rockefeller center | rta, skating


Green eyes squinted at the light reflecting off of bright white snow, sunny days like these made it impossible to see anything far away. Catfishleap couldn't complain too much though, at least the sun warmed her feathery fur. Her and some other cats had been tasked with some hunting, most of the cats had stayed a little more inland but the silver torbie had somehow made it down to the edge of the frozen water. She stopped for a second to regard the ice. With the sun out it seemed that some of the snow had cleared away from the ice and now just left a dark sparkly mirror. Small snowflakes still dazzled the top and those were mostly drawing the molly's eyes in. Then she noticed some movement, her tail thrashed and her eyes quickly honed in on it. Straight across from her on the other side of the bank sat a little chipmunk. Catfishleap paused for a moment, not wanting to do anything stupid. She knew the dangers that ice posed, Cicadastar had proven that moons ago, she was small when it had happened and it had caused a fear of the leaf-bare river. But, the water had been frozen for a good time now, and the clan needed food.

She methodically placed a single snowy paw down on the slick surface. Then a second paw, and another one until she was a otter's length from the safe bank. Her ears were pricked, both for cracks of ice and for the chipmunk that still cleaned it's ears on the ground. She had braved the middle of the river and was now just a little ways from the prey. Her body curled up like it always did before the final blow but as she went to shoot forward her feet didn't catch. Instead of landing a clasping jaw around the rodent she slipped straight into the snowbank it had been sitting on. She tried to shake the snow off her head as she popped out of the bank as quick as she had slipped into it.

A small laugh escaped her as she went to investigate what went wrong, forgetting the now gone prey. She crouched down on the surface of the ice, pretending that she was going to pounce on some sort of land prey, as she went to jump though her feet once again didn't catch and she was sent flying across the ice. Now she was fully giggling as she slipped and slid along the ice, even throwing in a couple of bounces and jumps to be sure she was getting as much speed as she could as her paws slid frictionless across the river.


I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — Having been acquainted with water for most of her life, Swiftfire knew well just how gorgeous it could be when it froze over. It would gleam endlessly when the sun was high in the sky, enough to blind but also enough to light up the entire world around it without fail. The warrior loved it, although she wasn't blinded to the dangers that it presented. The Ripple Colony had had their own casualties in the past regarding cats falling through the ice, condemned to a freezing death that she wouldn't wish upon her worst enemies. It made her naturally cautious in the leafbare moons, each pawstep slightly hesitant as she made sure the ground beneath her was solid and not just a phantom lulling her into a false sense of security. The situation was often even worse after it snowed, leaving where the actual land and water was muddied and confused until the flakes were brushed away.

This all was why she had been cautious following after Catfishleap and the rest of the hunting patrol, each step slow and calculated as she lifted her muzzle to the air to search for the scent of prey. At first she didn't even notice Catfishleap slipping away from the crowd, far too focused on the task at hand to wonder whether straying towards the water would be a better idea. It was only after a while of trying - and mostly, unfortunately, failing - to catch anything that she noticed the others absence, punctuated by the sound of cheerful laughter in the distance. At least it didn't sound like anything horrible was happening, considering Swiftfire had had far more than enough of awful events lately, but it didn't exactly sound like hunting, either. Her curiosity got the best of her, leading her out towards the frozen water that the younger warrior was practically dancing around on top of.

At first the sight made her heart leap into her throat with anxiety, though she soon realized that the ice seemed to be having no trouble at all with keeping Catfishleap out of the freezing water below. "Hey Catfishleap, what are you d-" Swiftfire didn't get the chance to finish her questioning, one step out onto the ice sending her crashing down onto the surface of it. She groaned as soon as her chin collided with it, slowly pushing herself up in an effort to not go sprawling again. "Well... at least you're having more fun than me." It took a moment before she worked up the bravery to try and replicate the other's actions, claws digging lightly against the ice before she pushed herself forward. She nearly went sprawling at the sudden movement that came after, though this time she managed to right herself, laughing alongside Catfishleap as she went slipping along the smooth surface of the ice.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    38 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed