padding around the camp before pausing abruptly to look down at the ground. A forepaw poking at the white mound on the dirt. "Cold!" He squeaks out, tail puffing out at the freezing chill. His mama did mention it was snowing. But... What IS snow? He ponders the question in his head, settling down on he ground with a flop. He splays his legs outward, inky tail thumping the ground behind him. He thinks and he thinks. He scrunches his nose up, before evenually giving up! No, time to sit and think! Time to go EXPLORING! He scrabbles up onto his paws, turning away from the cold mound. Sheepkit pads off with a hum, to explore what camp as to offer him.

The messy furred kitten wobbles forward, glancing around camp looking for anything to do to state his boredom. He wants to meet some of the older cats, and ask them all about snow! But first is finding an older cat, hopefully with the answers to his silly questions about snow.

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  • no ref yet </3
    ✦ cisgender male ; HE / HIM ; kitten of windclan
    ✦ a longhaired black smoke with high white & blue eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, f8ede3"
    ✦ smells of early morning dew & windblown heather

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!
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Adjusting to being back in camp was difficult, but far from impossible. After spending so long away from her nest and the comforting familiarity of the moors, Rattleheart was grateful to finally be back where it felt like she belonged. Grateful that her friends and family were back as well, including the many vulnerable cats who had had their life in a complicated state of flux ever since the civil war within Windclan had begun. Elders who had wanted nothing more than a chance to relax in their later moons, and mothers with their kits that they were desperately trying to merely keep safe, let alone comfortable. It was wonderful to see the nursery filled again with the sounds of little kits and laughter, and see so many of them running eagerly after their parents, so teeny that they were hardly bigger than their mothers' paws.

In a stark contrast to her usual plans, the tunneler had decided to finally take a moment to just rest and take everything in, long tail wrapped around her paws and pale gaze surveying the camp that was slowly being rebuilt. The snow made it difficult to do everything with the efficiency they all might have wanted, but things were already starting to look more like before. Or maybe even starting to look like something better than before - a new future for them all, free of Sootstar's influence. Her influence on any of them, but especially absent of her influence on the youth that would make up Windclan's future.

It took only an excited squeak from nearby to drag her from her thoughts, looking over towards Sheepkit and chuckling when she saw the joy and excitement in the similarly black and white kitten's eyes. Rattleheart didn't bother resisting the urge to pad over to him, one slim limb reaching out to prod lightly at the kit's side and tumble him over into the snow. "First time seeing the snow then, little one? It's usually cold like this, but it won't be long until it's melting." It was surreal, thinking that it would only be about a moon or so before newleaf would be gracing the moors with its presence. Just yesterday it had felt like it was ages away, only for the war with the loyalists to snatch away time so fast that it was practically right on their doorstep.
Sheepkit twists his body around to blink at the big cat padding their way towards him. He tilts his head to the side, before he goes tumbling over onto his back into the snow with a small surprised- but happy mewl. "Yes! Snow is very... uhm.." He struggles to find the words to say. He knows the word, he's trying to find. He puffs out his cheeks in frustration feeling all huffy at his problem. The kitten lifts himself up, twisting his body around to sit on his haunches. He cranes his neck up, blue eyes squinting at the black and white pelt of the bigger cat.

Tall. He flicks a large ear, as he squeaks out. "Snow is fr..eermm- chilly!" Voice going in a higher-pitch at the last words. He feels pleased at his choice of words he managed to speak out. He ponders this moment, sitting with his long hind-legs flopped out in front of him and his charcoal dusted paws planted solidly in between them. Long inky tail sweeping behind him, pushing up more snow. "But, I don't want snow to go away!" He whines out, towards the bigger cat. Snow is cool! He doesn't want the snow to disappear FOREVER! Blinking blue eyes up at the tall big cat, he opens his mouth to speak again. "Who's you?" He meows out, with a curious tone.

  • //
  • no ref yet </3
    ✦ cisgender male ; HE / HIM ; kitten of windclan
    ✦ a longhaired black smoke with high white & blue eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, f8ede3"
    ✦ smells of early morning dew & windblown heather

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!