Jun 6, 2022

    A ThunderClan shp litter

    Roeflame’s story begins in the heart of the swamps, a product of young love between a marsh colony queen and a tom from the pine colony. She was born under the name Toraline. When the two colonies erupted into war, Toraline’s mother began to fear for her kits safety and thus, shortly after the Great Battle had occurred, she left Toraline and her two littermates on the border of the newly founded ThunderClan in hopes of giving them a better life outside of the swamps that would later become ShadowClan. Sadly, Toraline was the only kit who would be found. Unwilling to reveal her birth name, she was renamed Roekit by the clan that took her in and she was adopted by the clans medicine cat at the time, Cinderfrost.

    Burnstorm was borne out of true love. A union much like Roeflame’s between cats of two different colonies. His mother, Little Wolf hailed from the marsh group and his father, Blazestar was a kittypet who would later go on to join the Pine Colony while searching for the raven-furred warrior he had met in the woods that one fateful night. He and his siblings were born with a paw in two worlds, constantly traveling between SkyClan and ThunderClan in order to live with both of their parents, as their father had chosen to step up to lead the newly formed SkyClan, and his mother couldn’t bare to leave her family behind in ThunderClan.

    Our two stories converge after an eventful apprenticeship for both cats. Tragedy plagued both of their young lives and they were eventually pushed together by the death of Burnpaw’s mentor, Emberstar. He was reassigned to Flycatcher, who also trained Roepaw and the two became fast friends while learning how to hunt and fight for their clan. Roepaw found herself drawn to her fellow apprentice after he had saved her life countless times and Burnpaw had begun to fall for her in turn, though he was much more oblivious to his feelings than she was. Soon, they became Roeflame and Burnstorm and after many moons of pining the two finally would go on to confess their feelings for one another in the very same swamplands that their parents had been born in.

    Our story continues from this point. Now mates and soon to be parents, Burnstorm and Roeflame will be tackling this challenge the same as any other before it. Together.

    • This litter is not first come first serve! Applications will be closed and kits will be chosen on 03.14.24 and the birth date will be 03.16.24 in order to give rpers time to create their accounts. Kits will age up to 2 moons after their birth and age realistically every month on their birth date. Upon being chosen, rpers will also be added to the family discord.
    • These kits will follow realistic genetics as provided in the next tab. Birth defects are permitted but please ensure that they are researched thoroughly and played accurately and sensitively.
    • These kits will be born into ThunderClan and should not leave unless plotted with myself and Noor
    • Please refrain from using sad names or giving these kits sad backstories. Roeflame and Burnstorm will love these kits unconditionally
    • All activity levels are welcome, but after one month with no activity and no warning, Noor and I reserve the right to rehome your slot.
    • Feel free to apply with any form as long as the basics are all there

    slot one​

    slot two​

  • Tnu6FpZ.png
    Sire: LH black (carrying chocolate, point; 50% ragdoll)
    Dam: LH cinnamon silver ticked tabby (carrying non-silver, solid, point)
    Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, chocolate smoke, chocolate silver tabby, seal point, lynx point, smoke point, silver lynx point, chocolate point, chocolate lynx point, chocolate smoke point, or chocolate silver lynx point

    – kits will be longhaired
    – kits will have no white
    – non-pointed kits may have any realistic eye color barring blue; pointed kits will have blue eyes
    – tabby kits will display the ticked tabby pattern
    – kits will be 25% ragdoll and may display breed traits
    – kits will carry cinnamon; silver kits will carry non-silver; tabby kits will carry solid; non-pointed kits may or may not carry point

    Burnstorm is gen 3 | Roeflame is gen 2 | Kits will be gen 4
  • 4fW1ka8.png

    Cricket, Beetle, Bee, Wasp & any other insect based names : For Flycatcher, her former mentor
    Tempest, Fire, Burning, Onyx, Obsidian : After their father
    Bright, Shimmer : In honor of Emberstar
    Frost, Pine, Blizzard : In honor of Snowpath, Roeflame's first friend
    Juniper, Raspberry, Mint : In honor of Berryheart
    Ragwort, Seed, Aster, Flower, Root, Hop, Frog, Creek, Stream : After Roeflame's siblings
    Oak, Bracken, Bramble, Green, Sycamore, Owl, Forest, Bird, Fern, Thorn : After ThunderClan, who took her in as a kit
    Lion, Eagle, Stone, Bear, Lightning, Elk, Jay : Names Roeflame considers strong & resiliant, a reflection of what she wants for them
    Dove, Pool, Ash/Ashen, Dawn, Morning, Feather, Raven, Violet, Rose, Ivy : Names Roeflame likes / views as positive
    Silver, Ebony, Smoke, Dust, Mist, Black, Spotted : Appearance based names

