Roeflames brutally honest heartchart

Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

Reply with your character(s) to see how the gremlin feels about them!

Granitepaw? Well to start of with- [redacted][redacted][redacted], to put it short. I don’t really know what I ever did to him, he’s probably compensating for the attention he definitely doesn’t get, or he’s just a [redacted]. Which would make sense ‘cause he’s [redacted][redacted][redacted]. He doesn’t even have any good insults- I’d like to hear him call me small when no one’s around to save him!

Who? Oh. Screw that guy.

Oh, that one’s a little harder. I don’t really know how I feel about him still. It’s hard seeing him where mama used to be- still would be if things had been different. He’s helped me with my no-breath a lot, even if it took a little trial and error. I like to think he likes me- he’s one of the only cats who’s never looked at me weird because of who my mother was- is. He has a good heart, things just turned out wrong.


If there’s anyone I trust with my life, it’s Berryheart- I mean he’s saved it enough times by now. I know when I was younger we had a rocky beginning, but I also know he never meant any harm, he gave me my space when I needed it and helped me no matter what. He has all of my respect, and honestly? He’s one of my most reliable friends.

Wolfwind I haven’t talked to much, but she’s pretty funny in my opinion- even if she’s a little unhinged sometimes. Maybe if we had been closer in age we would’ve become friends!

WOLFWIND - 2023 /
Oh, Wolfwind? She’s hysterical! She has her moments- like when she doesn’t read a room all that well- but she’s a respectable warrior nonetheless. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so effortlessly confident, other than me of course. She deserves to be on Howlingstars council, and I’m happy to call her a friend, she’s always cheering me on.

Flamewhiskers pretty cool. She’s a kick-ass warrior, and Flycatcher seems to really like her- and she’s always been really nice to me, even if I haven’t been the most deserving. She was the first one to go looking for me at snake rocks apparently! Yeah, she’s pretty nice.

We don’t talk much, but that’s okay, I still think she’s pretty great- even more so now that her and Flycatcher finally got together. Growing up she was the warrior you aspired to be. Fierce, confident, loyal, courageous, and that hasn’t changed even though I’m a warrior myself now. She’s a great role model and I’m happy she and Flycatcher found their happiness together.

I always liked Emberstar, especially when I was a kit and she’d come play with me, she was one of the first cats to make me feel accepted here spare for mama. She even saved my life once, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for her. Still, I don’t think I can ever forget the day she banished Cinderfrost, she was so… cold, and serious. It was almost haunting. No one will explain to me why, I know that she and mama had a fight once and mama won but… no one will even talk to me about her. I might just have to figure it out myself, I miss liking Emberstar, and I miss spending time with her.

To be honest? I miss her. A lot. Looking back, it’s bittersweet to realize that she had been looking out for me, even when I thought she was working against me. I regret not being able to thank her, for everything. Howlingstar is an amazing leader, but Emberstar will always hold a place in my heart. I hope she’s resting easy up in the stars now, and that she knows how much good she left behind in all the cats she helped.

Flycatcher! That guys hilarious. I know he’s a lead warrior so he needs to be all big and serious- but I know he secretly loves my jokes. Plus- I keep him on his toes and his life interesting, he’s honestly the lucky one here. On a more serious note he’s always been kind of my rock I guess, even when my world is chaotic and confusing, at least I know he’ll always be there with his worldly wisdom and whatnot. It might not seem like it, but I actually have a lot of respect for him. He’s pretty alright- but if any of you goblins ever tell him that I’ll end your bloodline.

I don’t know where I’d be without Flycatcher. I mean sure, sometimes his level-headness and all gets obnoxious, but it’s also saved my tail a pawful of times. He was more than a mentor to me, even if he doesn’t know it. It’s nice to have my independence and be my own warrior, but I do miss our training together, especially after Burnpaw joined. I won’t be gushing my feelings to him anytime soon, but maybe we could catch a meal together again, I feel like there’s so much I need to tell him about.

When I think of resilience, Little Wolf is probably one of the best examples I can think of, and she was Rags mentor, and Rags adored her. We aren’t close or anything but I respect her a lot, and if it weren’t for her I wouldn’t have my best friend around, so I guess I’m pretty thankful for her too!

Burnstorm? Well he’s my best friend. I honestly can’t think of anyone who’s stuck by my side as long as he has except for… never mind.
He keeps saving my ass, which is a little obnoxious but only because it’s starting to get embarrassing. He’s let me cry on his shoulder, and when he looks at me it feels like… I dunno, like there’s no one else there but us. I’ll never stop trying to pay him back for everything he’s done for me, but it’s getting a little scary, after everyone I’ve lost I don’t want to risk him, I can’t risk him- he’s the only one who makes me feel like I’m not a walking disaster. That’s normal, right?

Howlingstar was someone I avoided for a really long time after Cinderfrost was exiled, and I think she did the same, I noticed her wariness around me, and for awhile I resented her, I think. Yet, funnily enough she was the one who could tell me the truth about Cinderfrost, and I know that wasn’t easy for her. She doesn’t look at me like she once did, which I’m happy about, and now that I know everything, all I have is respect for her. She’s a good leader, but not just that, she’s someone I can wholeheartedly trust.

Stormywings pretty cool, she’s daring and funny, and despite the misunderstanding with my branch, she’s someone I could absolutely see myself being friends with- if I didn’t blow it with my breakdown. I don’t blame her for it, I think I’m the moment I was just scared and grieving. Anyways, I hope she doesn’t think I’m holding a grudge or anything, maybe I should ask her to hang out sometime- we could climb a tree or something.

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