ROCK LOBSTER || mud monster defense squad

Every time she was near the Windclan border, she stopped to make one. It was a quick process, and she was a professional, after all. Two mud monsters were already waiting for her, each one as mud monstery as the ones she made in camp. But they had to be SCARIER than those. They were here to fend off Windclan! Along the way she had collected as many bramble branches as she could to make her creations battle ready. Pine cones could easily be found, they were all over the place. But brambles were found a little further in, so she had to come prepared.

With a mischievous giggle, she began to weave the brambles into a patch, ignoring the pokes and jabs. She's gotten quite good at weaving, and it is serving her well as she continues making what would be one of the monsters armor. They already had splintered sticks for arms jutting from them towards the thunderpath so that if anyone came over they would get jabbed, now they would get jabbed even more!! With one last tug, the patch of bramble is done. She places it on top of one of the monsters and beams.

Yes.... A perfect creature. Now, the other one needs something to make it look intimidating as well. And so, with the pine cones readily available around her, she began putting them on the second monster as close together as possible. Yes... They are perfect!

She beams with pride at her creations. Surely with time, this border will be IMPENETRABLE.

(( @DOGFUR mentor tag! and @mottlepaw because they asked to be tagged!))​
She could not believe her eyes, as she watched just how much time Garlicpaw wasted doing... basically anything but what she was supposed to be doing on a patrol. She needn't be an apprentice for long to know that this was pretty much a useless skill. And her mentor lets her... do this? Well – it was Dogfur. Applepaw thinks that she would rather have Granitepelt as her mentor than the resident clan mouse - brains.

" Garlic...paw. " She nearly calls her a kit. What she's about to tell her sister is out of love, so she could hopefully save her from being made fun of, or torn to shreds by Sootstar before Garlicpaw can realize that WindClan would likely not care about these... things. " Don't you have... more important things to do? " The look she gives her is bordering on pleading. Please tell me you do actually have more important things to do. With Dogfur as a mentor, she couldn't be sure.

  • ooc: unfortunate mentor tag... </3 @GRANITEPELT
  • 66721833_Y30FuX2hxpmoxlp.png
  • ( I'M OBSESSED WITH THE MESS THAT'S AMERICA. ) APPLEPAW. kit of shadowclan. eldest sister to swankit, valeriankit, and garlickit.
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others
    —— currently 5 moons old as of 9.3.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.
  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette

"clearly not." a light grimace crosses her features as she is forced to percieve those atrocities that are beginning to line their border, each one more bizzare than the last. of the kits that came from halfshade garlicpaw was certainly the odd one out amongst her siblings and this little spectacle is a prime example of why. "perhaps she needs to spend a little longer inside the nursery." geckoscreech rumbles out, clearly unamused by the child's antics before brushing up against the bark of the nearest pine. she wonders if dogfur will say anything about it but considering who he is, he might just encourage it and start building right alongside garlicpaw while going on about something idiotic. oh stars, they were just two whiskers on the same muzzle.

  • ✎ . . .
  • to be added.
  • to be added.


As autumn paws ambled towards Windclan’s border, Wheatpaw couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of deja vu. Yes, she remembered this same situation playing out in camp not so long ago, though with the principal offender being smaller then. However, one way the present had not differed from the past was that the wanderer was yet again sticking up for the strange cat.

“I, for one, think they are lovely.” The statement was ever so slightly disingenuous, but not in a malicious way. It was more like when a parent says their child’s macaroni art was so stupendous it deserved a place of honor on the fridge. An exaggeration, but an encouraging one nonetheless. And while Wheatpaw did not think of herself as a mother (and Garlicpaw was certainly not her child), she couldn’t see what was so wrong with letting a little creativity trespass on Shadowclan territory.

The Somali lookalike was worried enough about the sickness, so the idea of distracting herself was a welcome one indeed. “The young can give us new ideas” She responded to Geckoscreech, wording an intentional attempt on Wheatpaw’s part to distance herself from a cat only a few moons her junior. “And if it fails, well…Windclan might just laugh themselves to death before they get the chance to attack you all.” The wanderer snorted, breaking her composure for a split second before looking to the artistic genius behind it all.

“Perhaps there is a future in construction for you?” Wheatpaw wondered aloud, letting the imaginary future construct itself in her mind with a soft smile. “With weaving skills like these, it is doubtless you would be useful at something. Could a reinforced bramble wall around camp be the legacy of Garlicthorn, master builder?”
➼ Nightswarm has mixed feelings about these so called mud monsters lining the border between Windclan, they aren't sure if they want to laugh at how tremdounsly ridiculous it was and how the apprentice was spending the patrol or place a paw over their face to shield them from the secondhand embarrassment they were receiving. Mainly due to the fact that this the future of Shadowclan that's training to be a warrior and yet... Here she is making these atrocious creations near Windclan border, they will admit that they'd possibly be startled at it upon first sight but then grimace and wonder what exactly Shadowclan is teaching their youth. Both Applepaw and Geckoscreech spoke their thoughts so they needn't add onto it, one of their ears flicking as they brushed onto the surface of a tree.