    Absolutely nots : Shade/Shadow , Cinder , Dew , Robin, Soot
  • zJ9LlGO.png
    Deer, Fawn, Stag, Buck, Velvet, Muntjac, Hart, Elk, Amber, Onyx, : after Roeflame
    Bug, Beetle, Ant, Gray, Silver, Honey, Berry, Breeze, Gale, Bright, Glow, Flare, Fire, Little, Lion : After important figures in his life
    Black, Smoke/Smoky, Brown, Big, Heavy, Copper, Dark, White, Sorrel, Flail, Fidget, Long, Loud, Swirl, Tawny, Tall : Appearance or personality based names that may be given upon birth.
    Aspen, Bark, Birch, Timber, Bramble, Bracken, Badger, Owl, Hawk, Squirrel, Forest, Grove, Cypress, Larch, Leaf, Maple : After ThunderClan

    Absolutely nots : Cinder or anything related, Blaze or anything related (excluding names that are on the list for Emberstar), Truffle, Howl, Firefly, Snow, Boar, Sky or anything related, any name currently in use in ThunderClan
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✧ Jay; strong and resilient name for what his mothers aspires him to be // kit for rank in the clan
✧ AMAB Cisgendered Masculine; androsexual demiromantic monogamist
✧ 2 months old and ages every 16th
✧ Kitten of Thunderclan

✧ single
✧ no any offspring
✧ attracted to masculine presenting folks // easy to form friendships // difficult to form romance
✧ BURNSTORM x ROEFLAME ; siblingst to TBD
✧ friends TBD
✧ dislikes TBD


✧ hobbies/quirks/mental illnesses

✧ what are they like in battle? will they run, or start a fight? will they finish fights? will they kill if necessary?
✧ do you allow any sort of powerplay? ( healing, peaceful etc )
✧ ❝ speech
✧ penned by [you!]
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Tawnykit has the distinct pleasure of being the perfect mixture of both her parents. Roeflame's delicate features have grafted themselves onto her daughter's face, her doe-ish eyes front and center in the most unfortunate shade of sky-blue (while her kitten-blue eyes as a young child are nondescript, it is unmistakable as an older cat exactly which pointed predecessor she has inherited her irises from.) Burnstorm's hefty build makes up the kitten's body, her plush fur masking taught muscle and perhaps a smidgen of pudge as she gets older.

With a diamond face and a square-ish body, Tawnykit strikes quite the interesting balance of being both intimidating and handsome as she grows up. It is fortunate that her personality matches her haughty impression - a meeker cat might have gotten permanently lost underneath all that fur!

Borne to two parents with such notable titles in ThunderClan society, it seems only fitting that Tawnykit would make her mark on the world as being big-headed. Her parents? Lead warriors. Her grandfather? A leader. Her great-grandmother? A current leader. Her grandmother was a hero of the entire forest... should she go on? She was born to be great. She was borne to lead, which means you, hypothetical kit or apprentice who has stumbled into her line of sight, will have to do whatever she says all day.

Tawnykit is imperious beyond belief - perhaps even to the dismay of her parents (maybe Burnstorm and Roeflame would want a daughter who would insist to their leader that she deserves nothing less than the deputy or leader as a future mentor, but I think I would die of embarrassment!) Even her siblings are not safe from their sister's bossy ways, as she is prone to throwing fits (or paws!) if she is not properly accommodated in her requests. Yes, she will be given her warrior first and that is FINAL. She will also be getting first dibs on her great-grandfather's moniker, since she is the wisest and brightest of them all.
  • As an apprentice, Tawny's big-headedness will morph into a sort of "mean girl" mentality as she will try to gain a small clique of friends that she will deem "acceptable" for her to hang out with. Not just anybody can chill with a future leader of the clan, obviously.
  • Obsessed with appearances and convinced of her stature in clan society, Tawny will often put herself out there in social settings (borders, Gatherings, etc) though she will usually lead with "obviously, I don't need to tell you who I am..." and become very put-out when her unsuspecting companion very much does not know who she is.
  • Unusually high level of code loyalty is present in this one. Instead of feeling as if she is "above the code" like so many of her nature do, Tawny will grow up being a bit of a narc instead. Don't let her catch you eating a morsel before every queen, kit, and full elder are given seconds, you'll be reported right to the full council!
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Name Meaning: Named after ThunderClan | Alternative Names: Morningkit, Ivykit, Seedkit, Glowkit, Flarekit
Parents: Roeflame x Burnstorm, Gen 4 | Siblings: Littlekit, TBD
Gender and Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her | Sexuality: Undecided, Too Young
Appearance + Genetics Longhaired chocolate silver ticked tabby she-cat with eyes (25% ragdoll, carrying cinnamon, non-silver, and solid)

(Sprite was made using the Full Genetics mod by Chinch Bug in the Clangen discord, and their modified version of Catmaker by Key, also in the Clangen discord. May add a colored base ref later, but no promises - coloring is hard...)

