rockabye — dovepaw


you are worth it all 07/30/23
May 30, 2023
if it's meant to be , it'll be .

Lime optics crinkled, nudging Dovepaw in the correct position, trilling softly as the black-and-white tom stumbled, righting himself with a sheepish expression drawing a laugh from the other. “Shhhh.” He’d coo, tail flickering to brush his apprentice’s shoulder, encouraging the other. “You’re alright.” He’d add as Dovepaw shuffled, expression hardening in concentration.

Honeywish circled the other, humming in approval. “See! There you go!” He chirped, watching Dovepaw’s expression morph into one of glee, bright unfeathered laughter bursting from the dull-eyed apprentice, bringing a smile of his own to darkened lips, optics softening. “You’re getting better! Maybe we can try that battle tactic you’ve been struggling with so much? You’ve gotten that hunting crouch of yours down, I’d say.” He mused, his helm cocked.

“Let’s see–” Tapping his chin, Honeywish hummed. “What are two things you’re proud of? And what’s something you can improve on?” He inquired, urging his apprentice to think, hoping these simple conversations would improve Dove’s self-esteem. Of course, it was a work-in-progress, but Honeywish will take what he can get to his overworking apprentice, still jittery and fearful of the forest, but growing stronger and his heart soared, brimming with uncontained happiness and pride.

Claws tapping the ground, Honeywish expression beamed, perking up. “Perhaps we can test those ears of yours.” Tapping Dovepaw’s torn ear with a curious twitch of his whiskers. “Before we can do so—” He began, expression serious. “Do you trust me?” A question he always asked before doing something he knew would send Dove into a frenzy of panic, something he learned early on when he was assigned to him. A mistake I do not wish to repeat. “Remember, sweetheart—” He began, sitting on his haunches, gesturing towards the other who stumbled over, optics curious as he leaned into his mentor’s side, Honeywish letting out a puff of laughter. “Trusting someone … it is a delicate matter. One you shouldn’t take so lightly.
It is not given offhandedly, but something one must earn. To stand beside them in battle and to know they have your back as much as you have theirs. Now—”
He reached, tapping the other’s nose. “Oh–! Pardon me!” He laughed. “I rambled a bit, didn’t I?” He pulled away, optics soft and welcoming.

“Now!” He gestured towards the foliage that surrounded them, offering protection against the sun’s harsh rays. “Shall we?” He offered with a questioning flicker of lime-colored hues, helm titled.
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you want a battle ? i'll give you a war .
Dovepaw was skittish by nature, especially since the badger attack, sinking further into himself until he was a shell of his former self. He figured it was more of a compliment than it was a curse, quieting down with soft-bitten lips, holding back his bubbly nature to settle deep within the darkest parts of his mind until he was certain to crumble away.

He was scared. Even if it had been a while since the attack, jerking with panic-stricken hues at the slightest of noises that his brain didn’t register as prey, but Honeywish was so so kind to him, urging him, but not pushing him, letting him think and gather his bearings before moving onto the next.

He liked Honeywish. The warrior was a security blanket, something Dovepaw hadn’t been aware he needed until after the attack, seeking his soothing, lemony aura without meaning too like a kit grappling for its mother's nipple in need of milk.

At Honeywish’s familiar words, Dovepaw hummed, brows furrowed in thought. Despite his mentor’s praise, Dovepaw noticed far too many things he needed to work on than what he was proud of. He wondered if that was his lack of self-esteem talking, but he was so so inferior compared to the other apprentices. He wondered why Howling kept him around when he could barely hunt, no less protect the clan from troubling forces.

“I–” He paused, voice unsure. I don’t know. He slumped, expression defeated. “My stance was still off-balanced.” He murmured, cringing. I can’t even do that right. He sighed, helm low until Honeywish hummed, resting a paw against Dovepaw’s helm, ruffling his fur, grounding him until his breath filtered through quivering lungs without a hitch, welcoming the familiar scent of the forest and its occupants. “I’m not sure—” He finally muttered, expression guilty. What did he do right? Honeywish tsked, shaking his helm but offering a kind smile as if to say ‘that’s alright - slow progress is still progress my apprentice’ and that alone eased his tense muscles.

Trust? Dovepaw frowned. He trusted Nightbird. She had dragged him back to camp. Why wouldn’t he not trust her? Blinking questioningly, helm cocked.

He wondered, blindly if his clan would help him, even if he was worth more than a dead flower that wilts. There for a moment and forgotten once it lost its beauty. He paused, unsure. He trusted them, but he doubted they trusted him for anything that significant. Glancing up at his mentor, rambling becoming a familiar, steady drum. I trust Honeywish. He thought with such convection. He trusted his mother. He trusted Chickadeepaw. He loved them. He loved them so much it hurt.

Nodding his helm, Dovepaw clambered to his paws, optics curious. “I trust you.” He repeated like so many times, reassured that Honeywish would look out for him, just like Dovepaw would do the same.

With that, Honeywish ushered him into position as he headed further away, concealed by the foliage until nothing but the sounds of nature remained. His tattered ears swerved, picking up any sounds his mentor might make, giddy.
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