Their snout wrinkles for a heartbeat listening to Wheatpaw praise Garlicpaw for her misshapened muddy creations and Nightswarm quirks a nonexistent eyebrow before speaking "They're certainly... Interesting." Nightswarm decides to say. Yeah, interesting. Hopefully, Garlicpaw would learn that these mud monsters could not truly protect her or she'd be torn into itty bitty pieces by their neighbors.
She is accompanied by her sister at first, always one to look at her funny. It never bothered her, she never thought much of it. For all she knew, that was just her face. She gives Applepaw a bright smile, just as always.

"I am doing something important!" She chirps. "We were checking the border, and then we were going to try hunting again!" She says.

When Geckoscreech comes along, she begins to get the feeling that she is doing something wrong. Her ears flick back, its the first time she's perceived an insult. She's not sure how to handle it yet. She feels a tightness in her chest that she's never felt before. Thankfully, Wheatpaw comes along and supports her wonderful artistry, bringing back her smile. She doesn't catch that Windclan laughing at her monsters before they can attack could be taken as an insult, which is probably for the better. The suggestion of becoming GARLICTHORN, THE MASTER BUILDER is far more interesting to think about.

"You're right!! I'm good at weaving and could make it so nobody gets through the walls!" She chirps. She could be the BEST builder. She could turn camp into an IMPENETRABLE FORTRESS. In fact, she couldn't wait to get started. She had a new goal, and it was going to be ACCOMPLISHED. She is grateful for Wheatpaws support and will not forget her kindness. And Nightswarm thinks her monsters are interesting! She feels so supported!!​

He's laughing, he's laughing long before he even properly gets there because he can hear the strained and stiffling voices of his clanmates and just barely sees the lumpen piles Garlicpaw had assembled at their border. Skunktail can barely breath, wheezing, huffing, his laugh if a cackle of a noise like birds screeching warning of a predator and he feels actual tears in the corner of his eyes begin to form.
What a delightfully horrible little apprentice, he adored her and her nonsense.
The black and white tom comes to a stop next to his brother, leaning into Nightswarm for support as he tries to compose himself enough to speak, "Oi, they're great! We should put them on every border!" The other clans, or at least the ones bordering them, would think them all lunatics with too much time on their paws and would not even dare to pick a fight in face of such insanity. Pitchstar, he thinks, would certainly approve of this. Pitchstar might have approved of it too much and forced them to keep them up on the daily, near the end of his life he was certainly a tom capable of coming up with just as ridiculous things; the stars help him. He finds himself agreeing with Wheatpaw somehow.
"I think she's got quite the future in building, could use some cats who do more than skulk about miserably and whine all day. Breath of fresh air, I'd say. There's a name idea for Chilledstar to consider for you actually...Garlicbreath, has a nice ring to it don't you think kit?"

chilledstar is quick to press against their mate in a quick greeting before looking at the muddy mess that garlickpaw is making. they shiver, the idea of so much mud being on them making them roll their eyes. gross. disgusting. and this was hardly apprentice behavior. oh, but, the poor girl was just trying to play. with leaffall here, and leafbarw approaching ... who knew when she'd have a chance to do anything else but train with dogfur? and when she's a warrior? stars. they blink dully at skunktail, yawning at the name suggestion before sitting and cleaning their fur very carefully.

"suuuure. i will definitely take that into consideration, skunktail."

hardly. they didn't actually care that she was making a mess, or a mud... thing... so long as their fur didn't get messy as a result. she wasn't hurting anyone. she was just being a kid.
Granitepelt is not far behind his apprentice, and his smile is so mocking it drips ridicule. “Oh, she’s doing exactly what she’s capable of, Applepaw,” he says, his ears flicked forward. “A task worthy of a real ShadowClan apprentice, clearly.” To his Clanmates who encourage this waste of time and energy, well… he no longer expects better of them, truth be told. He longs to tell them all exactly how WindClan would invade them once the time came—through their secret tunnels, pouring close to ShadowClan’s camp and bypassing the Thunderpath altogether—but of course, he can’t do that.

Instead, the young warrior scoffs and flicks Applepaw’s flank with his tail. “Let’s go. We have more important things to do.

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg
  • Nervous
Reactions: APPLEJAW
Dogfur is proud of the attention his apprentice manages to pull with her bizarre mud-creatures guarding the border. Of course, he does not discourage her on every outing, even taking some time to pause and allow her to finish up their creations before heading along to the rest of their training. There is something about that that makes Dogfur happy—the kitlike behavior and joy over something so silly soothes a part of his wretched, torn soul.

He does not defend her, only merely listens to his Clanmmates gather round and make their remarks. He is surprised that none of them have reprimanded him yet for allowing it to happen, and his teeth curl up in a crooked grin when Chilledstar, ever so stoney and grim, only mutters a sarcastic bite to Skunktail.

He watches Granitepelt go, and then he shudders, leaning down to Garlicpaw. "Instead of building a new one when we come back, we ought to make your current ones larger—so they look almost like a real cat! That will stop any Clan from ever thinking of invading ShadowClan from afar—just think of how the Clans would balk and gape when they see ShadowClan cats at every turn of darkness—" He wheezed.