Selfless | Kind | Emotional | Naive | Pushover
Blurb: Forestkit is kind and generous, always looking to help others. She is selfless, always willing to put herself into danger or take the fall for others, and generous, willing to give away things to others if she thinks they need or want it more. She can be a bit of a pushover, however, as well as naive - allowing her kind nature to be exploited by others. She can be very emotional at times, and she wears her feelings on her sleeve - she struggles to hide them.

> Theme Color is Eucalyptus #50C878
> Takes the fall for a littermate after they do something bad.
> Her trusting and naive nature is taken advantage of, resulting in her getting injured, making her reevalute herself.
> An arc of trying to become more assertive
> Struggles a bit after putting her foot down for the first time, seeks comfort in her parents and/or siblings.
> Feel free to choose one of the alternative names for me if you choose another Forestkit!
> Potential warrior names: Forestberry, Forestbriar, Forestleaf, Forestcloud, Forestfall, Forestfern, Forestflower, Forestblossom, Forestbloom, Forestheart, Forestpoppy, Forestshine, Forestsong, Forestwish, Forestwillow, Forestrain, Forestdream
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Cries at my cat count as I immediately hit track

Chocolate smoke bby

Would Aphid or Katydid be allowed for Flycatcher themed name? :3

Maybe a pun-loving silly Billy who can’t take anything seriously to save her life
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Track ooooooh


fernkit | fernpaw | fern____
name meaning: dedicated to thunderclan (alternative name: Asterkit)

female [afab] | she/her

romantic unknown | sexual unknown | too young

LH Black smoke ticked tabby; carries cinnamon, solid and point | ref
Fernkit is a whirlwind in both personality and appearance. She is fluffy and often has fur sticking out in all directions due to her always running and tumbling. She has a black smoke coat and bright amber eyes. Her tail is long and plume-y (when she gets older) and her ears are also large.
accessories none
smells of moss

optimist | boisterous | confident | blunt | stubborn
Fernkit is the life of the party, often riling others up in the process. Her loud and cheerful attitude can be both endearing and grating, though she can't necessarily tell who feels what about her. She will tell it to you how it is, and probably with a lack of tact. She is leader of the pack, taking charge and rallying her fellow kits in a myriad of "attacks" against her clanmates. Once she gets an idea in her head, it's very hard to shake her from that idea.

Roeflame x Burnstorm | gen 04
sibling to: undecided
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ALT ;; CREEK-KIT,, MINTKIT ; open to surprise names!

Beetlekit will grow into an average height stocky tom with serious eyes but a joyful nature. At birth, his pelt is starkly similar to Roeflame's, the silver undertones and ticked tabby pattern. However, as he grows older, his pelt will darken into that chocolate pelt. Blue eyes are settled against a darkened masked face. Soft tabby markings start and stop at the top of his legs, true to the ticked tabby pattern.

Beetlekit would have been named after the 'shell' upon his back (the ticked tabby marking), alongside after the former Deputy, Flycatcher. Beetlekit will grow into every inch of his name, becoming stocky and strong, akin to a shield. Speed will not be his friend, but his incredibly defense will be shocking to enemies and plentiful in need in the coming moons.

KIT - LOVING, BOLD, ABRASIVE. Not much thought in his head before 3 moons- but as he grows closer and closer to his apprentice age, he'll become quite impatient. It's likely in his idle state that Beetlekit would begin his rivalry with someone. Picking fights will be something akin to second nature for Beetlekit, likely to butt heads with the mass of kits sure to grace Thunderclan soon.

APPRENTICE - LOVING, BOLD, ABRASIVE, SHORT-TEMPERED, CURIOUS. During his apprenticeship, alongside the driving rivalry, Beetlekit will grow more sour in nature. He'll likely stick to one or two close friends, and want to resist training as much as possible. He wants to explore the territory and protect his family and siblings, but will have a tough time actually putting thought and energy into learning and becoming a strong warrior- he thinks he may be able to just charge through it all without learning. (Refer to two plots below: Rivalry and Training)

Towards the end of his apprenticeship, he'll realize that him not learning will be a big issue. He's not necessarily wise, but perhaps something big happens that kickstarts him into realizing he actually needs to listen to his mentor.

WARRIOR - LOVING, BOLD, ABRASIVE, CURIOUS, HARD-WORKING. He'll have struggled and just passed his way into warrior-ship. This being said, Beetle will at this point become serious about his role in the clan. He's not going to take hand-outs and work to becoming someone that his parents, his siblings, and his clan can all be proud of. He'll still have much to learn, especially in the social department where he's still friends with only one or two cats, but he's willing to make up for it.

NOTE // I may change his personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.

  • FEAR // Losing family. He fears this like any other kit or loved family member would.
  • FEAR // Funnily enough, he'll fear some bugs earlier in his life. Maybe an incident/run in with a biting fly or something as a young kit.
  • FEAR // Snakes. He'll have a deep-seated fear, for unknown reason- of Sunningrocks and the snakes there.
  • INSPRIATION // His parents. Lead warriors in their own respect, both with a mantle. He feels as if he had big paws to follow up in, and while unsure about it, wants to reach the same level as them.
  • INSPRIATION // Other clan's and their attacks. He's not spooked or afraid of them, he's infact of the opinion he could body them and bury them in their own soil to follow it up. He'll have to learn to 'stick to a plan' otherwise it goes badly for him.
  • INSPRIATION // Those who wear scars. He'll want to hear their stories, no matter how stupid or how silly it may seem, all the way to the ones who wear theirs with pride.
  • GREENS // Will be sticking to green colors for much of his early childhood and looking forward! Going to have a 'spring' feel to them: a period of ever-lasting growth and development.
  • FULL MOON - RARE AMERICANS // I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die, I don't wanna be alone tonight, It's a full moon
  • DEAN WINCHESTER - SUPERNATURAL // This is a complicated one. The bold, brave, kind of stupid forefront, but deeply emotionally complicated, cold, and punch first ask questions second headspace is kind of what I'm going for. Mixed with, of course, what I have written in the stepped ages section of this application.
  • RIVALRY // I'm looking forward to a LONG and deep-seated, deeply burning rivalry. It could end either way- rivalry to lovers, rivalry to enemies. I don't know yet. I am sure, at the least, the competitiveness of this rivalry will eventually lead to injuries, wasted energy, and possible damage to something in camp. A couple of fights, spats, what have you.
  • TRAINING // Because of both Rivalry and how he feels overall, he may be held back in his training or even lack in areas he should really be strong in.
  • BUG FEAR // Bro's afraid of bugs. It's gonna last throughout his entire life. I can't help you there.
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alt;; raspberry, little, muntjac, am open to surprise names!

note: if chosen for this litter, colors on reference are likely to change slightly (more vibrant stripes and paler non-stripes)

Dovekit's eyes never quite change from that deep blue that's most commonly associated with eyes opening for the first time, those that went on the journey could associate the color with the deep blues of the sundrown place where the light from the sun as it went down didn't quite touch the water yet. Their fur is most akin to feathers, long and soft with bits that stick out from legs and fan out like bird's wings. Symmetrical on both sides their body is covered in a soft silver color, a pale brown going from all four ankles up to shoulders and haunches, rounding out at the top while the same pale brown wraps around Dovekit's face and covers the tail. A vibrant brown stripes through the tail, limbs, and face, covering all four feet and both ears as well while a slightly less vibrant brown covers the top of their nose and wraps around their ears.

personality is subject to change due to rp circumstances

As a kit Dovekit will be very inquisitive, asking as many questions as possible so that they can get to know and understand what's going on around them. At this time if they were to learn about their SkyClan heritage their feelings on it would heavily depend on how those around them act. If it's seen and told as something negative then they'd hate it and grow to despise it, potentially causing spats at the border with SkyClan once an apprentice due to the deeply rooted hatred for that part of themself, while if they were told that it was something from love and not something to be ashamed of then they'd grow to think it interesting or cool instead of resent it, though either way Dove would strive to proof themself to be ThunderClan through and through despite the SkyClan blood within them. As they grow this could change depending on ic interactions.

As an apprentice, Dove wants to be the best ThunderClanner in the world. They'll be cocky and flaunt that their clan is the best clan at the borders and at any gatherings that they're able to go to. They'll grow to be stubborn as well with the thought that their ideas are the best ideas, so if things don't go the way they want them to or they get spoken over it's not uncommon to see Dove moping in silence for the rest of the day or getting snappy at those around them when they're pushed too far. They will follow the orders of the lead warriors, deputy, and leader at the time as they want to be like them and will often agree with them out loud and be a bit of a suck-up towards them, though if there is something that is said that they don't agree with the loud agreement is less-so and instead they'll stew in their own thoughts.

Depending on what happens in rp there are a couple ways Dove could go for adulthood, whether it be the uber-loyal ThunderClanner, the leap before you look type, or many more options. No matter what they'll be in the constant state of stubbornness and potential hot-headedness that they grew up with, but as an adult will not be so quick to lash out at others. It was a learning process.
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